Supplemental Sources


(Note: Most contain essentially the same material found in  text:

usually  presented  somewhat  differently  -  sometimes  in  more    

detail,   sometimes  less,  sometimes  using  different   graphical

schemes, etc.  Consult on as-needed basis.)


Andrew Abel & Ben Bernanke, Macroeconomics (Addison Wesley).


Alan Auerbach & Laurence Kotlikoff, Macroeconomics: An Integrated Approach (Southwestern).


Robert J. Barro, Macroeconomics (Wiley).


Gary Clayton & Martin Giesbrecht, Macroeconomics (Harper & Row).


William Branson & James Litvack, Macroeconomics (Harper & Row).


Richard Froyen, Macroeconomics: Theories & Policies (Macmillan).


Fred Glahe, Macroeconomics: Theory & Policy (Harcourt Brace).


Robert Hall & John Taylor, Macroeconomics (Norton).


Sherman Maisel, Macroeconomics: Theories & Policies (Norton).


N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics (Worth).


Joseph McKenna, Aggregate Economic Analysis (Dryden).


George McCandless, Macroeconomic Theory (Prentice-Hall).


Lawrence Meyer, Macroeconomics: A Model Building Approach (Southwestern).


Roger Miller & Robert Pulsinelli, Macroeconomics (Harper & Row).


Jeffrey Sachs & Felipe Larrain, Macroeconomics in the Global Economy (Prentice Hall)


Edward J. Shapiro, Macroeconomic Analysis (Harcourt Brace).


Myron Slovin & Marie Sushka, Macroeconomics for Managers (Prentice-Hall).


Kenneth Weiher, Macroeconomics: Aggregate Theory & Policy (West).