Money and Banking



What are the three functions of money?  Be able to describe/recognize each.


What is M1?  Generally, what types of balances are included in M1? Specifically, what items are included in M1? What is the largest component of M1?


What items are included in M2?


What is a money market deposit account?


Are credit cards money?  Debit cards?

 Why or why not?


It is said that all our money today is “debt” money.  Explain!  Debt of whom?


What “backs” money in the U.S. today?


If money is not backed by gold or some other

precious material, what gives it it’s value?


What is the relationship between the value of the

dollar and the price level in the economy?


What is meant by the concept “demand for money” ?

What factors determine the quantity of money that the public desires to hold?


Assume that there is a surplus of money in the economy—that there is more money available than people desire to hold.  How would the economy react to such a condition?  Explain the process.



What are the major functions of the Federal Reserve?



Relative to the Fed’s Board of Governors:

  How does one become a member?

  How many members?

  How long is the term on the Board?

  What are the restrictions on membership?


Relative to the Federal Open Market Committee:

  Who are the members?

  What are its functions?




Sample Multiple Choice Questions


John Dapper Doe has a new Mercedes.  He says that his new set of wheels is worth $88,000.  This is an example of money serving as:

a) a store of value

b) a unit of accounting

c) a medium of exchange

d) a standard of deferred payments

e) a barter item



Which of the following would be included in M1?

a) saving account balances

b) money market mutual funds balances

c) CD balances

d) money market deposit account balances

e) NOW account balances.