Classroom Exercise:  A Single Entity Database

Objective:  Use a relational database management system to create and do simple
   querys (selectS) on a single table. 
0. For a localhost database, the table definition below could be typed or 
   retrieved from a source file (source pathname) or copied to the 
   command line/window. Data for inserts or the load utility may be obtained

1.  Elementary querys(doing the relational operation "project"):
    a.  Select the column called sName from the Student table.

    b.  Select sId, sName, and major from Student.

    c.  Select all attributes from Student.

    d.  Project major from Student with duplicates removed.

    e.  List sId and sName for students in order by sName.

    f.  Retrieve student names in descending order by birthdate.

2.  Qualified Retrieval ("selection" or "restrict"):
    a.  Retrieve sName and birthdate from Student where major is equal to the 
        string 'MATH'.

    b.  Show sName and birthdate found in Student where major is 'MATH' and 
        classYear = 'Junior'.

    c.  Select sName from Student where major is 'MATH' or 'CSCI'.  Code this
        two ways: with an OR and also with the IN clause.

    d.  Query Student to find the names of students that do NOT major in 'MATH' 
        or 'CSCI'.

    e.  Make a list of student names beginning with the letter 'B'.

Student table definition:             
  create table student(                 
    sId       decimal(3) primary key,    
    sName     varchar(12)not null,               
    major     char(4),
    classYear char(8),
    birthdate date

  Load utility for csv file:   
    load data 
    local infile 'pathname' into table student fields terminated by ',';