Class Exercise:  Control Structures II

1.  If statement: 
    Compare the variables $groupIn and $groupControl.  When $groupIn is
    greater than $groupControl, print a group control footing and assign
    $groupIn to $groupControl.

2.  If-else statement:
    Enhance your response to question 1 to include an alternative selection
    when the condition is false.  This alternative should include a statement
    print a detail line, add $cost to $totalCost, and assign blanks or an 
    empty string to $id.

3.  While loop:
    Construct a while loop with a statement block to input and print data from 
    a file with the pointer $fp and input area named $lineIn. The loop should 
    continue as long as file data can be found. Within the loop body, print 
    $lineIn, then input the next line of data.

4.  For loop:
    Code a for statement to iterate through a set of statements that attempts 
    to locate an $idArray value equal to the variable $searchKey.  This search
    should continue until a match is found or the entire array has been searched.
    At its conclusion, the variable $indexFound should contain the array index
    value or it's original value of -1.

5.  Foreach loop:
    Prepare a foreach structure to iterate through $nameArray printing each value.