Profile photo of Dr. Nikolay M. Sirakov

Dr. Nikolay M. Sirakov


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Office Location: Binnion 322

Phone: 903-886-5943




- Boulekenafed, M., El-Ayadi, Emptoz, R. H., Granado, I., Lebourgeois, F., Marcolino A., Menguchi, A., Muge, F., Nicsa, F., Pina, P., Pinto, J.C., Ramalho, M., Ramos, M., Sirakov, N.M., Trihn, E. 2000. DEBORA - European Project, TITLE: Old printed documents, digitizing, processing and interpreting, Bouche, R., Emptoz, H., Ed., PUBLISHER: ENSSIB - École Nationale des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques, Lyon, France. 2000.

- Sirakov, N. M., 1991. Mechatronic- Systems for machine vision. By P. Parushev (Ed), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences-Center of Scientific Inform., Sofia, Bulgaria. 1991. in Cyrillic


1. Oluwaseyi Igbasanmi, Nikolay M. Sirakov, and Adam Bowden, CNN for Efficient Objects Classification with Embedded Vector Fields, ICCIDA2023, July 21-22,2023, accepted for publication by the Springer book series, Studies in Computational IntelligenceElectronic ISSN 1860-9503, Print ISSN 1860-949X, BEST PEPAR AWARD

2. M. Mete, N. M. Sirakov, G. A. Hosler, J. Frieder, L. Dickson,  J. Griffin, A. Menter, A Quarternary Classifier for the Clinical Evaluation of Pigmented Skin Lesions, 20th IEEE BIBE (Bioinformatic and Bioengeneering) 2020, published by IEEE Xplore, 16 December 2020. DOI: 10.1109/BIBE50027.2020.00125

3. P. G. Kandhare , A. Nakhmani, N. M. Sirakov, Trajectory Type Prediction and Multi-Target Tracking, IEEE SoutheastCon 2019, At the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama, April 11-14, 2019, accepted for publication by IEEE XPlore

4. M. Chen, N. M. Sirakov, Poisson Equation Solution and its Gradient Vector Field to Geometric Features Detection, 7th Int. Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing -TPNC2018, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 12-14, 2018, accepted for publication by Lecture Notes in Computer Science-Springer Verlag.

5. L. H. Ngo, M. Luong, N. M. Sirakov, T. Le-Tien, S. Guerif, E. Viennet, Sparse Representation Wavelet Based Classification, ICIP2018, October 7-10, 2018 • Athens, Greece, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 06 September 2018, pp. 2974-2978. DOI:10.1109/ICIP.2018.8451538, top 2% peer reviewed CS conference.

6. N. M. Sirakov, N.N. Sirakova, Inscribing Convex Polygons in Star-Shaped Objects, V.E. Brimkov and R.P. Barneva (Eds.): IWCIA 2017, LNCS 10256, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, pp. 198-211, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59108-7_16, ISBN 978-3-319-59107-0

7. A.Arslan, N. M. Sirakov, Shape Matching for Rigid Objects by Aligning Sequences Based on Boundary Change Points, V.E. Brimkov and R.P.Barneva (Eds.): IWCIA 2017, LNCS 10256, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, pp.308-321, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59108-7_24, ISBN 978-3-319-59107-0

8. Nikolay M. Sirakov, “Object Shape Extraction from Cluttered Baggage”, SPIE2017 DS, Automatic Target Recognition, Automatic Target Recognition XXVII, edited by Firooz A. Sadjadi, Abhijit Mahalanobis, Vol. 10202, 102020P · © 2017 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18, Invited Paper, 102020P (May 1, 2017);

9. Christian F. Hempelmann ; Abdullah N. Arslan ; Salvatore Attardo ; Grady P. Blount and Nikolay M. Sirakov, “Detecting Necessary and Sufficient Parts for Assembling a Functional Weapon”, Automatic Target Recognition XXVII, edited by Firooz A. Sadjadi, Abhijit Mahalanobis, Vol. 10202, 102020R · © 2017 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18, (May 2017), Invited paper, ·

10. Mutlu Mete, Nikolay Metodiev Sirakov, John Griffin, Alan Menter,  Novel Classification System For Dysplastic Nevus And Malignant Melanoma, IEEE ICIP2016, Phoenix, Arizona, Sept. 2016, pp. 3414-3418, DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2016.7532993, top 1% CS conference among about 3,500  CS conferences, IEEE XPlore.

