Class Exercise:  File Operations(SQL)

1. Login to an interactive interface for SQL.

2. Use the create command to define a table(file) named Staff.
   The column names, data types and lengths are described below:
   Table Name  Column Name  Data Type  Length  Comment/constraint
   ----------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------------------  
   Staff:      id           int             3  primary key
               name         varchar        15  not null
               office       char            7
               fee          decimal       7,2  default 0.00
               reviewDate   date          ---

3. Start a "transaction" that may be committed("saved") or rolled back ("undo").

4. Use insert commands(or load utility) to store data rows into Staff.
   load data local infile 'd:/path.ext' into table staff 
   [fields terminated by ','];
5. Select (project) all column data from Staff. 

6. Modify the staff table data with the following operations:  
   a. Delete that row where the id is = 705;

   b. Use update to set the office to 'JO 235' for that with id=876;

   c. Apply an insert to set id=864, Name='Harter', Office='JO 212', and
      fee=4343.43 in a new row for Staff;

   d. Select all data from Staff, then rollback your changes.      
6. Issue a select command to retrieve staff data in order by ReviewDate.

7. Delete all data from staff and drop the table.

8. Exit the SQL interactive environment.

* Data for the Staff Table(id,name,office,fee,reviewDate):
  033,Huerter,JO 210,3579.13,2013-11-2
  428,Suh,JO 207,4567.80,2013-12-20
  533,Brown,JO 238,3838.38,2013-12-23
  705,McWhorter,JO 218,2975.31,2013-12-15
  803,Creider,JO 122,7272.72,2013-12-19
  876,Saffer,JO 122,5775.33,2013-12-19