Class Exercise:  Arrays

Array:  A collection of a fixed number of components all of the same data type.
   When one-dimensional, the components are arranged in list form.

General Form:
   $arrayName = array();
   For example:  $color = array("red","green");

Index:  A non-negative integer that specifies the position of a component in
   an array.  For example: 

      $color[2] = "blue";

   assigns "blue" to component 2 (i.e. relative to 0, so the 3rd list item).

1. Use the array() function to declare $groceryList before referencing it
   (i.e. no actual parameter values).

2. Declare an array named $groceryList with argument values so components are
   assigned the values: "lettuce","tomato","potato","banana","bread","coffee".

3. Utilize the count() function with the array name as its argument to 
   determine the number of elements in $groceryList.

4. Prepare a program fragment to input and store a new list of grocery items 
   input from the file "list.txt" and stored as elements of $groceryList.
   Note: with fgets(), "new lines" will be appended to each item.

5. Write a program fragment containing a conventional for loop to search 
   $groceryList for an array element containing the value "coffee", then assign
   the index value of that element to $ndx.

6. Code an assignment statement to replace "coffee" with "tea" in $groceryList.

7. Code a foreach loop to print the values stored in $groceryList.

8. Apply the sort() function to order the $groceryList elements.  Array name is
   passed as a parameter to this function. Output the ordered list.