Practice Exercise:  Control Structures(selection) 

   Be able to employ the if, if...else, if...else...if 

   The general form for the if statement is: 

         if (expression) 
            statement ...; 
         else ...;  

   Compound statement blocks are surrounded by {}.   

1.  Simple if statement: Given that an variable item named workHours has been
    initialized or input, determine whether it is greater than 40, and print
    the message "Pay Overtime!".

2.  Two-Way Selection:  Given a variable item named workHours, calculate 
    regularHours and overtimeHours.   RegularHours are those workHours less 
    than or equal to 40.  OvertimeHours are those workHours exceeding 40.

3.  Complex if statements:  Given data items for workStatus, payPlan, 
    annualSalary, and payYTD (pay for the year to this date). 
    For workStatus of 'A' (for active) and payPlan is 'M' (for monthly), 
    compute currentPay = annualSalary / 12; then add currentPay to payYTD.

4.  Multiple Selection (nested if):  Compute tax on currentPay according to 
    the following rules:  For currentPay <= 2000.00 tax is 0.00; for currentPay 
    from 2000.00 to 2500.00, tax is 15% of currentPay over 2000.00 
    (first 2000.00 not taxed); and for currentPay over 2500.00, tax is $75 plus 
    20% of CurrentPay over 2500.00.