Learning about Learning
My passion is to promote and protect child-like wonder and love of learning through play.
I wonder about you - what makes you curious about me, what makes you wonder about teaching and learning, about children and learners of all ages?
Effective teaching can be demonstrated in a number of ways. “Value-added” is one method to enumerate growth, using pre- and post- measures to demonstrate change in the student. On the other hand, research has pointed toward the difference a TEACHER makes in effective teaching. That a teacher CARES turns out to be a significant factor in teaching effectiveness (Goldstein. 2002. Reclaiming Caring in Teaching and Teacher Education. NY: Lang.). I want to be known as a teacher who cares.
Spring 2025
- ECE 321 Play & Creativity NEW COURSE for EC-Grade 3 certification - online
- ECE 358 Language Acquisition - online
- Field Supervision in the Corsicana and Para Centers
Upcoming and Recent Presentations
Presentation proposals accepted:
Thompson, J., & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (March 22, 2025). Image of the Child: Developmental Cascades. Annual Conference, Southern Early Childhood Association, Houston, TX, US.
Walker, K., & Thompson, J. (February 20, 2025). A Document Analysis of Play in the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. Annual Conference, Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, US.
- Wilson, L., & Thompson, J. (2024). Establishing Learning Communities That Welcome Black Dads. NAEYC Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, US.
- Thompson, J., Uribe Montserrat, D., Heinrich, M., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., with Rose, R. (2024). Ages, Stages & BEYOND! A New Framework: Developmental Cascades. Texas AEYC Annual. Frisco, TX, US.
- Thompson, J. (2024 July). Child Development. Observation. (virtual). Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/Montessorihttp://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/observation
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., Walker, K., & Thompson, J., with Rose, R. (June 2024). DAP, Developmental Cascades, and Observation. NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, New Orleans.
- Wilson, L., & Thompson, J., with Rachael Rose. (June 2024). Welcoming Black Dads. NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, New Orleans.
- Hweta, K, Inderjith, A., Jones, G., Kejo, S., Motaung, M., Rosenow, N, & Thompson, J. (moderator). (April 2024). Gender in Early Childhood Education. World Forum for Early Childhood Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. PPTX
- Uribe Montserrat, D., Walker, K, Heinrich, M., Murcia, C., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (April 2024). Developmental Cascades in Early Childhood Development. World Forum for Early Childhood Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Uribe Montserrat, D., Walker, K, Heinrich, M., Murcia, C., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (April, July, October 2024). Developmental Cascades in Early Childhood Development. Texas Rising Star Annual Conference. Arlington, Houston, and Frisco, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (March 23, 2024). Playful Learning: Good for You! (Invited Keynote). Texas Early Childhood Play and Development Conference, Brazos Valley Chapter of Texas AEYC, Blinn College, Bryan, Texas.
- Walker, K, Heinrich, M., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (March 22, 2024). Research on Developmental Cascades in Early Childhood Teacher Education. Texas Early Childhood Summit, TAMU System Early Childhood Interest Group, College Station, Texas. US.
- Thompson, J. (February 2024). Play as Equity. TAMUC IEL Social Change Conference. Commerce, TX, US.
- Wilson, L., & Thompson, J. (February 2024). Welcoming Black Men into Higher Ed. Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education, Frisco, Texas.
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z. & Thompson, J. (November 2023). How Does Change Occur? Shifting From Ages & Stages to Cascading Waves and Cycles of Development
- Wilson, L. & Thompson, J. (November 2023). Black Dads are Welcome in the Learning Community of their Children. FEATURED SESSION. NAEYC Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Lee, C., Loewenstein, M., & Thompson, J. (November 2023). Power of Purposeful Play in the Early Childhood Classroom. Texas AEYC Annual Conference, Kalahari Resort, Round Rock, TX.
- Thompson, J. (November 2023). Have we embraced DAP in Texas policy? Texas AEYC Annual Conference, Kalahari Resort, Round Rock, TX.
Faculty-led Study Abroad
- Play, Evolution, and Societies, in Erice, Sicily, Italy, May 2023 https://centromajorana.it/playevol2023/#home
- proposed trip to France in July 2025, for cultural and educational activities https://www.tamuc.edu/study-abroad/
Doctoral Students
- Beavers, Veronica. (2022). A Case Study of Black Men Fraternity Involvement and Its Influence on Sense of Belonging at a Predominantly White Institution. (Smith, Higher Ed & Learning Technologies).
