Profile photo of Dr. JoHyun Kim

Dr. JoHyun Kim

Assistant Professor

Higher Education & Learning Technologies

Office Location: Frank Young Education North #115

Phone: 903-468-3248


Professional Vita


JoHyun Kim is an assistant professor in the Department of Higher Education and Learning Technologies at Texas A&M University-Commerce. She holds her Ph.D. in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She also has years of experiences as an administrator in higher education. Since she joined TAMUC in fall 2012, she has developed and taught courses in higher education and community college leadership and is currently serving as the Higher Education master’s program coordinator. She has also served as dissertation committee chair and member for numerous students and has served on university, college, and department committees.

Her primary research focuses on students’ access to and success in higher education. Her research examines how underserved youth and adult students (minority, low income, first-generation students, and immigrants) can succeed in higher education settings. She is well versed in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, and frequently collaborates with colleagues. She has presented at numerous national conferences and has published to prestigious journals. She also serves on editorial board and reviews manuscripts for several higher education journals. 


Ph.D., 8/2000 – 5/2006               Education Policy, Organization & Leadership College of Education
                                                       University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

Major and Specializations: 

Higher education, community college leadership, educational policy analysis, program evaluation,

high school to college transition,institutional effectiveness, and statistical methods  

M.A., 8/1997 – 8/2000             Teaching English as a Second Language, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

                                                   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

 B .A., 3/1991 – 2/1996           History, College of Arts and Sciences (summa cum laude)

                                                   SookMyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea

Courses Taught 

Research Methods

Multiple/logistic regression, factor analysis, MANOVA, structural equation modeling (SEM), hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), content analysis, and mixed methods.

Research Areas 


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