Profile photo of Dr. Joyce E. Kyle Miller

Dr. Joyce E. Kyle Miller

Curriculum and Instruction

Office Location: Education South, Office 132

Phone: 903-886-8773


Professional Vita



Brazzolotto, M., Phelps, C., Miller, J. (2020). ZOBRAŽEVANJE TALENTOV TALENT EDUCATION, ZBORNIK/Book of papers V. mednarodna (Slovenija, Francija, Nizozemska, Nemčija, Hrvaška ...) znanstvena konferenca 2020/ V. international (Slovenia, France, The Netherland, Germany, Croatia ...), What Can Gifted Learn from Reggio Emilia Approach? 58-64.

Brazzolotto, M., Phelps, C., Miller, J. (2020). ZOBRAŽEVANJE TALENTOV TALENT EDUCATION, ZBORNIK/Book of papers V. mednarodna (Slovenija, Francija, Nizozemska, Nemčija, Hrvaška ...) znanstvena konferenca 2020/ V. international (Slovenia, France, The Netherland, Germany, Croatia ...), Summer Enrichment Camp

Experiences and the Dual Pandemic of COVID-19 and Systemic Racism 65-68.

Lewis, K., Miller, J., (2020). What the Research Says: Motivation for Achievement and Causes of Underachievement, TEMPO.

Hendricks, L., Reysen, S., Miller, J. Graham, K. (2020). Student Satisfaction: Importance of Civility and University Identification Predictors. Journal of International Research in Higher Education.

Miller, J. Hendricks, L., MohdZain, Z. (2020). A Study of the Impact of a Civil Rights Tour of Mississippi and Tennessee on the Acquisition of Civil Rights Knowledge and Knowledge of Self. American Research Institute for Policy Development. Journal of Education and Human Development 9(3). DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v9n3a1 URL:

Miller, J. (2020). Teacher Effectiveness by Enhancing Self-Concept and Interpersonal Relations: Strategies and Techniques. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 10(1), 9-15.

Miller, J. E. (2019). Looking Back While Moving Forward—Exploring the Self-Concept and the Preparation of Effective Teachers. Journal of Education and Human Development, 8(4), 1–7.

Majority, K., Lewis, K., Dearman, C., Troxclair, D., Miller, J. E. K., & Kabli, A. (2019). What the Research Says: Social-Emotional Issues in Gifted Education. TEMPO, 40(2), 41–46.

Miller, J. E. K., Lewis, K., & Riley, J. (2019). Getting the Most Out of GiftED19: Targeted, Intentional Planning Before, During and After the Conference. TEMPO, 40(2), 10–11.

Lewis, K., Dearman, C., Fugate, M., Majority, K., Miller, J., & Troxclair, D. (2018). What the Research Says About Being Gifted in Secondary/Higher Education. TEMPO, 39(3), 31–36.

Miller, J. E. K. (2018). Tips for Teachers: Effective Programs and Practices for Gifted Students. TEMPO, 39(2), 19–20.

Miller, J. E. K. (2017). Tips for Teachers: Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented Student: Theme, Generalization, Topic, and Paradigm. TEMPO, 38(3), 36–37.

Miller, J. E. K., Maggio, R., & Riley, J. (2016). Technology Tips for Teachers: Meet TED, the Audio PowerPoint, and Skype. TEMPO, 37(1), 20–21.

Miller, Joyce (2015), Kahoot and Google Digital Tools: Efficient and Effective, TEMPO, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented, Austin, Texas.

Miller, Joyce (2014), Web 2.0: Technology Tools to Enhance Organization and Communication, TEMPO, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented, Austin, Texas.

Miller, Joyce (2013) Multiple Intelligence and Diversity, Multicultural American, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Miller, Joyce (2012), Diversity Assessment Instruments, Multicultural America, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Miller, J. (2010). Interview With Johnny Wells, 2009 TAGT Teacher of the Year, TEMPO, 30(3), pp. 35-42.

Miller, J. E. (2009). Advanced placement. In K. Lomotey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of african american education (1st ed. pp. 14-16). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Miller, J. (2008). A Philosophical and practical Framework for the Identification of Gifted Culturally Diverse Learners, TEMPO, 28(2), pp. 21-24.

Miller, J. E. (2008). Gifted and talented students. In N. Salkind (Ed.). Encyclopedia of educational psychology (1st ed. pp. 438-443). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Miller, J. (2006). ACT-SO: A Service option for Gifted African American High School Students, TEMPO, 26(4), pp. 12-15.

Miller, J. (2005). Identification of the Gifted African American Learner: An Alternative Framework, TEMPO, 25(3), pp. 12- 16.

Miller, J. E. (2006, January/February). The scholarship and college application process begins in middle school, Part 1. Teen Graffiti. 20.

Miller, J. E. (2006, March/April). The scholarship and college application process begins in middle school, Part 2. Teen Graffiti. 22.

Miller, J. E. (2006, May/June). The scholarship and college application process begins in middle school, Part 3. Teen Graffiti. 22.

Miller, J. E. (2008, March/April). Using your discretionary time for good. Teen Graffiti. 28.

Miller, J. E. (2010, March/April). Youth saving youth. Teen Graffiti. 20, 24. Miller, J. E. (2007, May/June). Ten Steps to College Success. Teen Graffiti, 22.

Miller, J. E. (2007, Spring). College Preparation Begins in Kindergarten. Teen Graffiti.


Miller, J. E. Identification of the african american gifted learner: We can surpass ourselves. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education.