- Bolden, Joy. (2019). Parent Involvement and Language Development: A Comparison of Early Head Start and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships (Moore, Texas Woman's University, ECD&E)
- Brown, Sophia. Topic of Interest. Intersection of Reading Instruction in Early Childhood Education.
- Brumfield, Melissa. (2018 completed 2nd M.Ed.). Topic of interest: Looping with kindergartners and first graders.
- Clay, Shaleen. (2023). Examining educators’ attitudes toward trauma-informed care and educators' secondary traumatic stress. (Moore, CD&ECE, TWU)
- Colón, Vanessa. (2023). Principals' Evaluation of Growth in Sociocultural Competence within their Dual Language Bilingual Education Program. (Chair)
- Dominguez Mena, Yesenia. Topic of interest: Parental Involvement of Emergent Bilingual Students.
- Ezell, Sonja. (2013). Early Head Start, Curriculum Intervention, and Outcome Measures (Brown, chair)
- Fetter, Sherri. (2018). Characteristics of elementary students as predictors of enrollment in schools of choice in Texas. (Arrambide, EDL, chair)
- Jones, Suzanne Stateler. (2011). Academic Red-Shirting: Perceived Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Males (Miller, chair)
- Keddington, Holly. (2012). Complement Syntax, Mental Verbs, and Theory of Mind in Children who are Deaf (Ball, PSY, chair)
- Kouhana, Hilary. (2017). Relationship Between Third Grade Retention of Male Hispanic English Language Learner Students on State Academic Assessments (R. Thompson, EDL, chair)
- Meek, Darla. (defended Proposal Sept 2024). The Impact of Singing and Purposeful Movement on Music Listening Skills in Third Grade Students (Chair)
- Murphy, Pamela. (2019). An Investigation of the Greeting Circle to Promote Social and Emotional Skills in Pre-Kindergarten Children (Moore, Texas Woman's University, ECD&E)
- Roden, Tracie. (2022). Connecting learning sciences and early learning outcomes: A content analysis of preschool early literacy apps. (Brown, EDCI)
- Spoon, Deborah. (2018). Perceptions of Beginning Teachers and Mentor Teachers: Case Study of a Campus Mentor Program (R. Thompson, EDL)
- Stanković-Ramirez, Zlata. (2020). Prekindergarten Teachers’ Perspectives on Decision-Making Regarding Initial Set up of Classroom Environments, Modifications During the Academic School Year, and Barriers Associated with Creating Optimal Physical Environments (Vittrup, Texas Woman's University, CD&EE) MENTOR.
- Summers, Stacie. (2019). Head Start Parents Perception of Family Literacy Activities (Moore, Texas Woman’s University, ECD&E)
- Washington, R. (abd). Topic of interest: Factors that influence the retention of childcare workers who work in childcare deserts. (Persky, EDCI).
- Welsh, Halie. (defending Spring 2025). Content Validity Study of a Subjective Well-Being Measurement Tool for Early Childhood (Sanders, PSY)
- Yeh, Chia Jung. (2013). Effects of Peer Relationships and Child Behaviors on Preschoolers' Language Competencies (Moore, Texas Woman’s University, ECD&E)
Three main activities going on at present, Spring 2025:
- Educators Play Lab - examining the nexus of teachers who know how to utilize playful learning and administrators, some of whom don't
- Co-Lab - collaborating with educators from Casa de Paz Montessori, Technilógical de Monterrey, UT Dallas, and TAMUC in summarizing DEVELOPMENTAL CASCADES from Developmental Psychology into Early Childhood Education
- ABAR - exploring contrasts in teachers' understanding of family invovlement across gender and ethnicity, particularly welcoming Black fathers.
Within the community of child language acquisition researchers, it is known that more competent speakers transmit pragmatic competence to language learners; how they do so is still quite a mystery. The complex, interwoven connectedness of diverse elements and their influence on language acquisition remains unzipped; the double, triple, or infinite helix of pragmemes needs to be realized. Following Naomi Baron's (1990) structure of Five Language Functions (affection, control, information, pedagogy, and social exchange), my research examines the effectiveness of this structure to describe pragmemes in the early language learning environment of young children.
