Study questions from text
8 Abstract Data Types and Subprograms(functions)
  1. Explain the subprogram (i.e. C++ function) concept.
  2. What is the purpose of a subprogram parameter list?
  3. Distinguish between an actual parameter and a formal parameter
  4. What is/are a parameter(s)?
  5. Define identifiers known as argument(s).
  6. Define value parameter.
  7. What is a reference parameter?A parameter that expects the address of its argument to be passed by the calling unit.
  8. How is a value parameter different from a reference parameter?
  9. Distinguish between a value-returning and a void subprogram.(Young)
7 Problem Solving and Algorithms
  1. What is a record? Give an example.
  2. Contrast an array with a record.
  3. What is a binary search?
  4. Simulate a binary search.
  5. Describe and simulate a sort(e.g. bubble or selection).
  6. What is information hiding and why is it important?

Study questions have been prepared to build knowledge about computer science and prepare for quiz and exam questions.

updated 7 May