 11. Christian F. Hempelmann ; Abdullah N. Arslan ; Salvatore Attardo ; Grady P. Blount and Nikolay M. Sirakov,  " Real life identification of partially occluded weapons in video frames ", F. A. Sadjadi, A. Mahalanobis, Proc. SPIE 9844, Automatic Target Recognition XXVI, Invited Paper, 98440Y (May 12, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2224344;

12. N.M. Sirakov, M. Mete, R. Selvaggi, Marie Luong, New Accurate Automated Melanoma Diagnosing Systems, IEEE Inter. Conf. on Healthcare Informatics 2015 (ICHI 2015), Dallas TX, Oct. 21-23, 2015, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 374-379, DOI 10.1109/ICHI.2015.53.

13. Abdullah N. Arslana, Christian F. Hempelmannb, Salvatore Attardoc, Grady Price, Blountd Nona N. Sirakova, Nikolay M. Sirakov : Identification of Partially Occluded Firearms Through Partonomy, Invited Paper: Automatic Target Recognition XXV, edited by Firooz A. Sadjadi, Abhijit Mahalanobis, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9476, 94760U • © 2015 SPIE • CCC code: 0277-786X/15/$18 doi: 10.1117/12.2184102.

14. A. Bowden, M. D. Todorov and N. M. Sirakov,  Implementation of the Euler - Lagrange and Poisson Equations to Extract One Connected Region, American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1629, pp.400-407, doi: 10.1063/1.4902301.

15. M. Mete, N. M. Sirakov, Optimal Set of Features for Accurate Skin Cancer Diagnosis, IEEE ICIP 2014, International Conference of Image Processing 2014, Paris, Oct. 28-30, 2014, pp. 2256-2260. #39 out of 3,500 CS conferences, Microsoft Research, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5750-7.

16. Christian F. Hempelmannb, Abdullah N. Arslana, Salvatore Attardoc, Grady Price, Blountd, Nikolay Metodiev Sirakov,  Assessing the Threat of Firearms: New Threat Formula, Resources, and Ontological Linking Algorithms, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion and Target Recognition XXIII, 2014, In Ivan Kadar Ed., Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9091, 9091OU-1-12,ISBN: 9781628410280.

17. M.Todorov, N.M.Sirakov, S.Suh, 2013, Fast Splitting Scheme to Minimize New Energy Functional Containing Schroedinger Equation Solution, Proc. AMiTANS2013, In M. Todorov Ed., American Institute of Physics, V.1561, 378 (2013), DOI:;jsessionid=2hg7nkug8pr9j.x-aip-live-02; Indexed by Thomson Reuters.

18. Arslan, Abdullah N., Christian F. Hempelmann, Carlo Di Ferrante, Salvatore Attardo, and Nikolay Metodiev Sirakov. "From Shape to Threat: Exploiting the Convergence Between Visual and Conceptual Organization for Weapon Identification and Threat Assessment." Invited Paper. Recipient of the Lockheed-Martin BEST PAPER AWARD. In: Sadjadi, Firooz A. and Abhijit Mahalanobis. Eds. Automatic Target Recognition XXIII. Proc. of SPIE 0277-768X, V. 8744. Bellingham, WA: SPIE. 87440P. pp. 1-15. doi: 10.1117/12.2015591.

19. M. Mete , Y. Ou, N. M. Sirakov,  Skin Lesion Feature Vector Space With A Metric To Model Geometric Structures Of Malignancy, R.P. Barneva et al. (Eds.): IWCIA 2012, LNCS 7655, Springer Verlag, pp. 285–297, 2012.

