Preserving the Legacy of the railroads throughout Ark-La-Miss-Tex-oma's Cotton Belt Region


Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities Available

You, your organization, or your company could be recognized as a sponsor for the next symposium.  Individual, Organization, and Corporate Sponsorships are welcomed at any of the multiple sponsorship levels identified below.  All sponsorship contributions are tax-deductable*.  All sponsors will be acknowledged at the event, on the event website, on Social Media (Facebook, etc.), and on appropriate promotional materials.

Symposium Sponsorship Levels

Luncheon Sponsorship:  $ varies with attendance

A&M-Commerce College of Science & Engineering

Keynote Sponsorship:  $ varies

Keynote Sponsorship opportunity is currently not available.

Gold Spike Corporate/Organization/Individual Sponsorship:  $500 +

Includes gold-level acknowledgement and name/logo/link on print advertising, website, and Social Media (Facebook group).

Silver Spike Corporate/Organization/Individual Sponsorship:  $250

Includes silver-level acknowledgement and name/logo on print advertising, website, and Social Media (Facebook group).

Bronze Spike Organization/Individual Sponsorship: $100

Includes bronze-level acknowledgement and name/logo on print advertising, website, and on Social Media (Facebook group).

Iron Spike Individual Sponsorship:  $50

Includes iron-level acknowledgement and name on print advertising, website, and on Social Media (Facebook group).

Becoming a Symposium Sponsor is now easier than ever thanks to A&M-Commerce's secure MarketPlace service.  Simply visit our Sympoisum Marketplace, add your preferred level of sponsorship to your cart, and checkout with either your credit card or an electronic check.  It's quick, easy, and secure.  If you prefer to submit your sponsorship by check, you can still print, complete, sign, and submit the Sponsorship Form, along with appropriate payment as directed on the form.  If mailing a check, please drop Jason a note when you send your form and payment so it will be expected and your sponsorship can be processed promptly upon arrival.

Select your preferred method of sponsorship submission:
Symposium Marketplace (electronic)         
Sponsorship Form (paper)

If you wish to make a significant sponsorship contribution in excess of the Gold Spike level (>=$1000), please contact Jason to discuss an appropriate means of acknowledgement.

Sponsorship acknowledgement on printed materials requires confirmation of sponsorship prior to the printing deadline for the particular materials produced for event, three weeks prior to the event date.

*A dedicated account to support the Symposium has been established through the Texas A&M University-Commerce Foundation.  Sponsorship contributions will be deposited to this account.  A receipt verifying your tax-deductible contribution will be sent by the Foundation upon deposit.

For questions regarding sponsorship, please contact Dr. Jason Lee Davis at Jason.Davis@tamuc.edu or 903-886-8066.

Note:  The Symposium Committee reserves the right to decline any sponsorship application, at it's discression.