Professional Meetings and Conferences 2005 - present:
Title: From Shape to Threat: Exploiting the Convergence Between Visual and Conceptual Organization for Weapon Identification and Threat Assessment, SPIE "Defense, Security and Sensing", April 30, 2013, Baltimore, MD, INVITED SPEAKER
Title: Skin Lesion Feature Vector Space With A Metric To Model Geometric Structures Of Malignancy, 15th Int. Workshop Combinatorial Image Analysis, UT Austin, Nov. 28-30, 2012.
Title: Local and Global Fuzzy Gaussian Distribution Energy Minimization of a Convex Active Contour Model, 15th Int. Workshop on Combin. Image Analysis, UT at Austin, 28-30, 2012.
Title: Mathematical Concepts with Image Analysis Applications, November 02-04, 2012, Lloyd Roeling UL Lafayette Mathematics Conference, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Dept. of Mathematics, INVITED SPEAKER.
Title: Weapon Ontology Annotation Using Boundary Describing Sequences, IEEE SSIAI, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 22-24, 2012
Title: Automatic Boundary Detection And Symmetry Calculation In Dermoscopy
Images of Skin Lesions, IEEE ICIP2011, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 11-14, 2011.
Title: Integration of low level and ontology derived features for automatic weapon recognition and identification, Automatic Target Recognition XXI, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, April 2011.
Title: Automatic Object Identification Using Visual Low Level Feature Extraction and Ontological Knowledge, SDPS’2010- Society for Design and Process Science, Dallas, Texas, June 2010.
Title: Tracking Neutrophil Cells by Active Contours with Coherence and Boundary Improvement Filter, IEEE SSIAI2010, Austin, Texas, May 24, 2010.
Title: An Active Vector Field for Boundary Extraction of Objects with Complex Geometric, SPPRA 2010, Austria, Innsbruck, Friday, February 19, 2010.
Title: An Integral Active Contour Model for Convex Hull and Boundary Extraction, International symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nov. 30-Dec. 02, 2009.
Title: Shape’s Related 3D Objects Indexing and Image Database Organization, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 25, 2008.
Title: Monotonic Vector Forces and Green’s Theorem For Automatic Area Calculation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, Sep. 16-18,2007.
Title: Content Based Search in Web Archives, World Congress in Applied Computing – Internet Computing 2007, Las Vegas, June 25-28, 2007.
Title: Automatic Concavity’s Area Calculation Using Active Contours and Increasing Flow. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Atlanta Georgia, Oct. 08-11,2006.
Title: Multiple Surfaces Reconstruction from 2D Sections Using an Increasing 2D Vector Flow, The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, June 26-29,2006
Title: A New Automatic Concavity Extraction Model, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Processing and Analysis, Denver, Colorado, March 26-28,2006.
Title: Heat Equation to 3D Image Segmentation, The 9th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, WMSCI 2005, Orlando, USA , July 10-13, 2005.
Title: A New Active Convex Hull Model for Image Database’s Search Space Partitioning, 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing - VISION'05, Las Vegas, June 20-23, 2005.
Invited Seminar at University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Dept. of Mathematics – Title: Mathematical Conceptswith Image Analysis Applications, Nov. 18, 2011, 1PM -2PM.
Title: New Family of Active Contours with Image Enhancement & Region Matching, Math Department Colloquium, TAMUC, Nov. 23, 2010, 3:30PM-4:30PM.
Invited Seminar at UT Arlington, Applied Mathematics Seminar-Department of Mathematics at UT Arlington, March 06, 2009, 2:30, Pickard Hall, Room304, Title: The Exact Solution of the Active Convex Hull Model And Its Application to Image Segmentation.
Title: The Active Convex Hull Model Its Level Set Presentation and Exact Solution. Math Colloquium, Dept. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University-Commerce November 13, 2008, 3PM-4PM;
Invited Seminar: Regular Seminar Dept of Physics TAMUC- September 27,2007, 4PM-5PM, Room 127, Science Build., Title: Image Databases to Science. Methods for Features Extraction.
Invited Seminar at UT Arlington, Applied Math Seminar, Dept of Mathematics, Feb. 02,2007-2:30, Room 304, Title: About An Edge Where Mathematics and Computer Science Meet;
Invited Seminar for REU students June 06, 2007, Title: Enhancement and Features Extraction from Surface Images.
Title: Image Database Management and Indexing, Brain, Computation and Mind Seminar, Dept. of CS, December 08,2006, Science Building 355.
Title: Level Set Formulation of the Heat Differential Equation, Applications to Content Based Image Retrieval, Dept of Mathematics and CS, Jour 129, May 05,2006, 12-1:30PM.
Title: Introduction to Mathematica, and its Applications; An Application of Derivatives and Interpolation to 2D and 3D objects modeling, Image Evaluation and Retrieval; TAMUC, Undergraduate Research Program, June 07-08,2005,
Title: Digital Image Databases and 3D Visualization Applications to Science and Industry, TAMU-Commerce, Department of Chemistry, February 10,2005.
Title: A New Image-Region’s Active Convex Hull Model For Content Based Image Retrieval, TAMU-Commerce, Dept Math and Dept of CSIS, Sept. 30.2004.
Title: Over Some Open 2D/3D Shape Features Extraction and Matching Problems, TAMU-Commerce, Dept CSIS, Sept. 29.2004.
Title: An Introduction to Digital Image Databases and Content-Based Image Retrieval, TAMU-Commerce, Depts. of Math, CSIS, Sept. 16.2004.