SQL Practice Exercise:  Multiple relation querys

Objective:  Do relational join and subquery operations to combine or access data
    from multiple tables found in the University Database.
1.  Join Queries:
     a.  For each faculty member, produce a listing with faculty name, course 
         code and the meetingTime for each course in which they are assigned.

     b.  List the student id, student name and course code for students enrolled
         in 'CSCI233'.

     c.  Do an equijoin to combine the student data with the corresponding 
         enrollment data. Then expand the query to join Enrollment to Course.

     d.  Find the names of students enrolled in courses that meet at the time 

     e.  Do a left outer join of STUDENT and ENROLLMENT on sid to show all 
         student names and the class codes in which they enrolled.

     f.  Join the COURSE table to itself and project the value of faculty id for
         the course that is a prerequisite to 'CSCI340'.

2.  Subqueries:
    a.  Find the faculty name(s) assigned to the course 'CSCI270'.

    b.  Get the student id and name for each student enrolled in a course.

    c.  Find the name and major for students enrolled in the course 'CSCI233'.
        Compare your answer to the join query approach.

    d.  Retrieve a list of courses in which the student named 'Childress' 
        enrolled.  First, write a query with nested query; then write a 
        correlated subquery to list the courses.

    e.  Find the names of students enrolled in courses that meet at the time 
        'MW11'.  Compare your result to the join query.

    f.  Do a correlative subquery with the NOT EXISTS operator to list the 
        names of students not enrolled in any course.