Early childhood educators are predominantly female; I am exploring gender differences in the ways men parent and teach. I join other researchers and early childhood practitioners (e.g. www.MenTeach.org) in seeking what is necessary to attract, recruit, retain, and promote men in early childhood education.
Thompson, J., & Stankovic-Ramirez, Z. (2024). How We Embrace Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Texas. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, 45(2), 22-33. PDF
CARE Circle (Ingellis, Thornton, Thompson, Krieger, Harris, Dean, Findlay, Pollock, Rhodes, Haugen). (2024). Examining Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Centering People with the Core Competencies of DAP. Exchange, 46(1, no. 273), pp. 26-29. PDF
Wilson, L. & Thompson, J. (2022). Welcoming Black Dads: Action Steps and Reflections on Becoming Culturally Competent. Young Children, 77(4), 26-34. .PDF
Loewenstein, M, Sturdivant, T.D., & Thompson, J. (2022). Learning through play in teacher education. Young Children, 77(2) pp. 44-50. .PDF
Thompson, J. (2022). Maria Montessori. In V. Geneser (Ed), Scholarly snapshots: The importance of child play as a human right (pp. 19-26). Rowan & Littlefield.
Thompson, J. (2022). Forward. In V. Geneser (Ed.), Scholarly snapshots: The importance of child play as a human right (pp. xi-xii). Rowan & Littlefield.
Thompson, J., Geneser, V., & Walker, K. (2022). Why I teach: A content analysis of eight early childhood teacher vignettes. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, 43(1), 21-17. PDF
Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022, Spring).1 A new view of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: What early childhood educators know about waves, individuals, and equity. TEPSA Leader: Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association 35(2), 1-7. www.tepsa.org/publications/tepsa-leader/#
Thompson, J., & Pearce, N. (2022). A Toolbox for Engaging Children in Play and Creativity for Learning across the Domains. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 50(1), 37-43. PDF
Thompson, J., & Stanković-Ramirez. (2021, October). What early childhood educators know about developmentally appropriate practice. Phi Delta Kappan, 103(2), pp. 20-23. https://kappanonline.org/what-early-childhood-educators-know-about-developmentally-appropriate-practice/.
Wilson, L., & Thompson, J. (2021). From breadwinner to nurturer: Changing images of fathers in the media. Journal of Education and Social Justice, 7(1), 73-91. https://www.vul.edu/images/PDF/Journal_of_Education_and_Social_Justice_Fall_2021.PDF
Wilson, L. & Thompson, J. (20220). Critical race theory and African American fatherhood: Countering the mainstream narrative. Journal of African American Males in Education, 12(1), pp. 89-106.
Parks. L., Thompson, J., & Walker, K. (2020). Saying goodbye to Texas Child Care Quarterly: The Quarterly Journal for Caregivers Everywhere: An Interview with Louise Parks. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children.
Thompson, J., & Bourassa, M. (2020). Ten ways a teacher copes, and thrives, during a pandemic. Early Years: Journal of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 41(2), 21-23. .PDF
Pearce, N., & Thompson, J. (2019). A dynamic duo: A partnership between an early childhood center and a teacher education program (Feature Article, also translated into Spanish: Un dúo dinámico: Una alianza entre el Centro de primera infancia y el programa de educación de docentes, pp. 15-18). Early Years: Journal of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 40(2), 11-14.
Thompson, J. (2018). Dads in the carpool lane. Early Years: Journal of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 39(3), 29-30. .PDF
Stanković-Ramirez, Z. & Thompson, J. (2018). Rethinking developmental domains to improve classroom observations. Texas Child Care Quarterly, 42(2), 20-27. Available online https://www.childcarequarterly.com/PDF/fall18_domains.PDF.
Golden, F., Guthery, S. & Thompson, J. (2018). Chapter 10: Improving practice of pre-service teachers through inquiry. In L. A. Sharp, E. Hendrix, & L. M. Juarez (Eds..), Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, Volume 5: Connections in the community: Fostering partnerships through literacy (pp. 84-88). Texas: Texas Association for Literacy Education. Available online www.texasreaders.org/yearbooks.html.
Thompson, J., & Walker, K. (2017). Rich Words for Free. ACEI Early Years Bulletin: Focus on Pre-K & K, 5(1), 1-5. Available online https://issuu.com/acei/docs/eybfall2017.
Wolff, K., Chapman, M., & Thompson, J. (2017). Exploring the Intersections of Social Identity, Popular Culture and Men in Early Childhood Education. In E. A. Janak & L. Sourdot (Eds..), Educating through Popular Culture: “You’re Not Cool Just Because You Teach with Comics” (pp. 265-286). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. PDF
Araujo, J., & Thompson, J. (2016). A Place for Children of Poverty. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, 37(2), 78.79.
Lee, D., Reid, M. J., & Thompson, J. (2016). Teachers Who Stay. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 37(2), 74-77.
Thompson, J. (2016). Why I Teach. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 37(2), 82-83.
Thompson, J., & Walker, K. (2016). One summer day: Play at Parker-Chase. Play, Policy, & Practice CONNECTIONS XVII(1), 26-28.
Hammack, B.J., Foote, M., Garretson, S., & Thompson, J. (2012). Family Literacy Packs: Engaging Teachers, Families, and Young Children in Quality Activities to Promote Partnerships for Learning, in Young Children 67(3) 104-110. PDF
Thompson, J. & Garretson, S. (2011). Encouraging men in their conversations with children, in Perspectives on gender in early childhood education (Tamar Jacobson, Ed.). St. Paul: Redleaf Press.
Thompson, J. & Stryker, A. (2010). Tale of two talents: How two teachers use peer-reflection to better prepare for class. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.
Thompson, J. (2008). Table talk: Taking dinner conversation into the classroom, In P. Dam & M. T. Coward (Eds..), Current Issues and Best Practice in Bilingual and ESL Education (pp. 54-64). Denton, TX: Federation of North Texas Universities.
Thompson, J. & Leeds, L. (2006). Infant crying: To soothe or not to soothe. Montessori Life: Journal of the American Montessori Society 18(1) 26-31. PDF
Leeds, L. & Thompson, J. (2005). Tears as Tools. Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 27(1) 5-6. PDF
Thompson, J. (2003). Hundred Language Zoo. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 31(1) 13-20. .PDF or DOC
Accepted for publication
Manuscripts submitted to refereed journals
Walker, K., Heinrich, M., Uribe Montserrat, D. A., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (submitted). Examining the role of developmental cascades in early care and education. Literature Reviews in Education and Human Services.
Welsh, H., Saunders, K., Tang, S., & Thompson, J. (submitted August 2024, rejected November 2024). Content validity study of a subjective well-being measurement tool for early childhood. Target publications: Early Education and Development; Applied Developmental Science.
Manuscripts in progress
Effects of systemic racism on students in higher ed and on faculty – collaboration with Mercado-Sierra and Stanković-Ramirez
Montessori Works - Objects in Developmental Planes – expected to submit to Montessori Life by November 2022.
Girls and boys need to talk with men and women: Gendered conversations help children learn more ways that language works – expected to submit to Childcare Exchange by December 2022.
Playing with Grades – with Geneser – expected to submit January 2023.
Exploring waves and cycles of child development – with Stanković-Ramirez – expected to submit by June 2023.
The Impact of Men on Children's Outcomes: Re-conceptualizing the Roles of Males in Children's Lives, at Home and in Schools
Language acquisition classroom practice
Support scholars contrasting teaching styles
Consulting Editor, Young Children, and NAEYC Publications, 2022-2025
Brown, D.L., Geneser, V., & Thompson, J. (Eds..). (2012-2016). Early Years: Journal of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Austin, Texas: Texas Association for the Education of Young Children.
