Positive v. Normative



Indicate whether each of the following is a positive or a normative economics statement.  How do you determine which?


1.      The U.S. Treasury ran a deficit of $157.7 billion in fiscal year 2002


2.      As a result of past budget deficits, the U.S. public debt now stands at $6.45+ trillion


3.      The government needs to balance its budget


4.      Between January 2000 and March 2003, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost more than 4000 points—that is, it went down by more than one third.


5.      The Dow has been doing really bad.


6.      The Federal Reserve did not lower interest rates at either of its last two meetings.


7.      Considering the shape that the economy is in, the Fed should be lowering interest rates.


8.      Bill Gates made the Forbes list this year as the world’s richest person—he’s a multi-billionaire


9.      Nobody needs or deserves that much money


10.  Commerce needs some new and better restaurants


11.  As the price of gasoline rises, people respond by buying less of it, though not that much less.


12.  It is not fair that oil companies should get rich just because we need gasoline to drive to school


13.  It also is not fair that students who study more make higher grades than those who are too busy to study.


14.  Demand curves slope downward to the right


     15.  Other things the same, the more you eat, the more you weigh.