Selection Sort

1. Declare items an array for a list of values.

2. Echo(output) the unsorted values.  
3. Visualize the items array as containing a part that is sorted and another 
   part that is unsorted.

   Selection sort algorithm:
      set firstUnsortedIndex to 0;
      while (not sorted yet)              
         find smallest* unsorted 
         swap firstUnsorted value in items with the smallest value
         increment firstUnsortedIndex

   Not sorted yet:
      firstUnsortedIndex < length - 1
  *Find smallest unsorted name:
      set indexOfSmallest to firstUnsortedIndex
      set index to firstUnsortedIndex + 1
      while (index <= length - 1) 
         if (items[index]->getName() < items[indexOfSmallest]-getName())
            set indexOfSmallest to index
         set index to index+1   
   Swap firstUnsortedName with smallest
      set tempValue to items[firstUnsortedIndex]  // save value
      set items[firstUnsortedIndex] to items[indexOfSmallest]
      set items[indexOfSmallest] to tempValue      

   *smallest means earliest/lowest in alphabetical order 
4. Output the sorted values.