MySQL/PHP/HTML Language Reference MySQL: Description General form ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Create database create database dbName; Export/import mysqldump -u userName -p dbName > pathName mysql -u userName -p dbName < pathname Grant privileges grant create, insert, ... on dbName.* to 'userName'@'localhost' identified by 'password' [with grant option]; Load table load data local infile 'pathName' into table tableName fields terminated by 'delimiter'; Set password set password for userName@hostName = password('new-password'); Read/execute statements from file: source pathName Retrieve dbName select database(); Retrieve userName select user(); Use a database use dbName; SQL: Description General form ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Alter table structure ALTER TABLE tableName alteration1 [, alteration2]... with such alterations as: ADD [COLUMN] columnDescription ADD INDEX [index] (column, ...) ADD PRIMARY KEY (column, ...) ADD [CONSTRAINT name] FOREIGN KEY [fkName] reference definition DROP PRIMARY KEY DROP FOREIGN KEY fkName DROP {INDEX | KEY} indexName MODIFY [COLUMN] columnDescription RENAME [TO] newTblName Create a table CREATE TABLE tblname(columnS) [LIKE tblName] [SELECT ...]; where a column includes name, dataType[,length, [constraint]] Create an index CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name (index_column_name [(length)] [ASC|DESC], ...) Insert row INSERT [INTO] table [(columnS) VALUES (values)[,(values)]...; Retrieve data SELECT columns FROM tables [WHERE conditions] [GROUP BY groupType] [HAVING where_definition] [ORDER BY orderType]; Change data UPDATE tableName SET column1 = expression1[,column2 = expression2]... [WHERE condition] Removing rowS DELETE FROM tableName [WHERE condition] Removing table DROP TABLE tblName; Removing user DROP USER userName; Removing view DROP VIEW viewName; Summary Functions(for nonNull values in selected rows): Description General form ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Average AVG(expr) Count COUNT(expr) Maximum MAX(expr) Minimum MIN(expr) Sum SUM(expr) String Functions: Description General form ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Concatenate strings CONCAT((str1,str2,...) Pad characters RPAD (string,length[,'chars'] Length LENGTH(string) Extract substring SUBSTRING(str,pos[,len]) Find string position LOCATE(charS,str,start) Date Functions: Description General form ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- Difference between DATEDIFF (curdate(), dateStr) (Re)format date DATE_FORMAT(dateStr, formatCodes) where format codes for numeric day and month name would be '%d %M' Database Metadata: Description General form ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- List tables SHOW TABLES [FROM dbName]; Display table info. SHOW CREATE TABLE tblName; (also: DESCRIBE tblName;) Display view info. SHOW CREATE VIEW viewName; Display index info. SHOW INDEX FROM tblName; PHP: Description General form ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Allocating memory: Constant: define ('CONSTANT_NAME', constantValue); Variable: $charIdentifier='a', $intIdentifier=1, ..., $stringIdentifier="hello"; Console output: echo value; print(value); printf("formatSpecifer(s)", value1[, value2]...); Data types: null, int(eger), string, double, bool, ... Data type functions (is_*): is_null( ), is_int( ), is_string( ), is_double( ), is_bool( ), is_numeric( ), .... Changing data type: settype($variableName, dataType ) Type Casting: (dataType) $variableName File functions: Open: $fp = fopen("pathName", 'fileMode'); [file mode values: 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'a', ... Close fclose($fp); Write: fwrite($fp, $outputString[, length]); fputs($fp, $outputString[, length]); -- alias Read: $strVar = fgets($fp[, length]); $strVar = fgetcsv($fp,[, length] [, delimiter]); Location: ftell($fp); file pointer location relative to start of file Seek: fseek($fp, $pointerLocation); sets the file pointer location EOF: feof($fp) Read all: $fileArray = file("pathName"); returns an array with each element containing one line from file Control Structure - if/else if (booleanExpression) {statement block} [else if (booleanExpression) {statement block} ] ... [else {statement block}] Control Structure -- switch statement switch (expression) { case value1: statement block 1 [break;] case value2: statement block 2 [break;] ... [default: statement block n; ] } Repetition Structure - while loop while (booleanExpression) { statement block } Repetition Structure - for and foreach loop for (initial statement; loopCondition; updateStatement) { statement block } foreach ($arrayName as [ $key => ] $simpleVar) { statement block } Built-in string functions: Function General Form -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Concatenation (.) Extract substring substr(strArg, start[, length]) Format for presentation sprintf("formatSpecifer(s)", arg1[, arg2]...) Replace substring substr_replace(strArg, strReplacement, start[,length]) String length function strlen(strArg) Trimming strings trim(strArg[,listOfChars]) Changing case strtolower(), strtoupper(), ucfirst() Find position of substring strpos(sourceString,substring[,index]) Convert newLine to break nl2br(strArg) User-defined Functions function functionName ( [formal parameter list] ) { statements [return expression;] } Function Call: [variable = ] functionName( [arguments or actual parameter list] ); Array $arrayName = array() or $arrayName = array(value1[, value2]...) or $arrayName[index] = value; Class The general form or syntax for a class is: class classIdentifier { classMembersList statements }; classMembersList property syntax: [ private|public|protected] $propertyName [ = initialValue]; classMembersList constructor syntax: public function __construct([parameterList]) {[parent::construct;]statementS} classMembersList method syntax: [private|protected|public]function functionName ([parameterList]) { statementS} Object The general form for instantiating an object is: $objectName = new ClassName(argumentList); Accessing an object: $objectName -> {propertyName = value | methodName(argumentList)}; MySQL & PHP API: close connection $db -> close( ) connect $db = new mysqli("localhost", "userName", "password", "database"); count $rowCountVar = $resultVar -> num_rows; and exit script exit([$status]); fetch $rowArrayVar = $resultVar->fetch_assoc(); include file include($path) query $resultVar = $connectVar -> query($sqlString) HTML: link or anchor; attribute href for URL or anchor name
unpaired inserts line br/eak
for user input; attributes are name, action, method unpaired an input element; attributes are name, type{checkbox, radio,text,password}, value, size, maxsize, onClick label for an input element [selected], attribute value [multiple], attribute name (used with option tags)
for creating tables; attributes border, width ... for creating table rows for creating table data cells