Department of Marketing & Management
PO Box 3011
Commerce, TX 75429-3011
Texas Tech University
Selected Publication PDFs Available:
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Short, J. C., Randolph-Seng, B., & McKenny, A. F. (in press). Graphic presentation:
An empirical examination of the graphic novel approach to communicate business concepts. Business Communications Quarterly.
Randolph-Seng, B., & Gardner, W. L. (in press). Validating measures of leader authenticity:
Relations between implicit/explicit self-esteem, situational cues, and leader authenticity.
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
Randolph-Seng, B., Reich, D. A., & DeMarree, K. G. (2012). On the nonconscious antecedents of
social identification: Ingroup salience, outgroup salience, or both? Social Cognition, 30, 341-355.
Mitchell, R. K., Randolph-Seng, B., & Mitchell, J. R. (2011). Dialogue: Socially situated cognition:
Imagining new opportunities for entrepreneurship research. Academy of Management Review, 36, 774-776.
Randolph-Seng, B., & Norris J. I. (2011). Dialogue: Cross-understanding in groups: How to "cross
over" without "dying." Academy of Management Review, 36, 420-422.
Randolph-Seng, B., Casa De Calvo, M. P., Zacchilli, T. L., & Cottle, J. L. (2010, December). Shared
cognitions and shared theories: Telling more than we can know by ourselves? Journal of
Scientific Psychology, 25-35.
Randolph-Seng, B. (2009). The (mis)management of agency: Conscious belief and nonconscious self-control. Behavior and Brain Sciences
, 32, 532-533.
Nielsen, M. E., Williams, J., & Randolph-Seng, B. (2009). Religious orientation, personality, and attitudes about human stem cell research. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 19, 81-91.
Hung, J.-L., Randolph-Seng, B., Monsicha, K., & Crooks, S. M. (2008). Computer-based instruction and cognitive load. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12, 207-212.
Randolph-Seng, B., Nielsen, M. E., Bottoms, B. L., & Filipas, H. (2008). The relationship between ethnicity, Christian orthodoxy, and mental health. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 11, 795-805.
Randolph-Seng, B., & Nielsen, M. E. (2008). Is God really watching you? A response to Shariff and Norenzayan (2007). The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 18, 119-122.
Randolph-Seng, B., & Nielsen, M. E. (2007). Honesty: One effect of primed religious representations. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 17, 303-315.
Randolph-Seng, B. (2007). The automatic consequences of religious priming. The Journal of Dissertation, 1.
Randolph-Seng, B. (2006). Doing programmatic research: Two case studies from social psychology. The New School Psychology Bulletin, 4, 73-90.
Academic Book & Magazine Publications:
Randolph-Seng, B., & Mather, R. D. (2009, September/October). Does subliminal persuasion work?
It depends on your motivation and awareness. SI: The Magazine for Science and Reason, 33, 49-53.
Randolph-Seng, B. (2008, September). On becoming a theorist in psychology. APS Observer, 21, 39-40.
Nielsen, M. E., & Randolph-Seng, B. (2005). Psychosocial covariates of religious groups. In C. B. Fisher & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), The encyclopedia of applied developmental science (Vol. 2, pp. 925-927). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Other Publications:
Randolph-Seng, B. (1999). July 24 – August 23 (for the world of believers). Metaphor, 18, 58.
Randolph-Seng, B. (1999). The hope of street dew (for Starr). Metaphor, 18, 59.
Experimental Computer Programs:
Data Analysis Computer Programs: