Class Exercise:  MySQL User and Table Administration

Objective:  Show how to use the MySQL client (aka monitor) for command prompt 
interaction with the MySQL database  management system. (Note: use a semicolon
as a statement terminator.)

0. Login as the root user.
   type:  mysql -u root;

1. Check user and password settings:
   type: use mysql;
         select host,user,password from user; 
2. Set passwords.
   type: set password for root@localhost = password('new-password');
   (It is also recommended to set the password for pma--PHPMyAdmin and other

3. Drop anonymous users.
   type drop user ''@hostName;  --note substitute localhost or other hostName

4. Create a database for development.
   type: create database databaseName;

5. Set up a regular developer account to create and manipulate tables in the
   database created(i.e. to avoid risks when working as root). 
      grant all|create, insert, ... on databaseName.* 
         to 'userName'@'localhost'
         identified by 'password'):

6. Logout (exit, quit) and login as a regular user.
   Type: exit;
         mysql -u userName -p

7. Issue a command to use your database.
   Type: use database databaseName;

8. Show how to enter SQL commands to create a table, insert data into the table,
   then select, update, and delete data from the table(see "File Operations").

9. Rename the table created.
   Type alter table tableName rename to newTableName;

A. Describe the column or field properties for the table created.
   Type show create table tableName;

B. Use the alter command to modify a table attribute. Type: 
   alter table tableName modify columnName columnType);

C. Exit mysql.