Research & Teaching Experience
- Globalization, Modern China, Urban Studies, Civil Society, Consumer Culture.
Computer and Statistic Skills
- Data analysis and databases: SAS, STATA, SPSS, AMOS, ArcView GIS, Excel, FoxBASE.
- Web and Internet: HTML, Firework, Claris Home Page Maker.
Courses Taught in Texas A&M University-Commerce
- SOC 331 “Introduction to Social Research” (From Fall 2005 to Fall 2011, web enhanced course)
- SOC 332 “Intermediate Method of Sociological Analysis” (From Fall 2005 to Spring 2011, web enhanced course)
- SOC 111 “Introduction to Sociology” (Spring 2006, web enhanced course)
- SOC 575 “advanced social research method” (Fall 2006 to Spring 2011, web enhanced course)
- SOC 576 “advanced social statistics” (Spring 2007 to Fall 2010, web enhanced course)
- SOC 318 “Urban Sociology” (Spring 2007 to Fall 2012, Online course)
- SOC 311 “Social Inequality” (Fall 2007 to Fall 2012, Online course)
- SOC 335 “Global Social Issue” (Fall 2007 to Fall 2012, Online course)
- SOC 497 “Sociology of the Internet” (August Mini, 2009, Online course)
Teaching Assistant at University of Illinois at Chicago
- Introductory Sociological Statistics (SOC 401)
- Intermediate Sociological Statistics (SOC 402)
- Population (SOC 471)
- Racial and Social Inequality (SOC 225)
- Health and Society (SOC 251)
- Introduction to Sociology (SOC 100)
Courses Taught at Fudan University
- Introduction to Sociology
- Social Research and Social Statistics
- Political Sociology Sociology of Global Society
- Social Change.