P. Mlsna, N.M. Sirakov, 2004, An Intelligent Shape Features Extraction and Indexing System for Fast Medical Image Retrieval, IEEE Comp Society, US, pp. 172-176, 2004. ISBN:0-7803-8387-7 , IEEE Top Reference – IEEE explore.
Sirakov, N.M., Swift, J., Mlsna, P., 2003. A Shape Based Intelligent System to Objects Localization in Image Database. In Ajith Abraham, Katrin Franke, Mario Koppen (Ed), Advanced in Soft Comt: Intelligent Systems Design and Appl, Springer Verlag, pp. 373-383. Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 3-540-40426-0.
Sirakov, N.M., Iwanowski, M., D. R. Hack, M. L. Fever, 2003. Morphological approach to volume calculation of complex 3D geological objects. Proc. of the Int. Sym. on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industries, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-16 May, ed. By F.A.Camisani-Calzorali; Pub. by the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg 2003; ISBN 1-919783-46-6; pp. 329-334
D. R. Hack, N.M. Sirakov, M. L. Fever, R. Mironov, 2002. Use of 3D Reconstruction and Visualization System to Evaluate Subsurface Geophysical Data in Advance of Gravel Mine Development, In Sukumar Bandopadhyay (Ed), Published by the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc. USA, pp. 569-576. ISBN10: 087335219X, ISBN13: 9780873352192
N.M.Sirakov & F.H. Muge, 2001. Comparing of 3D Reconstructed Objects. (Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries, Beijing, China, April, 2001), Heping Xie, Yuhan Wong & Yaodong Yiang Eds, A.A.Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 75-80. 2001.ISBM 90 5809 1740.
Sirakov, N.M., Ribeiro, L., Pina, P., Muge, F., 2000. An Algorithm for 3D Groundwater Units Reconstruction and Visualization. Red Book “Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, IAHS press, Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, IAHS publication no.265, pp. 148-154. British Library Cataloguing in Publication data. A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 1-901502-36-8
Granado, I., Sirakov, N., Muge, F., 2000. A Morphological interpolation approach - geodesic set definition in case of empty intersection. In John Goutsias, Luc Vincent, Dan S. Blooberg (Eds), Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, Kluwer series in computational imaging and vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 71-80. ISBN 0-7923-7862-8
Muge, F., Granado, I., Mengucci, M., Pina, P., Ramos, V., Sirakov, N., Caldas Pinto, J.R., Marcolino, A., Ramalho, M., Vieira, P., Amaral, A.M., 2000. Automatic Feature Extraction and Recognition for Digital Access of Books of the Renaissance, J. Borbinha and T. Baker (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1923, Springer-Verlag -Heidelberg, pp. 1-13. ISBN 3-540-41023-6
Sirakov N., Tareco C., Granado I, Muge F., 1999. 3D Modeling of Complex Sulfide Orebodies, Ed. by Prof. Kadri Dagdelen, Cherie Dardano, Melody Francisco, Jim Proud, held in Golden, Colorado, 20-22.10.1999, Printed in the USA, pp. 665-675. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number ISBN 0-918062-12-8.
Sirakov, N., 1997. Fast Approach for Determining of Visibility of 3D Object’s Surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 1311, Ed. by Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo, Printed by Springer Verlag, pp. 292-299.
Sirakov, N., 1996. Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Branching Objects. (13ICPR, Vienna,1996), Volume II Track B, Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis, Printed by IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA, pp.620-624.
Sirakov, N., 1994. Recognition of shape from a finite series of plane figures. NATO Advanced Study Institute “Shape in Pictures”, Series F, Vol.126; Ed. by O Lie and A. Toet, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, D. Foster, P. Meer; Printed by Springer Verlag, pp.453-462. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Nedev, N., Sirakov, N.M., 1993. The Real Time Stereoscopic Sensor as Autonomous Intelligent Robots or Robocars Guiding Source. Ed. by B.L.Junela, K.K. Pujara, R. Sagar, Printed by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company New Delhi, 1993, pp.695-700.
Sirakov, N., 1992. Regularity and consistency for recognition of several objects from single view, IFAC, Vol. I; Ed. by A. Kuzucu, I. Eksin, A. T. Dinibutun; Turkey, 1992, pp.337-344.
Sirakov N., Trebeticky I., 1991.Calculation of the curvature of the edge of a road by help of regularities. Computer Analysis of Image and Patterns, Research in Informatics, Ed. by Reinhard Klette, Printed by Akademie Verlag, Germany, Vol. 5, 1991, pp.195-201.
Sirakov, N., Nedev, N., 1989. Approximation analysis of spatial Scenes with 3D co-ordinates data, obtained by stereo TV projection in real time", Mathematical Research, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vol.55, Academie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 123-128.