Vol. 37, No. 2: Special Issue on Pathways of Becoming an Early Childhood Professional
Vol. 37, No. 1: Winter 2016
Vol. 36, No. 3: Fall 2015
Vol. 36, No. 2: Summer 2015
Vol. 36, No. 1: Winter 2015
Vol. 35, No. 4: Fall 2014
Vol. 35, No. 3: Summer 2014
Vol. 35, No. 2: Special Issue on Play
Vol. 35, No. 1: Winter 2014
Vol. 34, No. 3: Winter 2013
Vol. 34, No. 2: Summer 2013
Vol. 34, No. 1: Winter 2013
Vol. 33, No. 3: Fall 2012
Vol. 33, No. 2: Summer 2012
Recent Presentations
- Hweta, K, Inderjith, A., Jones, G., Kejo, S., Motaung, M., Rosenow, N, & Thompson, J. (moderator). (2024, April 18). Male Teachers: An Endangered Species. World Forum for Early Childhood Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. PPTX
- Uribe Montserat, D., Walker, K, Heinrich, M., Murcia, C., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (April 2024). Developmental Cascades in Early Childhood Development. World Forum for Early Childhood Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Webpage
- Uribe Montserat, D., Walker, K, Heinrich, M., Murcia, C., Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (April, July, October 2024). Developmental Cascades in Early Childhood Development. Texas Rising Star Annual Conference. Arlington, Houston, and Frisco, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (March 23, 2024). Playful Learning: Good for You! (Invited Keynote). Texas Early Childhood Summit, TAMU System Early Childhood Interest Group, College Station, Texas. Webpage
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (November 2023). How Does Change Occur? Shifting From Ages & Stages to Cascading Waves and Cycles of Development. NAECTE, Nashville, TN.
- Wilson, L., & Thompson, J. (November 2023). Black Dads are Welcome in the Learning Community of their Children. NAEYC, Nashville, TN.
- Lee, C., Loewenstein, M., & Thompson, J. (November 2023). Power of Purposeful Play in the Early Childhood Classroom. Texas AEYC, Kalahari Resort, Round Rock, TX.
- Thompson, J. (November 2023). Have we embraced DAP in Texas policy? Texas AEYC, Kalahari Resort, Round Rock, TX.
- Thompson, J. (2023 July). Child Development. Observation. (virtual). Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/observation
- Wilson, L.L., & Thompson, J. (2023). Welcoming Black Dads. Texas Rising Star Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas.
- Wilson, L.L., & Thompson, J. (2023). Welcoming Black Dads. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Virtual Conference. PDF
- Thompson, J. (2023 May). Play with Words and Stories to Create the Life of the Mind. Play, Evolution, and Societies. Erice, Sicily, Italy.
- Thompson, J. (2023, February). Language Leads Us Together. Social Change Conference. TAMU-C Intercultural Engagement and Leadership.
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022 November). Exploring the Changes of Developmentally Appropriate Practice Over Four Decades and Four Iterations in Teacher Preparation. NAEYC Annual Conference. Washington, DC. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/dap/
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022 October). Teaching the Changes of Developmentally Appropriate Practice over Four Versions. South Carolina AEYC. West Columbia, SC. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/dap/
- Thompson, J. (October 2022). Playful Learning Experiences for Teachers. International Play Association – USA. San Antonio, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/play.
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022 September). Exploring the Changes of Developmentally Appropriate Practice Over Four Decades and Four Iterations in Teacher Preparation. Texas AEYC Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/dap/
- Thompson, J., & McCrary, D. (2022 September) Teaching Playful Learning: The New Early Childhood PK–3 Certificate – a view across Texas Educator Programs. Texas AEYC Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/play
- Thompson, J. (July 2022). Child Development. Observation. (virtual). Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022 June). Exploring the Changes of Developmentally Appropriate Practice Over Four Decades and Four Iterations in Teacher Preparation. NAEYC PLI. Cleveland, Ohio.
- Thompson, J., Mays, P., Pearce, K.N. (2022, June). Diving deep into playful learning experiences for pre-service teachers. NAECTE Annual Conference – Summer (Virtual).
- Thompson, J. (Proposed for March 2023). Montessori Four Planes and Six Domains. (proposal submitted, March 2022)
- Wilson, L., & Thompson, J. (February 2022). Listening to Black Fathers: Critical Race Theory Produces Counter-Narratives. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, Virtual.
- Wilson, L. & Thompson, J. (February 2022). Learning to Listen to Black Fathers. Annual Conference, Southern Early Childhood Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Thompson, J. (October 2021). With Men Around, Kids Abound! (proposal accepted)
- Thompson, J. (July 2021). Child Development. Observation. (virtual). Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Loewenstein, M., Pearce, N., Sturdivant, T., & Thompson, J. (June 2021). Games Teachers Play. NAECTE Annual Summer (Virtual) Conference. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/games
- Duncan, S. (April 2021). Honeycomb Hypothesis Lecture. Hosted by Josh Thompson. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/honeycomb.
