Hello learners.
Welcome to the official class home page of
TMGT 595.01W - Applied Research in Engineering & Technology (Online)
CRN: 21057 (online)
Spring 2014 (January 13 - May 9)
Q: Where and when do I access the
online portion of the course?
A: The online portion of the course will be conducted in
eCollege with some
resources provided on this 'public' page. eCollege is accessed through
your myLeo Portal; or, you may
use the direct link to eCollege:
http://online.tamuc.org/. The
course will be accessible on the first day of the semester. All
course activities will be conducted through eCollege.
Syllabus (pdf) - rev. 1/12/2014
Schedule - rev. 1/12/2014
Calendar (pdf) - rev. 1/12/2014
Course Grading
Rubrics (pdf) - rev.
Required Textbooks:
Title: Reading and understanding research (3rd ed.).
Authors: Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., & Spirduso, W. W.
APA Item #: 4200066
# Pages:
272 pages
Format availability:
Format ISBN-13
Softcover: 978-1-4129-7574-2
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, NY
Publication date: 2010
Title: Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition
Author: American Psychological Association
APA Item #: 4200066
# Pages:
272 pages
Format availability:
Format Item# ISBN-13 List $US
Hardcover: 4200067 978-1-4338-0559-2 $39.95
Spiral Bound: 4200068 978-1-4338-0561-5 $36.95
Softcover: 4200066 978-1-4338-0561-5 $28.95
Psychological Association
Publication date: July 2009
Class resources
Finding Articles in the TAMU-C Online Library (YouTube video) - Dr. Rick Lumadue
Department of Engineering & Technology
College of Science, Engineering, &
Texas A&M University-Commerce
rev. 08/24/14