20. Quang Tung Thieu, Marie Luong, Jean-Marie Rocchisani, Nikolay Sirakov, Emanuelle Viennet,  Local and Global Fuzzy Gaussian Distribution Energy Minimization of a Convex Active Contour Model, R.P. Barneva et al. (Eds.): IWCIA 2012, LNCS 7655, Springer Verlag, pp. 285–297, 2012.

21. Abdullah, A., Sirakov, N.M., Attardo, S.,  ”Weapon Ontology Annotation Using Boundary Describing Sequences”, IEEE SSIAI, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 22-24, 2012, pp.101-104, IEEE Catalog #: CFP12401-USB, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1829-7, Published by IEEE XPlore, Peer reviewed conf. rate of acceptance 60%.

22. N. M. Sirakov, M. Mete , S. C. Nara, 2011, Automatic Boundary Detection And Symmetry Calculation In Dermoscopy Images of Skin Lesions, IEEE ICIP2011, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 11-14, 2011, pp.1637-1640, IEEE catalog #: CFP11CIP-USB, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1302-6, IEEE XPlore. Ranked #39 among 3,511 CS conferences. Microsoft Research.

23. Sirakov, N. M., Suh, S., Attardo, S., 2011, "Integration of low level and ontology derived features for automatic weapon recognition and identification" in Automatic Target Recognition XXI, edited by Firooz A. Sadjadi, Abhijit Mahalanobis, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8049 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2011) 80490X.

24. Sirakov, N.M., Kojouharov, H, Sirakova, N.N, 2010, Neutrophils and Bacteria Tracking by Active Contours in Video Sequences, IEEE SSIAI 2010, May 23-25, Austin, Texas, Pub. by IEEE Computer Society, pp.5-8, ISBN: 978-1-42447800-2, IEEE Catalog No.:CFP10401-CDR, IEEE XPlore

25. Sirakov N.M. 2010, An Active Vector Field for Boundary Extraction of Objects with Complex Geometry, B. Zagar, A. Kuijper, H. Sahbi Ed, Proc of the 7th Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, SPPRA 2010, Austria, Innsbruck, February 17-19, ACTA Press, Anaheim-USA, Calgary-Canada, Zurich-Swiss, pp. 189-195, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-88986-822-9

26. N.M.Sirakov, K. Ushkala, 2009, An Integral Active Contour Model for Convex Hull and Boundary Extraction, G. Bebis et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5876, Springer Verlag, ISVC’2009, pp.1031-1040. Impact Factor: 0.4,

27. Sang C.Suh, S. I. Saffer, S. G. Anaparthii, N. M. Sirakov, 2009, “Basics of Concepts Representation for Document Summarization”, INC, IMS and IDC, 2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on 25-27 Aug. 2009 Page(s):1374 – 1380, IEEE Xplore Digital Library , ISBN: 978-0-7695-3769-6

28. Sirakov, N.M. 2008, “Shape’s Related 3D Objects Indexing and Image Database Organization,” IEEE SSIAI 2008, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 24-26,2008, pp.45-48, Rate of acceptance about 60%, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2297-5, IEEE Catalog #: CFP08401; Library of Congress 2008902178, IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

29. Sirakov, N.M., 2007, Monotonic Vector Forces and Green’s Theorem For Automatic Area Calculation, Proc. IEEE ICIP2007, San Antonio, Sep. 2007, Vol. IV, pp 297-300. Rate of acceptance about 45%, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Catalog No.: 07CH37925C ISBN:1-4244-1437-7. Ranked #39 among 3,511 CS conferences. Microsoft Research.

30. Sang Suh, Sirakov, N.M., 2007, Content Based Search in Web Archives, WorldComp2007, Internet Computing (ICOMP'07), In H.R. Arabnia, V. Clincy, J. Lu, J. Smid, A. Bahrani,O. Droegenhorn, G. Gravianis, S. Haseloff (Ed), CSREA Press-USA, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, pp. 9-15. ISBN-1-60132-044-2.

31. Sirakov, N.M., 2006, Automatic Concavity’s Area Calculation Using Active Contours and Increasing Flow, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP2006, Atlanta, October 2006, pp. 225-228. Rate of acceptance about 40%, ISBN: 1-4244-0481-9. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Ranked #39 among 3,511 CS conferences. Microsoft Research.

