Exercise:  Parallel arrays

Parallel Arrays: Two or more arrays with corresponding components having 
   related information. For example:
   $names = array();
   $costs = array();
1. Assign to a file pointer named $fp the value obtained by calling fopen() with
   the parameters "motocloz.txt" and  "r";

2. Prepare a program fragment to input and store lists of names and costs from 
   the file "motocloz.txt". Each "line" of input contains five tokens: an id, 
   name, category, cost and quantity. Only name and cost are to be stored in 
   the parallel arrays. The name begins in position 6, has a length of 25, and
   cost starts in 44 with length 6. The iteration structure for this process 
   is to repeat while more data exists in "motocloz.txt"

3. Close the file pointer for "motocloz.txt".    

4. Locate the name "Shirt" and print the corresponding cost amount.

5. Sort the data from $name and $cost so the name and corresponding cost values
   are in sequence. Print the sorted data.