Miller, J. E. Cultural diversity training in an online class format. Adult Education Quarterly.


Miller, J. E. The nature and needs of three academically talented African American student athletes.

Miller, J. E. Application of a culturally responsive learning environment inventory and the academic achievement of Hispanic and African American students.

Miller, J. E. The status of differentiated instruction in schools today.

Miller, J.E. Application of DeBono’s six thinking hats in the analysis of discussion Posts in an online cultural diversity course.


Miller, J. (2020) ACT-K-8 Advancing Computer Technology, K-8, National Science Foundation, NSF CSforALL Grant Proposal with Dr. Omar Ariss and Dr. Yuehua Wang, Computer Science Faculty, Submitted, $300,000.00, not Funded

Miller, J. (2019). Global Fellow Grant, Global Event: Bridge Builder for an Interconnected World Project, Funded: $750.00

Miller, J (2017) Faculty Development Grant, Texas A&M University Commerce, $1000 (Funded).

Miller, J. (2015). International Faculty Development Grant, Texas A&M University-Commerce, $1660.00. (Funded).

Miller, J. (2013) International Faculty Development Grant, $1740.45 Funded Hispanic Learner Institute. (2011) Phi Delta Kappa, $1500.00. (Funded).

Miller, J. (2009). Ethnographic research: application to the high school environment. Interdisciplinary Research Incentive Pre-proposal submitted to the Graduate School, Not Funded,

Miller, J. (2009). The Woodrow Wilson Foundation National Fellowship Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship for Aspiring Teachers of Color Program (Contributed to writing of the proposal, Not Funded),

Miller, J. (2008). Texas Governor’s School Grant Proposal (attended meetings and participated in The writing and providing of written reviews of the TGS grant which was finalized by Deborah Porter and submitted to the Coordinating Board, - Not Funded.

Miller, J. (2008) TAMU-C Provost’s Office, Hispanic Gifted Conference, $2500.00, (Funded)

Miller, J. (2005). Lyles Mathematics and Technology Scholars (MATS) Program. Grant Application submitted to the Beaumont Foundation for Fifteen (15) laptop computers and data projector with training provided by Texas A&M Commerce, the Garland NAACP, the Garland Association for Hispanic Affairs, and Raytheon. Grant Application was selected to advance to the application phase. Not Funded.

Miller, J., (2005). TAMU-C Office of Advancement, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Human Services, Middle and High School Student Workshop. $1500 Funded

Miller, J. (2004). ACT-SO Enrichment Workshops, State Farm Insurance Companies, $2500.00. Funded.

 Miller, J. (2004). ACT-SO Wal-Mart Community Grant. $1000.00. Funded.

Miller, J. (2004). Verizon Back to School/Stay in School (BTS/SIS) Grant $5,000.00 Grant provided Twenty (20) Skills Tutor Modules and Training provided for students and Teachers at Lyles Middle School, Garland ISD, Garland, Texas.

Miller, J. Project SEEDS (Supporting Ethnic and Economically Disadvantaged Students), a Jacob Javitts Grant with Garland ISD, Not Funded.

Miller, J. (2001). ACT-SO TAMU-C Mini Grant to study the Characteristics and Traits of 2001 ACT-SO Gold Medalists, $400.00. Funded.

Miller, J. (1982 & 1983). Meadows Foundation Grant, High School Academic Enrichment Program, $26,000.00. Funded.

2015, March, Faculty Development Travel Grant, Texas A&M University-Commerce, $1600.00. (Funded)

2011, December, Hispanic Learner Institute, Phi Delta Kappa, $1500.00. (Funded)

2009, Ethnographic research: application to the high school environment. Interdisciplinary Research Incentive Pre-proposal submitted to the Graduate School, (Not Funded).

2009, The Woodrow Wilson Foundation National Fellowship Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship for Aspiring Teachers of Color Program (Contributed to writing of the proposal, Not Funded).

2008, Texas Governor’s School Grant Proposal (attended meetings and participated in The writing of the TGS grant which was finalized by Deborah Porter and submitted to the Coordinating Board. (Not Funded)

 2006, TAMU-C Provost’s Office, Hispanic Gifted Conference, $2500.00

2005, January, Lyles Mathematics and Technology Scholars (MATS) Program. Grant Application submitted to the Beaumont Foundation for Fifteen (15) laptop computers and data projector with training provided by Texas A&M Commerce, the Garland NAACP, the Garland Association for Hispanic Affairs, and Raytheon. Grant Application was selected to advance to the application phase. Not Funded

2005, April, TAMU-C Office of Advancement, Arts and Sciences,

Business , Education and Human Services, Middle and High School Student Workshop. $1500 to fund the Workshop.

2004, December Verizon Back to School/Stay in School (BTS/SIS) Grant $5,000.00 Grant provided Twenty (20) Skills Tutor Modules and Training provided for students and Teachers at Lyles Middle School, Garland ISD, Garland, Texas.

Project SEEDS (Supporting Ethnic and Economically Disadvantaged Students), a Jacob Javitts Grant with Garland ISD.

Miller, J. Morales, L. and Howard, Debbi. Computing and Technology Scholars (CATS), TAMU-C. Not Funded.

Computing and Technology Scholars (CATS), a demonstration project to increase the participation of African American high school students in computing disciplines and to encourage greater numbers to consider undergraduate majors in computing and information technology (IT). NSF Grant Proposal Submitted with Linda Morales and Debbi Howard, Computer Science, TAMU-C. Not Funded.

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