32. Sirakov, N.M., 2006, Multiple Surfaces Reconstruction from 2D Sections Using an Increasing 2D Vector Flow, In H.R. Arabnia, Xiangjian He, T. Hintz, D. Liu, K.S.Sim (Ed), CSREA Press-USA, June, 2006, Vol. II, pp.364-370. ISBN: 1-932415-93-9, 1-932415-94-7.

33. Sirakov, N.M., Simonelli, I., 2006, A New Automatic Concavities Extraction Model, Published by IEEE, Computer Society, 2006, USA, 178-182. ISBN: 1-4244-0069-4, Library of Congress #: 2005937121. IEEE Xplore Digital Library

34. Sirakov, N., 2005, Heat Equation to 3D Image Segmentation, Proc of The 9th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, In N. Calaos, W Lesso, W-J Tsaur, S. Jivkova, O Goriachkin (Ed), WMSCI 2005 July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, USA, pp.295-299, ISBN: 980-6560-57-4. Ranked in the top 10% of the papers presented on 9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005).

35. Sirakov, N., 2005, A New Active Convex Hull Model for Image Database’s Search Space Partitioning, In H.R. Arabnia, Xiangjing He, Tom Hintz, Qiang Wu (Ed), CSREA Press-USA, June, 2005, pp.134-140. ISBN: 1-932415-65-3

36. P. Mlsna, N.M. Sirakov, 2004, Intelligent Shape Features Extraction and Indexing System for Fast Medical Image Retrieval, Proc. SSIAI., IEEE Comp Society, US, pp. 172-176, 2004. ISBN:0-7803-8387-7 ,, IEEE Top Reference – IEEE Xplore

37. Sirakov, N.M., Swift, J., Mlsna, P., 2003. A Shape Based Intelligent System to Objects Localization in Image Database. In Ajith Abraham, Katrin Franke, Mario Kppen (Ed), Advanced in Soft Computing: Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Springer Verlag, pp. 373-383. Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 3-540-40426-0.

38. D. R. Hack, N.M. Sirakov, M. L. Fever, R. Mironov, 2002. Use of 3D Reconstruction and Visualization System to Evaluate Subsurface Geophysical Data in Advance of Gravel Mine Development, In Sukumar Bandopadhyay (Ed), Published by the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc. USA, pp. 569-576. ISBN10: 087335219X, ISBN13: 9780873352192

39. N.M.Sirakov & F.H. Muge, 2001. Comparing of 3D Reconstructed Objects. (Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries, Beijing, China, April, 2001), Heping Xie, Yuhan Wong & Yaodong Yiang Eds, A.A.Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 75-80. 2001. ISBN 90 5809 1740.

40. Sirakov, N.M., Ribeiro, L., Pina, P., Muge, F., 2000. An Algorithm for 3D Groundwater Units Reconstruction and Visualization. Red Book “Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, IAHS press, Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, IAHS publication no.265, pp. 148-154. British Library Cataloguing in Publication data. A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 1-901502-36-8

41. Granado, I., Sirakov, N., Muge, F., 2000. A Morphological interpolation approach - geodesic set definition in case of empty intersection. In John Goutsias, Luc Vincent, Dan S. Blooberg (Eds), Math Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, Kluwer series in computational imaging and vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.71-80.ISBN 0-7923-7862-8

42. Muge, F., Granado, I., Mengucci, M., Pina, P., Ramos, V., Sirakov, N., Caldas Pinto, J.R., Marcolino, A., Ramalho, M., Vieira, P., Amaral, A.M., 2000. Automatic Feature Extraction and Recognition for Digital Access of Books of the Renaissance, J. Borbinha and T. Baker (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1923, Springer-Verlag -Heidelberg, pp. 1-13. ISBN 3-540-41023-6

43. Sirakov N., Tareco C., Granado I, Muge F., 1999. 3D Modeling of Complex Sulfide Orebodies, Ed. by Prof. Kadri Dagdelen, Cherie Dardano, Melody Francisco, Jim Proud, held in Golden, Colorado, 20-22.10.1999, Printed in the USA, pp. 665-675. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number ISBN 0-918062-12-8.

