Texas A&M University-Commerce

Department of Secondary and Higher Education

ETEC 581 – Digital Video & Audio Production and Applications for Instructional Settings



Course Description

            This course is concerned with digitizing video and audio for use in multimedia and web applications.  Emphasis is on advanced knowledge and skills for digital video/audio production, compression, and digitizing from traditional media.

Prerequisite:  ETEC 562 (Introduction to Instructional Media) or permission of the instructor.


Term:              Spring 2004                           Credits:          3 hours
Section:         001                                         Call Number: 11815

Day:                 Monday                                     Time:                7:20pm – 10:00pm

Location:           Education South – Rm. 125 (ETEC Advanced Lab)


Instructor:     Dr. Jason Lee Davis

Office:               Education North – Room 114

Phone:              903-886-5598                                         FAX:     903-886-5603

E-mail:              Jason.Davis@tamuc.edu

URL:                 http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jdavis/

Online URL:       http://online.tamuc.edu/

Office hours:      See website for current instructor schedule.  Other times by appointment.


Textbook(s) (not required)

Although no text is specified, you may choose to acquire any text related to digital video and audio production or specific to the software used in the course. (Software TBA)  This is optional as a wealth of on-line resources, as well as software tutorials, are readily available.


Course Goals and Objectives

            Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to…


1.       demonstrate an understanding of basic digital principles.

2.       demonstrate an understanding of the typical vocabulary applied to digital video and audio technology.

3.       describe resolution and how it relates to audio and video production and presentation.

4.       demonstrate an understanding of the crucial role played by sound, sound editing, and sound delivery in multimedia applications.

5.       demonstrate an understanding of the various processes and equipment used in the recording of sound and video.

6.       understand the basic steps required to process and record sound for multimedia applications.

7.       recognize, describe, and use different media file formats.

8.       demonstrate an understanding of video editing, delivery, and how video is employed in multimedia applications.

9.       understand the basic steps required to record video for multimedia applications.

10.   create a PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio and video components.


Requirements and Assignments

Vocabulary Activity – 20%:  Students are to examine the Technology Applications Standards relating to digital video & audio (Standard X), and identify 10 unfamiliar or misunderstood terms.  From these terms, a master vocabulary list will be compiled in class.  This list will be utilized for activities throughout the semester.  Details will be discussed in class.

Multimedia Project – 50%:  Students will be required to participate as a member of a project development team to produce a multimedia presentation making use of dealing with an educational theme.  The theme of the project will be assigned by the instructor.  A number of video and audio production activities may be included in the multimedia project.  The details of the project will be discussed in class.

Project Presentation – 15%:  Multimedia projects will be presented to the class by the project development team.  Each member of the team must actively participate in the presentation process.  The presentation is intended to allow the presenters to outline their production process and identify factors considered in, and influencing, that process rather than simply showing the finished product.

Participation – 15%:  All students must contribute to classroom and online discussions.  All students must be active participants within their respective project development teams.


Assignments MUST be submitted by due date.  Full credit cannot be earned by late, incomplete, or poor quality work on assignments.  10 percent of the assignment’s credit value will be deducted for each class day it is late.  The instructor reserves the right to reject any assignment submitted after its deadline.


Evaluation and Grading





Vocabulary Activity:




Multimedia Project:




Project Presentation:











59% or less


Class Schedule

A tentative class schedule will be maintained on the class’ public website, accessible via the instructors’ homepage.  It is advised that the refresh/reload button is clicked upon each visit to a class page to ensure that the most recent version of the page is displayed.  The schedule is subject to change throughout the semester to accommodate and adjust for the progress of the class, unforeseen events, etc.  Check for modifications frequently.  This is the student’s responsibility.


Regular class attendance is very important.  Class participation requires that students be present.  Class discussions and group activities that take place during class cannot be made up.  If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor in advance, to contact class members to find out what occurred in that class and to make up that work, and then to check with your instructor for any additional assignments.  For computer work, it is your responsibility to check for compatibility if you wish to use computers other than those provided in the lab.  If you have any questions, contact your instructor.  No make-up exams will be given.


Accommodations for Disabilities

Students requesting accommodations for disabilities must go through the Academic Support Committee.  For more information, please contact the Director of Disability Resources & Services, Halladay Student Services Bldg., Room 303D, 903-886-5835.

Student Conduct

All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conductive to a positive learning environment  (see Student’s Guide Handbook, Policies and Procedures, Conduct).


The classroom is NOT the place to make and receive personal phone calls.  This distractive activity is extremely disrespectful of the instructor and other students and is disruptive to the classroom environment.  Cell phones may not be used during class and should be turned OFF upon entering the classroom.  Emergency exceptions must be approved by the instructor prior to the beginning of class.  Violation will result in significant loss of participation credit.

Scholarly Expectations

All works submitted for credit must be original works created by the scholar uniquely for the class.  Auto-plagiarism:  It is considered inappropriate and unethical, particularly at the graduate level, to make duplicate submissions of a single work for credit in multiple classes, unless specifically requested by the instructor.  Work submitted at the Graduate level is expected to demonstrate higher order thinking skills and be of significantly higher quality than work produced at the undergraduate level.  Writings must exhibit correct form, style, and grammar and demonstrate the student’s ability to communicate clearly and effectively in the English language.

Featured Technology

Some of the hardware and software featured and utilized in this course is:

§         Dazzle® Digital Video Creator™ 150 Hi-Speed

§         Canon® GL1 Digital video camera

§         Panasonic® OmniMovie HQ and Reporter VHS video cameras

§         Adobe® Premiere® Pro 7.0

§         Pinnacle® Studio 8

§         Canopus Imaginate

§         Adobe® Audition


Additional References


International workshop on network and operating systems support for digital audio and video: NOSSDAV.  Proceedings of the … International workshop on network and operating systems support for digital audio and video. New York, NY: AMC Press. [Internet Holding] [On-line] Available: http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/procedings/series/nossdav/


Lozano, J. (1997) Multimedia: sound and video. Indianapolis, IN: QUE E&T/Macmillan.


Luther, A.C. (1997) Principles of digital audio and video. Boston, MA:  Artech House.


Techniques (periodical)


Educational technology (periodical)



Rev. 02/16/2004