The Multiplier



Given an equilibrium level of income, the multiplier indicates the size of the change in aggregate income resulting from a permanent increase in the level of any autonomous spending component,


that is  DY  =  m  x   DI   


   where  DY = change in aggregate income


           m = the multiplier


          DI = change in investment


Note:  the same formula applies to a change in government spending (DG) or a change in

the level of autonomous consumption (DCo).


The formula for the multiplier is:



   m  = 1 / 1 - MPC  




   m = 1 / MPS



The easiest way to work a multiplier problem is to find the MPS, convert it to a fraction,

and then take the reciprocal.


Special Note:  If the problem gives you the MPS, stay there.  If it gives you the MPC,

then convert to the MPS, recalling that

1 - MPC = MPS.




Practice Problems


  1)  Given:   MPC = .8

                 DI = +10 bil

                 DY = ?



  2)  Given:  MPS = .25

                DI  = -5 bil

                DY  =  ?


  3)  Given:   C = 20 + .8Y

                 DI = + 15 bil

                 DY = ?



  4)  Given:   S = -18 + .4Y

                DCo  = + 5 bil

                DY  =  ?


5) Given:  Consumers are spending 80% of their incomes to buy goods and services.  Now, the level of investment increases by $8.2 billion.  What will this do to the level of aggregate income in the economy?  Explain!


  Hint:  How, exactly, is the MPC defined?

         Do we have those elements present

           in the given of this problem?


6) If a $10 billion increase in autonomous consumption raises the level of aggregate income by $40 billion, then it may be concluded that the MPS in that economy is ___________.  Explain.