Money Creation



Explain the process by which the bulk of the U.S. money supply comes into existence.


What single feature of the U.S. banking system enables depository institutions to create money?  Explain!


What assets of banks serve as legal reserves?


What are the major asset categories of a bank?  The major liabilities?



What variable determines the size of the (maximum) money multiplier?  Mathematically, what is the relationship between the autonomous spending multiplier (from Keynesian macro model) and the money multiplier?


What are the factors that decrease the size of the money multiplier, i.e., what are the factors that cause the actual money multiplier to be smaller than the text formula size?


If the Federal Reserve increases reserve requirements, what is the resulting impact on the size of the money multiplier?  On the money supply?





Sample Multiple Choice Questions



Which of the following assets serve as legal reserves for a bank?

a) Treasure bills, bonds and notes

b) Vault cash and deposits at the Fed

c) Currency (coins and Fed. Res. Notes) only

d) All financial assets of the bank

e) None of the above






Which of the following is true of the money multiplier?

a)      It indicates the multiple (of its excess reserves) by which an

      individual bank can make loans and create money

b)      It is the reciprocal of the reserve (requirement) ratio

c)      Given a reserve requirement ratio of 10%, it (the money

multiplier) would have a value of 5.

d)      The more currency that the public holds, the larger the

      money multiplier


Banks create money when they (Note: may be more than one answer)

a)       make loans

b)      buy government bonds

c)       receive cash deposits

d)      retire loans

e)       sell Treasury bills


If you deposit a $50 bill in a bank that has a 10% legal reserve requirement, that bank will:

a)      have $50 of excess reserves

b)      be capable of lending out an additional $50

c)      increase the money supply by $50

d)      have $45 of additional excess reserves

e)      be capable of lending an additional $500