Practice exercise -- Data Representation
Two's Complement for representing negative binary numbers:
   Method: take a positive binary number, invert the bits and add 1.
   For example, to find -2 start with 00000010 
                           invert     11111101
                           add 1      00000001
                           -2       = 11111110

1. Represent 5 as an 8-digit binary number.

2. Subtract a binary 5 from a binary 9:
       convert 9 to an 8-bit binary number,
       find two's complement of positive binary 5,
       then add the two binary numbers.    
Text Compression:
3. Keyword Encoding. Replace frequently used words found in a text document
   with a single character. 
   A chart:             Original text(by Richard Stallman):
   Word   Symbol        My work on free software is motivated by an idealistic
   an       ~           goal; spreading freedom and cooperation.
   and      #
   by       $           
   is       %
   on       ^
   Richard's sentence encoded would be:
   What is the compression ratio? ____ (encoded length / original length)
4. Run-length encoding. A sequence of repeated characters is replaced by a flag
   character(e.g. *), followed by the repeated character(e.g.A), followed by a 
   digit(e.g. 7) indicating how many times the character is repeated. The code
   *A7 would be decoded as AAAAAAA; and the compression ratio would be 3/7.
   How would the following string of characters be represented with run-length
   encoding? AAAALLLiiiiionnnnnn is king.

   What is the compression ratio?

5. Huffman Encoding. Variable length bit strings are used to encode each 
   character. And no bit string is the prefix of any other string
   An encoding table:
   Code   Character
     00       A
     11       E
    010       T
   0110       C
   0111       L
   1000       S
   Decode this string: 1101110001011 
   Encode SLEET