CSci 151                                                             Spring 2015

                         Lab Assignment 2: Arithmetic

Develop a C++ program to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 
Use your leomailName(e.g. jVonNeumann, not lab2) as the source file name. 
Attach this file to an email sent tom.brown at the domain on or 
before Thursday 12 February. Include our course code (i.e. CS151), your 
leomailName, and the assignment number (i.e. 2) in the subject of this email.

   Define integer variables for these explicit operand names: addend and augend,
   sum, minuend and subtrahend, difference, multiplier and multiplicand, product, 
   dividend and divisor, and quotient and remainder. 

   Prompt and input the operand values:
      [Example inputs:
         addend? 9
         augend? 5
         minuend? 14
         subtrahend? 6
   Compute and assign results to variables named sum, difference, product, 
       quotient and remainder; that is code statements such as:
       sum = addend + augend;
       difference = minuend - subtrahend; 
       product = multiplier * multiplicand; 
       quotient = dividend / divisor; 
       remainder = dividend % divisor;
   Output a title line and labeled results for the sum, difference, product,
       quotient and remainder. Example outputs:
       Arithmetic Operations:
          sum: 14
          difference: 8
          remainder: ...
1. Class exercises provide background and examples for this assignment. Our 
   Webpage has links to program examples and other resources (C++ Tutorial) 
   that may be useful. It is recommended that you analyze and implement the
   exercises and examples. By adapting fragments of these examples to the 
   problem to be solved, it should be possible to obtain a correct solution.
2. For term definitions, try your favorite search engine.     
3. To maximize points earned, submit a "deliverable product" when due.