Class Exercise:  Repetition -- for loop

Syntax: for loop

   for (initial statement; loopCondition; updateStatement)  {
       statement body

   Description: A repetition structure useful for counter-controlled loops
      where a counter is to be initialized and incremented or decremented to 
      determine the number of times a loop is repeated. The loop repeats as 
      long as the loopCondition is true.
1.  Construct a for loop to write the first five positive integers. To control
    this repetition, define variables named count, initialized to 1, and limit
    initialized to 5. Specify a loop condition to test whether count is less
    than or equal to limit. The update component should increment count by 1.    


2. Code a for loop with statement block that prints and accumulates counter
   values from 1 through 5. Declare and initialize the necessary variables
   prior to the for statement. Print the sum after the for loop.  


3. Prepare a for loop similar to that coded for number 2. It is to sum the even 
   numbers from 10 down through 2.

4. Given a variable starCount has been initialized to some positive integer,
   have a for loop control the printing of that number of asterisks. During
   each iteration of the loop, the output statement should print a single 

5. Use for statement(s) to print a two-dimensional pattern of asterisks based 
   upon values assigned to variables named rowCount and columnCount.