44. Sirakov, N., 1997. Fast Approach for Determining of Visibility of 3D Object’s Surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 1311, Ed. by Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo, Printed by Springer Verlag, pp. 292-299.

45. Sirakov, N., 1996. Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Branching Objects. (13ICPR, Vienna,1996), Volume II Track B, Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis, Printed by IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA, pp.620-624.

46. Sirakov, N., 1994. Recognition of shape from a finite series of plane figures. NATO Advanced Study Institute “Shape in Pictures”, Series F, Vol.126; Ed. by O Lie and A. Toet, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, D. Foster, P. Meer; Springer Verlag, pp.453-462. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

47. Nedev, N., Sirakov, N.M., 1993. The Real Time Stereoscopic Sensor as Autonomous Intelligent Robots or Robocars Guiding Source. Ed. by B.L.Junela, K.K. Pujara, R. Sagar, Printed by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company New Delhi, 1993, pp.695-700.

48. Sirakov, N., 1992. Regularity and consistency for recognition of several objects from single view, IFAC, Vol. I; Ed. by A. Kuzucu, I. Eksin, A. T. Dinibutun; Turkey, 1992, pp.337-344.

49. Sirakov N., Trebeticky I., 1991.Calculation of the curvature of the edge of a road by help of regularities. Computer Analysis of Image and Patterns, Research in Informatics, Ed. by Reinhard Klette, Printed by Akademie Verlag, Germany, Vol. 5, 1991, pp.195-201.

50. Sirakov, N., Nedev, N., 1989. Approximation analysis of spatial Scenes with 3D co-ordinates data, obtained by stereo TV projection in real time", Mathematical Research, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vol.55, Academie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 123-128.

SPIE Newsroom – Defense and Security

  1. Nikolay Sirakov, Abdullah N. Arslan, Christian F. Hempelmann, Salvatore Attardo and Grady P. Blount, Firearms identification through partonomy, SPIE Newsroom, 11 August 2015, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201507.005849,


