Profile photo of Dr. Nathan R. Templeton

Dr. Nathan R. Templeton

Associate Professor / Masters Program Coordinator/ Assistant Department Head

Educational Leadership

Office Location: Frank Young Education North,#106

Phone: 903-886-5895


Professional Vita


Rambo, P., Salazar, D., Wiersig, J., & Templeton, M. (2010). Practicum coordination handbook for family and consumer sciences. Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency.


Templeton, N.R. (2011). STARTing to improve African American AchievementTexas Study of Secondary Education, 20(2), 42-44.  


Templeton, N. (2011). Understanding social justice: Improving the academic  achievement of African American students. International Journal of Education Leadership Preparation, 6(2).


Templeton, N. (2012). [Review of the book An administrator’s guide to better teacher mentoring, by W.L. Fibkins]. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 6(1).


Templeton, N. (2012). [Review of the book American education: Building a common foundation, by William A. Owens and Leslie S. Kaplan]. Belmont, CA:     Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


Brown, C., Borgemenke, A., & Templeton, N. (2013). The consequences of non-   traditional faculty hires on educational administration programs. International Journal of Creative Research, 7(1).


Thompson, J.R., Templeton, N., & Ballenger, J. (2013). School board presidents and superintendents’ use of transformational leadership to improve student outcomes. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 30(4).


Templeton, N. & Hendricks, L. (2014). K2: Implications of fake weed for school administrators. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 23(1), 40-42.


Templeton, N. & Tremont, J.W. (2014). Applying business lessons to education: Mentoring as job-embedded professional development. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 6(4).


Templeton, N. & Tremont, J.W. (2014). Improving professional practice: Mentoring as    job-embedded professional development. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 23(2), 24-26.


Weiss, G., Templeton, N., & Thompson, J.R. (2014). Superintendent and school board relations: Impacting achievement through collaborative understanding of roles and responsibilities.  School Leadership Review, 9(2), 12-21.


Templeton, N., Hendricks, L., & Daugherty, J. (2014).  The campus principal and Senate Bill 460: Suicide awareness and prevention for at-risk students.  Texas Study of Secondary Education, 23(2).


Templeton, N. (2015). Last in first out. In Sadeghi, L. & Callahan, K. (Eds.), Educational Leadership in Action: A Casebook for Aspiring Leaders. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.


Templeton, N. (in-press). [Review of the book Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end (3rd ed.), by Linda Dale Bloomberg and Marie F. Volpe]. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Ausbrooks, C., & Templeton, N. (2015).  The organizational structure of government and its role in Texas public education.  In Vornberg, J., Hickey, W., & Borgemenke A. (Eds.), Texas Public School Organization and Administration: 2016. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.


Templeton, N. (2015).  Reflections from the first year teaching online. In Vaughn, V., Miller, G., & Oliveras-Ortiz, Y. (Eds.), Preparing Future Ready Education Leaders Through Globalized Online Learning.  Ypsilanti, MI: NCPEA Press.


Kemp-Graham, K.Y., & Templeton, N. (2015).  The discipline gap in Texas: An Exploratory analysis of the assignment of disciplinary consequences of Black students and White students in Texas who violated local school codes.  Manuscript submitted for publication.


Davenport, M., Thompson, J.R., & Templeton, N.R. (2015).  The teaching of the code of ethics and standard practices for Texas educator preparation programs. International Journal of Education Leadership Preparation, 11(2). Templeton, N.R., & Hendricks, L. The campus principal and community   relations: Educating beyond the Jason Flatt Act and house bill 2186.  Manuscript Submitted for Publication.


Templeton, N.R., Ballenger, J.N., & Thompson, J.R. (in-press).  Examining the elements of online learning quality in a fully online doctoral program: A quantitative analysis.  Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration.  

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