Class Exercise:  Control Structure -- switch statement

        switch (expression)
           case value1:
           case value2:


              break; ]
1.  Write a program fragment that includes a switch statement to test an
    integer variable named choice, and when it is 1 assign the string value
    "C++" to the string variable named language; when it is 2 assign "PHP" to
    language; and when choice is some other value assign "unknown" to language.
    print language.

2.  Prepare a switch statement to test the case values referenced by the variable
    named operator.  When operator = '+',  print the sum of operand1 plus operand2;
    when '-', print difference between operand1 and operand2; when '*' print the
    product of operand1 times operand2; when '/' and operand2 is not zero, print
    quotient found by dividing operand1 by operand2 or print a zero-divide message;
    and when there is no case value for the code tested, print an exception message.
    [Create an html form to collect input values.]

3.  Prepare a switch statement that falls through case labels for dayOfWeek (write
    code for an int or a string test). When dayOfWeek is 1 ("Sunday) or 7
    ("Saturday") assign "weekend" to the string variable dayType; and when
    dayOfWeek is 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 (for "Monday" ... "Friday"), assign
    "weekday" to dayType.

4.  Given that an int named score may range from 0 through 100, code a switch
    statement to find a corresponding letter grade. The switch expression could
    be score divided by 10.  For a quotient of 9 or 10, assign 'A', for 8
    assign 'B', 7 assign 'C', 6 assign 'D', when in the range of 0 through 5
    assign 'F', otherwise assign '?'.