  1. N. M. Sirakov, 2011, The Image as a Storage of Images, Proc. of SDPS2011, June 12-16, 2011, Jeju Island, South Korea. Submitted March 30, 2011, pp.1-5.
  2. N.M.Sirakov, S. Suh, S.Attardo, 2010, “Automatic Object Identification Using Visual Low Level Feature Extraction And Ontological Knowledge”, Proc. of Society for Design and Process Science-SDPS, Dallas, Texas, June 6-11, 2010, pp.1-9, ISSN: 1090-9389.
  3. Sirakov, N.M. 2008, Shape’s Complexity Related Indexing and Image Database Management, Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, SPPRA 2008, February 13 – 15, Innsbruck, Austria, accepted for presentation and publication on November 2007 after 3 reviews. Withdrawn because of lack of funds to attend the conference and present the paper.
  4. R. Kazandjiev, P. Gospodinov, M. Mironova, Sirakov, N.M., 2002. Crack Development in Sulfate-Corroded Cement Stone, Proc. of 9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, In Ya. Ivanov, A. Baltov, E. Manoach (Ed.), Sept. 19-22.2001, Varna-Bulgaria, Vol.1, pp.517-521.
  5. J. Caldas Pinto, A. Marcolino, M. Ramalho, F. Muge, N. Sirakov, P. Pina, 2001, Comparing matching strategies for Renaissance printed words, in 10th Portuguese Conference on Computer Graphics, ADETTI-CPCG-APRP Publisher-Lisbon, 1-3.October.2001, pp. 123-130.
  6. Caldas Pinto, J., Marcolino, A. , Ramalho, M. , Muge, F., Sirakov, N., Pina, P., 2001. Matching Renaissance Binary Words, 5th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Dramstad, Germany, September 4-6, 2001.
  7. Sirakov N., Muge F., 2000, Matching strings of Renaissance letters using finite numerical sequences, Campilho, A.C. / Mendonça, A.M. (Eds), Proc. of RecPad’2000 - 11th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Porto, Portugal, Published by APRP - Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões, pp. 61-66.
  8. Sirakov N., Muge F., 1999, Several Complex 3d Objects Reconstruction By Planar Cross Sections, Proc. of Int. Conf. SIARP99, 21-26. March, La Habana-Cuba, in printing.
  9. Kazandziev R., Sirakov N., 1998, Reconstruction of Cracks Occurring in a Compressed Plastic Material, Proc. of QCAV98 – Japan, November 10-12.1998, 321-326.
  10. Sirakov N., Mironov R., Ribeiro L., Muge F., 1998, Environmental Decision Support System for Analysis, Evaluation and Management of Groundwater Resources Based on Integrated GIS Technology, Proc. of ASI NATO “Deposit and Geoenvironmental Models for Resources Exploitation and Environmental Security“, Hungary-Matrahaza, Sep. 04-19, 1998, pp. 93-99.
  11. Sirakov N., Mironov R., Muge F., 1998, Ground and Underground 3D Objects Reconstruction, Proc of RecPad98, Lisboa, March, 1998, pp.115-121.
  12. Sirakov N., 1997, 3D Defects Detection in Mechanisms Components, Proc. of NATO Advanced Study Institute Computational Methods in Mechanisms, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.297-307.
  13. Sirakov N., Kazandjiev R., 1997, 3D Representation of Flaws in Natural Resources and Materials, (QCAV97 May 1997, France), Edited by J.L. Amat, G.Yahiaoui, N Aussenac-Gilles, A. Hameurlain, M. Laug, Printed by IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1997, pp.75-80.
  14. Sirakov N., 1997, Several 3D Objects Reconstruction by Using Vector Feature Space, Proc. of RecPad’97, Coimbra, Portugal, March 20-21, 1997, pp. 107-111.
  15. Sirakov N., Minchev O., 1996, Muge F., Detection of 3D deformations, Proc. of RecPad'96, Guimaraes, March 23-25,1996,pp. 123-127.
  16. Sirakov N., Muge F., 1995, A Decision Support System for 3D Defects Detection, Proc. of RecPad'95, Aveiro, Portugal, March 23-25,1995,pp.3.4.1-3.4.7.
  17. Ivanov N., Sirakov N. ,Muge F.,1995, Decision Support System for Reconstruction of 3D objects by Planar Regularities, Proc. of SAER'95, Sept.1995, Varna, pp.129-133.
  18. Sirakov N., Muge F., 1994, "Comparing 2D Borders Using Regular Structures", Proc. of RecPad'94, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25.03.1994, pp. 169 -176.
  19. N. M. Sirakov, F. H. Muge, 1994, A new technique for 3D body reconstruction based on Mathematical Morphology and Algebraic Structures, Presented on the Conference MIC’94, Grindelwald-Switzerland, February 21-23, 1994.
  20. Sirakov N., 1993, "Creating of an Aspect graph for 3D Object reconstruction", Recpad'93, Porto, Portugal,1993,pp.97-104.
  21. Sirakov N., Ivanov N.,"A fast method for recognition of a 3D overlapping objects based on the regularities and principles of the independent observer", Proc of RecPad'92, Coimbra, Portugal, March 12-13,1992,pp.49-57.
  22. N.M.Sirakov, Regularity and Principles of the Independent Observer for recognition of several 3D objects from single view, Presented on the Conference Modelling Identification and Control, February 10-12, Insbruck, Austria, 1992.
  23. Cupic R.,Sirakov N.,Trebaticky I., "Processing of the 3d information with aid of a systolic system", Proc. of the Int. Conf. Cybernetics and Informatics, Smolenize, Slovakia,April 4-7,1991,pp. 43-48, in Slovak language.
  24. N. M. Sirakov, Algorithm for recognition of objects in R3 from multiple viewes, Presented on the Conference CONTROL’90, Lugano, Switzerland, June 18-21, 1990.
  25. Sirakov N., Dimitrov A., "Software application for recognition of 3D objects, represented as finite series of plane figures", Proc. of the VI National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bulgaria, Sept.1989,Vol.1 ,pp. 428-432.
  26. Abdullah N. Arslana, Christian F. Hempelmannb, Salvatore Attardoc, Grady Price, Blount, Nikolay M. Sirakov, 2015, Identification of Partially Occluded Firearms Through Partonomy, invited paper by SPIE Newsroom, to appear in April 2015.
  27. A. Bowden, N.M.Sirakov, M Todorov, 2014, Application of Euler-Lagrange and Poison Equation to Image Segmentation, Annual Meeting of the Texas section of the MAA, April 3-4, 2014, Laredo, Texas.
  28. P. KANDHARE, N.M.Sirakov, Modified Kalman Filter Integrated with Shrinking Active Contour for Object Motion Tracking in Video, Texas meeting of MAA, Lubbock, Texas Tech University, April 10, 2013, published abstract.
  29. Melendez, J. M., Sirakov, N.M.,“Image Segmentation Using Delaunay Triangulation with a Predicate”, Texas meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, April 2012, Dallas. (published abstract).
  30. Sirakov, N.M., 2005, Automatic Nano Images Segmentation Using Active Contours, 4M Workshop "Micro/Nano Engineering: technology and applications", November 23-26, Sofia, extended abstract.

