Exercise:  Linear Search of an Array of Strings

Array:  A collection of a fixed number of components all of the same data type.
   When one-dimensional, the components are arranged in list form.

General Form:
   dataType arrayName[intExp];
   Examples: int scores[12],
             string language[5] = {"C++","Java","JavaScript","PHP"};

Index: A non-negative integer that specifies the position of a component in an 
   array. For example: 
   language[4] = "SQL";
0. Declare and initialize SIZE--a named program constant with value 9.

1. Declare item[] to have nine string components. Include the assignment of 
   these initial element values {"banana","tomato","lettuce","bread","tea",
   "turkey","oatmeal","cookies","yogurt"} to item.

2. Code and invoke printArray(), a void function with the formal parameter 
   item[] and is to print item[] values to the console.


3. Prompt and input searchItem, a string value to locate in item[].

4. Declare an int named position for the array index and initialize it to the 
   value 0; and declare found a boolean initialized to false to indicate the 
   searchItem value has not yet been found in item[].

5. Perform a linear search on item[] comparing the argument searchItem
   with each element of item[] until a match is found or the end of the array
   is reached. If searchItem equals an array element value, set found to true;
   otherwise increment position. After the search, if found equals true output
   the array position(i.e. 0, 1,...,8); otherwise print a message that the 
   searchItem value was not found in item[].