Class Exercise: PHP/MySQL Application Programming Interface

Refer to the data files link and the following definition for the questions that
follow: Item { id*, name, cost, qty };

0. An Item table, loaded with data, should be created in the user's database.

Write HTML and PHP scripts with MySQLi calls for the operations below.
1. Provide hostname, username, password, and database name to include when
   connecting to a MySQL database.

2. Provide an HTML menu for the user to link to forms with actions to invoke
   a script with subordinate functions to process either a select or insert 
   request for an Item.

3. Given that a user is to retrieve a row from Item, create a form to capture
   a value and script function to select an Item row with this id. Consider 
   having a form "hidden" type to transmit a code used in function selection.


4. To delete a row from Item, create a form to collect an Item id and a script
   with delete function to remove an Item row with this id. Provide user 
   feedback as to the success or failure of this attempt.