PUBLISHED THESIS: Chakrander Nara, Advisor N. M. Sirakov, “Active contour on the Exact solution of the active convex Hull Model Working with noise”, Master Degree Thesis, Texas A&M University Commerce, July 01, 2011.

Published on line THESIS: Pravin Kanthdare, Object Tracking In Video Sequence Using Modified Kalman Filter With A Shrinking Active Contour As A Measuring Tool, Master Degree Thesis, Dept. of CS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, April 19, 2013. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (UMI # 1552230)
Published on line THESIS: A. Bowden, Implementation of a Splitting Finite Difference Scheme to Segment Images with the Solution to the Poisson and Schrodinger Equations, Master’s thesis, Texas A&M Univeristy - Commerce (2014).

Published on line THESIS: A. Bowden, Implementation of a Splitting Finite Difference Scheme to Segment Images with the Solution to the Poisson and Schrodinger Equations, Master’s thesis, Texas A&M Univeristy - Commerce (2014).

ЛИТЕРАТУРА НА КИРИЛИЦА (Publications in Cyrillic):

  1. Ю.Тошев, Б. Филипов, Ст.Стоенчев, Кл.Младенова, Н.Сираков, Вл.Цветанов, П.Атанасов, Система за управление на специализирани манипулатори, 5-ти Конгрес по Механика, Варна, 20-29.85, стр.
  2. Сираков Н.,”FORTH- для управление в реальное время, Сборник Докладов 1-ой и 2-ой Международной Школы “Применение Биомеханики и Бионики в Робототехнике”, Сл. Бряг, 09.1986 г., стр. 306-310.
  3. Недев Н., Сираков Н.,Проблемы машинного анализа пространственных сцен при помощи стереотелевизионных систем, Сборник Докладов Международной Конференций РОБКОН-3, Варна, 10.1986, стр.137-143.
  4. Сираков Н., Формирование информационного масива содержащего точки с видимыми поверхностями многогранника, Сборник Докладов Международной Школы “Применение Механики в Робототехнике и Новых Материалов”, 09.1988, България, стр.305-308.
  5. Сираков Н., Алгорифм разбиение множества точек при разпознавании равнинных фигур, Сборник Докладов Международной Конф. РОБКОН-5, Варна, 10.1989, стр. 287-293.
  6. Сираков Н, Недев Н, Върху решаване на някои проблеми при разпознаване на група равнини фигури чрез регулярности, 6-ти Конгрес по Механика, Варна, 1989, стр. 368-371.
  7. Сираков Н, Антон Калковски, Програмна система за 3D реконструиране базирана на Ворони Диаграми, Научна школа с Международно участие “Приложение на Математиката в Техниката и Бизнеса, Созопол, 09.1996,стр.321-326.

ДИСЕРТАЦИЯ-защитена 1990 (Ph.D. Thesis, Defended 1990)
Н.М.Сираков, Разпознаване на тримерни обекти чрез регулярности, редове и множества на разпознаваемост.

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