Profile photo of Dr. Alan Francis

Dr. Alan Francis


Higher Education & Learning Technologies

Office Location: Frank Young Education North, #122

Phone: 903-468-3226


Professional Vita


Larkin, C., & Francis, A. (2012). Plagiarism and academic integrity. American International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(1), 1-7.

Francis, A., & Larkin, C. (2011). Academic integrity and plagiarism. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 1(2), 17-23.

Francis, A., Larkin, C., & Aslinia, S. D. (2010). Interaction in online courses. Journal of Online Engineering Education, 1(1), 1-4.

Francis, A., & Aslinia, S. D. (2009). Integration of technology and development of strategies in making online assessment more reliable and valid: An introduction to altered testing. Proceedings of ICERI2009 Conference (pp. 332-336). Madrid, Spain.

Aslinia, S. D., & Francis, A. (2009). Development of elearning methods for teaching and practicing counseling online: Effectiveness and significance. Proceedings of ICERI2009 Conference (pp. 322-326). Madrid, Spain.

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