Class Exercise: One-to-Many  Table Administration

1.  Write create table statements for the Department and Employee tables
    with attribute data types and lengths based upon the data provided:
    Name        Type      Width  Constraint
    ----------  --------  -----  -----------
      deptNo    int         2    primary key           
      dName     char       10         
      location  char       10
      salary    decimal     7    2 decimal places     
      empno     int         4    primary key            
      ename     char       10
      job       varchar     9
      manager   int         4
      hireDate  date
      salary    decimal     7    2 decimal places
2.  Prepare dataload utility statements to import data into the Department and
    Employee tables.

3.  Employees may be related to Department by their work assignment. To 
    implement this relationship, alter Employee to include a deptNo column. 
    Use the same data type and length as specified in Department. 
4.  Alter Employee to specify that deptNo is to be a foreign key that references
    deptNo in Department. 

5. Update Employee to reflect the work assignments. Our web page has a link to
   the file "DeptAssignEmp.txt". This contains a list of department assignments.

6. To illustrate the relationship between Department and Employee, create a join
   view named Management that includes deptNo, dName, empNo, and eName for 
   corresponding Department and Employee rows with job type 'MANAGER'. Query the
   Management view.