Demand versus Quantity Demanded


In each of the following, are we describing a change in demand, or a change in quantity demanded?  Be able to illustrate graphically!  (Note:  where more than one product or service is mentioned in a question, focus on the one that is underscored.)


1.  The State of Texas raises tuition by 10%.  As a result, enrollment in Texas colleges and universities drops by 5%.


2.  Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico raise their tuition rates by 20%.  Consequently, enrollment in Texas colleges and universities rise by 8%.


3.  A new study (widely reported and believed) indicates that potato chips cause liver rot in laboratory mice.  As a result, potato chip sales fall by 22%.


4.  The price of gasoline rises to $3.00 per gallon.  Immediately, sales of large SUVs fall by 14%.


5.  Spring break finally arrives.  Bookings at Padre Island hotels rise by 88% (over the previous month).


6.  Consumer incomes rise by 10%.  Consequently, sales of normnuts fall by 9%.  (By the way, are normnuts misnamed?)


7.  A technological breakthrough drops the price of hoopies by 23%.  Sales of hoopies rise by 2%.  (Jumping ahead:  what does this indicate relative to the price elasticity of demand for hoopies?)


8.  The price of compact disc players falls by 12%.  As a result, sales of the players increase by 17%.


9.  The price of compact disc players falls by 12%.  As a result, sales of CDs rise by 15%.


10.  Supermodel Cindy Crawfish says that she really goes for guys who wear Stinky Splash.  Sales of Stinky Splash surge by 88%.