Economics 231 – Key Concepts (Unit I)


(By the end of the first unit, you should know/be able to:)


Distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics


Distinction between positive and normative economics


Distinction between stock variables and flow variables


Distinction between nominal variables and real variables


Nature of “the economizing problem”


Role of opportunity cost in making choices/decisions


Role of sunk costs in rational decision-making


Major determinants of demand for a product/service


Major determinants of supply for a product/service


Distinction between “demand” and “quantity demanded”

      What causes each

       How to illustrate each graphically


Distinction between “supply” and “quantity supplied”

       What causes each

        How to illustrate each graphically


How markets resolve shortages/surpluses


Meaning/characteristics of an “equilibrium” price


Effect of a change in demand (or supply) on price and sales


Effect of a legal price ceiling placed on a product

     at a level below equilibrium

     at a level above equilibrium


Effect of a legal price floor placed on a product

     at a level below equilibrium

     at a level above equilibrium


Meaning/significance of concept of elasticity of demand


Use of graphs to illustrate direct/positive relationships


Use of graphs to illustrate inverse relationships