PHP Programming                                                       Fall 2013
                     Class Exercise:  Control Structures I

1.  If statement: 
    Test whether the variable $orderQty is equal to zero, and when true print 
    the message "order quantity zero!".

2.  If-else statement:
    Given that form data for 'orderQty' is "posted" to a PHP program, code an
    if statement that tests whether 'orderQty' is missing or empty and when 
    true assigns zero(0) to $orderQty, otherwise it assigns the value passed as
    'orderQty' to $orderQty and prints "order quantity = $orderQty".

3.  While loop:
    Construct a while loop with a statement block to input and print data from 
    a file referenced by the pointer $fp with input data assigned to $dataIn. Have
    a "primer read" precede this loop. The loop should continue as long as the 
    function feof($fp) returns false. In the loop body, print $dataIn, then 
    input the next line of data. Revise this code to produce the same results
    without needing a "primer read".

4.  For loop:
    Construct a for loop to print the squares of the numbers from 1 to 5.

5.  Nested for loops:
    Use nested for loops to print a multiplication table for the digits from 
    1 to 5.

6.  Foreach loop:
    Given that an fgetcsv function has been invoked to input a set of comma-
    separated values to be assigned to an array named $inputItems, prepare 
    a foreach structure to iterate through $inputItems displaying each element