- Thompson, J., & Wilson, L. (November 2020). Critical Race Theory CRT Helps Teachers Hear Black Fathers. Annual Virtual Conference, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators. naecte.org/naecte-annual-conferences/
- Brereton, A., Pentz, K., & Thompson, J. (November 2020). Men in the Classroom Then and Now: The Changing Landscape of Men in Early Childhood Education. Annual Conference, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Anaheim, CA (accepted/cancelled).
- Krout, K., & Thompson, J. (November 2020). Leaders Needed, Women, Men, and All: Examining gender equity in early care and education. Annual Conference, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Anaheim, CA.
- Thompson, J., Mercado-Sierra, M., & Wilson, L. (October 2020). Be the change we want to see. VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: Annual Conference Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/ecchange/ YouTube video 40:47 https://youtu.be/2LLW1-cP-hI
- Thompson, J. (June 2020). The power of words and stories to create the life of the mind. VIRTUAL CONFERENCE. Professional Learning Institute PLI. National Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Thompson, J. (June 2020). The power of words and stories to create the life of the mind. Professional Learning Institute PLI. National Association for the Education of Young Children. New Orleans, LA (cancelled). http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/powerWords/
- Thompson, J., Walker, K., & Geneser, V. (March 2020). Poster Early Childhood Teacher Identity: Content Analysis of 8 #whyIteach vignettes. American Montessori Society. Dallas, Texas (cancelled). Wilson & Thompson, J. (November 2019). The Impact of Men on Children's Outcomes: Re-conceptualizing the Roles of Males in Children's Lives, at Home and in Schools.RECE conference. Las Cruces, NM.
- Thompson, J. & Wilson, L. (November 2019). Girls and boys need to talk with men and women. NAEYC annual conference. Nashville, TN. WEB
- Pearce & Thompson. (November 2019). A Dynamic Duo: An Early Childhood Center and Teacher Education Program. NAECTE Annual meeting. Nashville, TN. PDF
- Walker, Geneser, & Thompson (November 2019) Why I Teach: Research poster presentation. Mid-South Educational Research Association www.msera.org New Orleans, LA.
- Thompson, Geneser, & Walker (September 2019) Why I Teach: Research poster presentation. Project Galleria, Texas AEYC. Frisco, Texas.
- Thompson, J. & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (September 2019) Montessori Works: Why, and A Little Bit of How. Annual Conference. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Frisco, Texas
- Thompson, J (September 2019). Listening and Speaking Leads to Reading and Writing and More. 14th Annual Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, Mesquite, Texas. HANDOUT.PDF
- Thompson, J. & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (August 2019) Montessori Works: Why, and A Little Bit of How. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Irving, Texas.Thompson, J. (August 2019). Child Development and Individual Variation. Teacher In-Service Training. St. Francis Family Montessori. Irving, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (July 2019). Child Development. Observation. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- McDonald, J., & Thompson, J. (June 2019). Importance of Men and Dads in Children’s Lives. Jerletha McDonald Show. https://www.facebook.com/jerletha.mcdonald/videos/10158506067059167/UzpfSTUzODQ4NzMzODoxMDE1NjQ3ODI0NDI1MjMzOQ/
- Walker, K., Geneser, V., & Thompson, J. (June 2019). Teacher Educators Look at Teacher Candidates and Their Identity as Early Childhood Professionals. Research Poster Session. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE). Long Beach, CA.
- Walker, K., Geneser, V., & Thompson, J. (June 2019). Why I Teach: A Content Analysis of Eight Early Childhood Teacher Vignettes. Research Poster Session. Professional Learning Institute ofNational Association for the Education of Young Children. Long Beach, CA.
- Walker, K., Geneser, V., & Thompson, J. (November 2018). Becoming a profession of early childhood educators: A quality career creates a legacy. Annual Conference National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington, DC.
- Thompson, J. & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (August 2018) What's Normal Anyway? Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Dallas, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (July 2018). Child Development. Observation. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Wright, M. & Thompson, J. (with moderator support Stanković-Ramirez, Z.). (June 2018). Playfulness in Tech. Professional Learning Institute PLI NAEYC. Austin, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (February 2018). KEYNOTE: Learning Together in the Company of Children. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program.
