PHP Programming             Exercise: Basic Report                   Spring 2015

See the "Programming Examples" for help in answering questions 1 through 8.
1. Assign the pathname "item.txt" to the variable $fName.

2. Show how to issue an open for reading from the file $fName and assign
   the return value to a file pointer named $fp.  Include a clause to print
   the message "File not found/opened" should there be an unsuccessful
   attempt to open.

3. Construct a repetition structure that continues while the fgets function
   can input a line of text from $fp and assign that string to $lineIn.
   Count and print each line of input, then print the line count.

Given "item.txt" has an id in positions 0-4, name in 6-19, cost in 21-26 and
   quantity in 28:
4. Use the function substr($fullStringName, $nameStart, $nameLength) to
   separate the field components of $lineIn into $id, $name, $cost and $qty. 
   Then, print a line with the separate components.

5. Instead of the input file "item.txt" use "item.csv", with comma delimiters
   between fields. Construct a repetition structure that continues while 
   fgetcsv($fp, [$delimiter]) inputs a line and stores the components as an 
   array named $item. Assign these array element values to $id, $name, $cost
   and $qty (i.e. $id = $item[0] , $name = $item[1] ...).

6. Prior to the "loop" define and initialize the variable $totalCost. 
   Accumulate $totalCost from individual $cost amounts, then print $totalCost
   after inputs have been processed.

7.  Enhance your program with formatted report heading, column headings, and
    and footing line with $totalCost (labeled; right-aligned).

8.  Close the file.