Preserving the Legacy of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway


2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
November 30, 2006
Media Gallery
photos by Jason L. Davis & L. Joyce Davis

2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Blacklands crew works to finish switching duties in the Commerce yard as the drizzle starts to freeze on the morning of the first scheduled symposium.
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
A few of the attendees who braved the ice storm to make the symposium enjoy a recollection of the highest ranked seniority engineer, Billy Null.
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Symposium attendees
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Symposium attendees
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Ed Cooper presenting a slide show of Commerce photos.
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Active and retired railroad employees
attending the first symposium.
2006 Cotton Belt Symposium
Symposium attendees
Left photo.
Railroaders and family members in attendance:

back row, from left -
Ed Cooper, Murrel Hogue (deceased, 2010), Leo Sykes, Pete Hale (deceased, 2008), Harley Davis, Jason Davis

front row, from left -
Helen Ballard, John Ballard, Billy Null, James Larry Adams (deceased, 2008)

not shown, but present -
LeNita Joyce Davis (wife of Harley Davis)
Clara Sykes (wife of Leo Sykes)
Kathy Null (wife of Billy R. Null)