- Thompson, J., Brown, D., Geneser, V., & Walker, J. (October 2017). Pathways to Becoming an Early Childhood Professional. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. San Antonio, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (August 2017). Keynote: Pathways to Becoming an Early Childhood Professional. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Thompson, J. & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (July 2017). Observation and Assessment. DallasAssociation for the Education of Young Children. University Park, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (July 2017). Child Development. Observation. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Thompson, J. & Stanković-Ramirez, Z. (June 2017). P.L.A.C.E.S. Children Grow. Annual Conference National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators. San Francisco, CA.
- Gamez, S., Foote, M., Pearce, K.N., & Thompson, J. (May 2017). Building a Reggio Environment. Thirteenth Annual Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium. Commerce, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (2017). Rich Words for Free. Christian Montessori Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
- Thompson, J., Baker, I., & Walker, K. (September 2016). Classy books for all ages and stages. Annual Conference, Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Dallas, Texas.
- Thompson, J., & Gordon, B. (September 2016). Montessori Silent Journey and Discovery. Annual Conference, Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Dallas, Texas.
- Golden, F., Lawson, E, & Thompson, J. (July 2016). Re-Sorting the Word Wall. International Literacy Association. Boston, MA.
- Thompson, J. (June 2016). Child Development. Observation. Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program. Plano, Texas.
- Thompson, J. & Baker, I. (June 2016). Rich Words for Free. NAEYCProfessional Development Institute. Baltimore, MD.
- Thompson, J. & Baker, I. (June 2016). Rich Words for Free. National Head Start Association. Nashville, TN.
- Thompson, J. & Murcia, C. (April 2016). Rising Tide Raises All Boats. DFW Montessori Association. Dallas, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (April 7, 2016). Hundred Language Zoo. Twelfth Annual Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium. Commerce, Texas.
- Thompson, J., & Reid, M. (March 2016). Freedom and choice. Deeper Learning 2016. San Diego, California.
- Thompson, J. & Walker, K. (March 2016). Deeper Learning: Lessons from Early Childhood. SXSWedu Mentor Panel. Austin, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (January 2016). Adding up to Count Down! Books to Bring a Child’s Language to Life! Educational First Steps. Dallas, Texas.
- Thompson, J., Hallman, & Kinnard, T. (October 2015). Boys in School: Making Room for Each and Every Child. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Galveston, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/boys/
- Thompson, J. (April 2015). Living with Learners. Workshop. Deeper Learning 2015www.deeper-learning.org/dl2015. San Diego, California. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/ll1
- Thompson, J., Brown, D., & Geneser, V. (October 2015). Re-Telling Your Story: Writing the Stuff of Early Childhood Education. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Galveston, Texas.
- Araujo, J., & Thompson, J. (November 2014). Siguiendo el viaje de Enrique: Preparándonos para la próxima inundación de niños inmigrantes en nuestra puerta y más adelante en nuestras aulas (Following Enrique's journey: Preparing for the next flood of immigrant children at our door and in our classrooms). National Association for the Education of Young Children. Dallas, Texas.
- Thompson, J., Hallman, D., Huber, M., & Kinnard, T. (November 2014). Boys in School: Making Room for Each and Every Child. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Dallas, Texas. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/boys/
- Brown, D., Geneser, V., & Thompson, J. (September 2014). Meet the Editors: Publishing in Early Years. Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Austin, Texas. http://www.texasaeyc.org/?page_id=622
- Golden, F., Lawson, E., & Thompson, J. (September 2014). Kids' College: Outdoor Learning STEM Academy. Project Galleria, Research Poster Presentations, Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Austin, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (2013). The Indigenous Child's Use of Language. Reconceptualizing Early Childhood http://receinternational.org/. Nairobi, Kenya. http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/rece
- Thompson, J. (April 2011). Words at Work with Early Language Production. Annual Conference. Association of Childhood Education International. New Orleans, LA.
- Foote, M., Hammack, B., & Thompson, J. (2006). “Backpacks to Family Nights”. Association for Childhood Education International. San Antonio, Texas.
- Thompson, J. (2003). “Pragmatic Functions in Caregiver Speech”. International Conference: Oral Language of School Children. Organized by Laboratoire de Linguistique et Didactique des Langues Etrangères et Maternelles. Located at Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l'Académie de Grenoble. 30 av. Marcelin Berthelot, F-38100 Grenoble, France.
