Ashley Murphy (left) and Krystal Teale (right) made t-shirts for this event ("CSW 2007"). For her project, Murphy studied the A&M-Commerce filming crew ("Fly on the Set"). Teale ("The Other Side of the Desk") did, according to her abstract, "an in depth study of a history teacher at Quinlin High School."

Ashley and Krystal again . . .

Instructor: Maryann Whitaker











In "Nursing: Is it Worth It?," Christopher Holt (above) examined the literacies associated with his chosen major, paying particular attention to the various texts mediating patient behavior in the lobby and, especially, the complex texts required of nurses (in their communications with doctors, in their attempts to avoid malpractice). (Instructor: Andi Miller)


Deene Michelle Smith's "Funfetti Gifts: Behind the Fun" explored the various "texts" owners and employees must negotiate "behind the scenes" of this candy shop in Dallas, Texas (where she worked for a number of years)

Instructor: Maryann Whitaker

LeDecia Rorwett's "The Thinking Behind Inking" (shown above and to in the photo to the right) explores tattoos from the perspective of the tattoo artists.

LeDecia again, sharing the artifacts available in her research portfolio.

Instructors Jonne Akens (left) and LeAnn Nash (right) rest after setting up and before the event begins.

For her project ("Plentiful Markings") ethnographer Brittany Boykin examined the itself as "text," especially as that text is "read" differently by different "readers" (the tattoo artist versus the tattooed, the person without a tattoo and the person who wants a tattoo).

Instructor: LeAnn Nash

Sharon Draginis, "A Question of Christianity" explores the literacies associated with the Mormon faith, paying particular attention to the ways in which the texts upon which Mormon faith is based overlap with the texts defining her own experiences with Christianity. (Instructor: LeAnn Nash)

Daniele Amos setting up before the event. Her ethnography, "Athletic Training and Females in the Field," examines the specialized literacies involved with entering the field of professional athletic training. (see abstract for additional details) (Instructor Lauren Glenn)

In the "spirit" of literacy scholar Beverly Moss, researcher Candace Mayes's "Text Importance in Church" explores the ways texts are used in her church (and what makes these texts important the activities of the church). "I explore particular choices in translations of the Bible, gospel music as text, church bulletins as informational texts (Barton and Hamilton), and different points-of-views, ranging from elder members of the church to young worship leaders" (abstract). 

(left): closer look at the artifacts collected for analysis

(above): the entire display

Instructor: Lauren Glenn

Jennifer Fults's "Gym or Gem?" explores the subculture of physical education.  Drawing from Fults's observations of a kindergarten child with speech delays, this ethnographer attempts to connect the benefits of physical interaction with the improvement of social and educational learning in such an environment.


English 102: Online (Instructor: Brandi Davis-Westmoreland)

Brittany Rust, "The Literacies of Time Warner Cable"--an ethnography about how literacy functions within Time Warner Cable and how it varies within different settings.

Most students enrolled in Brandi-Davis Westmoreland's English 102 online could not attend because none lived close enough. But these students were "celebrated" anyway, creating handouts for her to share with visitors.

Mrs. Westmoreland created this display, featuring her students interesting work. Please see the abstract for more specifics about their projects.

Ethnographer Josh Paroski (far left) examined the "drawing power" of the 35 year old church The Lord's House of Prayer. Along with his research portfolio and write up of his ethnography, Josh "displayed" the church's pastor (third from left) and his younger brother/church member (second from left). Chuck Okagbue (right) researched the literacies associated with the day-to-day work of a high school football coach (Chuck's career goal is to coach football).

Instructor: Maryann Whitaker

Pastor of The Lord's House of Prayer and key informant in Josh Paroski's ethnographic project.

More photos to come! Please return soon!