Exercise:  Class and Object 

Class:  a collection of a fixed number of components.  The components of a class
    are called members of the class.

Purpose and Objective: To enhance readability and programmer productivity by 
    describing and grouping data and functions that correspond to naturally
    occurring objects and categories.
The general form or syntax for a class is: 
    class className  {
       class Variables and functions

1.  Declare a class named Item to include three private member variables:
    id (integer), name (string), and price (floating point).  

2.  Define a public constructor for Item:
    Have formal parameters that include default values and a statement body with 
    assignments for actual values passed for formal parameters to give to the 
    Item member variables.

3.  Create public accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) methods for each of
    the member variables.

4.  Test Item class:
    a. Instantiate i, an Item object with default values provided by the
    b. Print the property values for object i. Use the accessor methods 
       associated with this object.
    c. Call the setters for id, name and price, pass literals as actual 
       arguments, then print the values for object i.

    d. Instantiate i2, another Item object with actual parameter values 12016,
       "Garlic Press", 13.95, then print. [Optionally, the object i could be
       explicitly destructed before creating another instance.]