- Thompson, J. (2003). “Five Language Functions used by Caregivers Talking to a Toddler”. Child Language Seminar. School of Education, Communication & Language at Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England.
Grants & Awards
- 2022, CCAMPIS Child Care Access Means Parents in School, submitted by Vieira, McCrary, and Thompson, requsted $447,694, submitted July 11, 2022.
- 2022, Teaching Playful Learning, submitted by Corp, Pearce, Sturdivant, & Thompson. Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts Research Support at TAMU-C, requested $10,000, granted $5,000
- 2022 Dr. Harry Wade Senior Faculty Award. Academic Life Committee of TAMU-C Faculty Senate and Commerce Chapter of Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education
- 2021, Students as Avatars: Virtual reality simulations to enhance learning, submitted by Pearce, McCrary, Thompson. Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts Research Support, requested $10,000, not awarded
- 2021 Ronnie Brooks Mentoring in Education Award, TAMU-C Chapter of Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education.
- 2021 CCAMPIS up to $185,000, with Hortman, McCrary, & Pearce
- 2021 Opening Eyes to Early Learning, proposal, submitted February 2021, $200,000
- 2020 CCAMPIS up to $185,000, with Hortman, McCrary, & Pearce
- 2020 Men in Education Network M.E.N. Interest Forum $900 membership grant from National Association for the Education of Young Children
- 2019 Texas AEYC www.TexasAEYC.org President's Trust Fund $500 for Multi-cultural Literature for ECE 358.
- 2019 CCAMPIS up to $185,000, with Hortman, McCrary, & Pearce
- 2018 <Awarded October 1, 2018> CCAMPIS Child Care Access Means Parents in School, with Hortman, McCrary, & Pearce $185,000 for 4 years = $740,000.
- 2017, Texas Affiliate Grant, for highlighting benefits of NAEYC accreditation in DFW Metroplex, from Texas AEYC, $500
- 2016, Texas Affiliate Grant, for recruiting membership in Dallas AEYC, from Texas AEYC, $500
- 2015, Master Leadership Recognition, Childcare Exchange Leadership Initiative, www.childcareexchange.com/eli-directory/nggallery/page/12.
- Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, May 2014, $500. Early Childhood Committee of the Federation of North Texas Universities.
- 2013, International Travel Research & Presentation Grant, to Nairobi, Kenya, http://receinternational.org/2013.html Texas A&M University-Commerce Faculty Development Committee, $2000.
- 2013, Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS), U.S. Dept. of Education, http://www.ed.gov/programs/campisp/index.html. $67,000.
- Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, May 2013, $500, Early Childhood Committee of the Federation of North Texas Universities.
- 2012, Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS), U.S. Dept. of Education, http://www.ed.gov/programs/campisp/index.html. $67,000.
- Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, May 2012, $1500, Early Childhood Committee of the Federation of North Texas Universities.
- 2011, Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS), U.S. Dept. of Education, http://www.ed.gov/programs/campisp/index.html. $67,000.
- Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, May 2011, $2000, Early Childhood Committee of the Federation of North Texas Universities.
- Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium, May 2010, $2000, Early Childhood Committee of the Federation of North Texas Universities.
- Ph.D. (2001). Humanities, The University of Texas at Arlington. Dissertation: Adaptations of Language Functions in Caregiver Speech: Nurturing the Acquisition of Pragmatic Competence. Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nancy Hadaway. Major Adviser (Early Childhood Education): Dr. Carol Sue Marshall.
- M.Ed. (1986). Elementary Education, Dallas Baptist University.
- B.M. (1980). Piano Performance, Trinity University. Student of Karl Leifheit.
- Texas Association for the Education of Young Children Co-Chair, Publications Committee (2012-2016)
- Dallas Association for the Education of Young Children Co-President (2015-2017)
- MIGHTY! Men for Young Texans - MyT
- National Association for the Education of Young Children, Men in Education Network M.E.N. Interest Forum
- National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators www.naecte.org
- www.MenTeach.org
- International Reading Association www.Reading.org
- Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group http://clrsig.org/nbgs.php
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics www.nctm.org
- American Montessori Society http://amshq.org/
- Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Program www.DallasMontessori.com
- Dallas Audubon Society Dogwood Canyon and Cedar Ridge Preserve