Thomas L. Brown                                              Office:    Jour 238                 Phone: 903.886.5403
conference: Mon-Wed 2:00; Thu 3:30 + appointments 

          CSci 151:  Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

Catalog Description:
    This is a lecture and laboratory course to introduce computer science and 
    programming. Topics include information and data representation, hardware,
    programming methodology, algorithm design, abstract data types, programming
    languages, operating systems, applications, and communications.

    Students enrolling in this course should have mastered computer essentials
    including interaction with a graphical user interface, text editor, and web
    browser. If the use of a personal computer is preferred over university 
    laboratory computers, it is expected that the student can download, install
    and configure software.

Student Learning Outcomes*:
1.  Show how computer hardware represents information.
2.  Describe the computer circuitry that harnesses the electrical flow.
3.  Explain how computing components may be combined to build computer systems.
4.  Apply general problem-solving strategies to the development of computer 
5.  Write computer programs to express and implement algorithms to solve 
6.  Identify and explain the application of abstract data types such as stacks,
    queues, lists, trees and graphs.
7.  Apply the object-oriented methodology to computer problem solving.
8.  Explain the role of an operating system in managing and interacting with 
    computer system components including main and secondary memory.
9.  Utilize information system software to organize, manipulate, and secure 
10. Describe ways computer networks are used to communicate and share 
    resources and facilitate Web processing.
*   measured by quiz, exam, and lab assignment results    

References and Materials:
    Dale, Nell and John Lewis. Computer Science Illuminated, 4ed. Sudbury,
       MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011. (ISBN 978-0-7637-7646-6).
       (To conserve funds consider an alternative textbook source.)

    Dev C++ development environment available in the CSci labs and as a freeware 
       download from .
    Recommended: a usb flash drive to store files and documents.
Measurement and Evaluation:
    Grades will be based upon points earned on quizzes, laboratory assignments,
    and final exam. There will be 100 possible points to earn on quizzes, 100 on
    lab assignments, and 100 on the final exam. A point total in the range of
    270 to 300 will earn the grade of "A", 240-269 a "B", 210-239 a "C" etc. 
    College policy should be followed to obtain a grade of "X" (Incomplete). 
    Unless circumstances warrant, the student is expected to withdraw instead
    of delaying completion of the course by obtaining an "X".

151.001 T&R 9:30am                                                  Jour 200
151L.01L Thu 2:00pm                                                     "

                       CLASS POLICY, RULES, & PROCEDURES

1. Assigned Readings: The student is expected to read assignments to prepare 
   for scheduled discussions of the material. The student is also expected to 
   access online course materials to obtain assignments and related materials.

2. Attendance: The student is expected to attend all classes. Regular and 
   punctual attendance should ensure that expectations are understood, and 
   give feedback to monitor and assess progress. If an absence is anticipated,
   the student should notify the instructor in advance. If absent, the student
   is responsible for obtaining assignments and related materials. Accruing 
   four or more unexcused absences may result in an administrative drop.

3. Participation: The student is expected to take part in class discussions and 
   group activities, implement and test software examples, and assist other 
   class members with technical issues.

4. Exams, quizzes, and lab assignments: The student is expected to complete each
   graded activity by the scheduled time. Should one of these activities be 
   missed, the grade for the next activity will be used for both. These 
   activities are based upon learning objectives to achieve by scheduled dates.

5. Intellectual Honesty: By departmental policy, the discovery of plagiarism  
   (example: copying from another's lab solution) will result in a grade of 
   "F" on a particular lab or other individually graded activity. A subsequent
   breach of this policy mandates a grade of "F" for the course.

6. Conduct: "All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets 
   of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning 
   environment." (Student Handbook). Until there is a clear university policy
   any form of tobacco use is prohibited in or near the classroom.

7. Special Accomodations: Students in need of accomodations for disabilities 
   should contact the Director of Disability Resources and Services, Student
   Disability Resources and Services office in Gee Library, Room 132, phone 
   903.886.5150 or 5835, email .

8. A&M-Commerce will comply in the classroom, and in online courses, with all
   federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination and related retaliation on
   the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age,
   genetic information or veteran status. Further, an environment free from
   discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or
   gender expression will be maintained.