Practice Exercise:  Basic Arithmetic Statements

Arithmetic Operators:   |   Assignment Operators:
   () overrides order   |   =  a single equal sign is the simple assignment
   Increment        ++  |      operator; it assigns the result from evaluating
   Decrement        --  |      the expression on the right side to the variable
   Negative         -   |      left of the = sign; Compound operators follow:
   Multiplication   *   |   *= "times equals" assigns product of both to left
   Division         /   |   /= "divide equals" assigns quotient to left side
   Addition         +   |   += "plus equals" assigns sum
   Subtraction      -   |   -= "minus equals" assigns difference
   Modulus          %   |   %= "modulus equals" assigns remainder

1.  Increment(add): show three ways to increment an integer variable named count 
    by 1.

2.  Addition: Assign to a variable named netPrice the sum of price plus tax.

3.  Subtraction: Show two ways to find balance as the difference of balance and

4.  Multiplication:  Assign to a variable named interest the value of balance
    multiplied by rate.

5.  Division:  Compute milesPerGallon by dividing miles by gallons.

6.  Multiplication and Division:  Write statements to reduce the value referenced
    by the variable debt by half--one with a multiply operation and the other
    with a divide.

7.  Modulus (remainder):  Find the number of 49 cent stamps that may be bought
    with one dollar (100 cents), and the cents to be returned as change.