PhD., University
of Bonn, 1987 (Thesis: Electromagnetic processes in
relativistic heavy ion collisions, with Summa Cum Laude)
MS., Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, 1983 (Thesis: Dissipation in deep inelastic
B.S., Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, 1980
Academic Positions
Faculty positions:
Texas A&M
University - Commerce, Professor, 2007 -
University of North Texas,
Distinguished Affiliated Professor, 2007 -
Texas A&M University,
Adjunct Professor, 20115 -
Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Professor, 1988 - 2000 (on leave 1991 - 1994)
Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Assistant professor, 1980 - 1983 (on leave 1984
- 1987)
Visiting faculty (+other) positions:
Department of Physics,
University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
2006 - 2007
Department of
Physics, University of Arizona, 2004 - 2006
NSCL - Michigan State
University, 2002 - 2004
Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Research Scientist, 2000 - 2001
GSI/Darmstadt, Research
Scientist, Germany, 1994
University of Wisconsin at
Madison, 1993
NSCL - Michigan State
University, 1991 - 1992
PhD and postdoc:
FZ-Juelich, 1984 -
1987, PhD student from 1984 - 1986, Postdoc in 1987
Scientific Publications
250+ scientific publications
250+ talks in conference,
international laboratories and universities
cover of Physics Today, March 1994, featured
article, p. 22
Author of 5 textbooks
Editor of 6 books
Awards and Honors
Fulbright Scholar,
2015 - 2016
American Physical Society Fellow, 2012
John Simon Guggenheim Fellow,
2000 - 2001
Professor, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Germany,
CNPq/Brazil Research Fellow,
highest rank 1988 - 1999
CAPES/Brazil Research
Fellow, 1980 - 1983
DAAD/Germany Research
Fellow, 1983 - 1987
Research Award, 1996 - 2000
DOE - Office of
Science Research Grants, 2005, 2007 - present
NSF Research Grants, 2009 -
Cotrell Scholar Award,
2008 - 2010
59 undergraduate and graduate courses in physics in 1980 - 1983, 1987 - 2000, 2002 - present.
Textbooks written
1- Nuclear
Physics in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press,
2007, ISBN13: 978-0-691-12505-3.
2- Introduction
to Nuclear Reactions, with P. Danielewicz
(500 pages, IOP publishing, Bristol, 2004)
ISBN: 0750309326
3- Physics
of Radioactive Beams, with M. Hussein and G.
(431 pages, Nova Science, Hauppage, NY, 2002) ISBN:
4- Introduction
to Nuclear Physics, with H. Schechter
(313 pages, Nova Science, Hauppage, NY, 2002) ISBN:
5- Introducao
a Fisica Nuclear, with H. Schechter, UFRJ
Editora, ISBN: 978-85-7108-288-5
Books edited
1- Neutron Star Crust, C.A. Bertulani and J. Piekarewicz,
Nova Science, Hauppage, NY, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-62081-902-9.
2- International Nucleus-Nucleus Conference, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, August 28 - September 1, 2006. C.A. Bertulani, M.S.
Hussein and A. Szanto de Toledo and P.R.S. Gomes. Special
volume of Nuclear Physics A (North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 2007).
3- Int. Workshop on Collective Excitations in Fermi and Bose
Systems, Serra Negra, Brazil, C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto and
M.S. Hussein
(556 pages, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998)
4- VIII J.A. Swieca Summer School: Nuclear Physics, Campos do
Jordao, Brazil, C.A. Bertulani, M. Bracco, B. Carlson
and M. Nielsen
(358 pages, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997)
5- Int. Workshop on Physics of Unstable Nuclear Beams, Serra
Negra, Brazil, C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto and M.S. Hussein
(394 pages, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996)
6- V J.A. Swieca Summer School: Nuclear Physics, Campos do
Jordao, Brazil, C.A. Bertulani
(355 pages, CNEN Publishing, Rio de Janeiro, 1992)
Research Interests
Theoretical Nuclear and Many-body Physics
Nuclear Astrophysics
Computational Physics
Synergetic Activities
Chair of the American Physical Society Committee
on Education (2015, 2016)
Member of the American Physical
Society Committee on Education (2013, 2014)
Chair of the NSF
Graduate Research Fellow Panel (2011, 2012)
Executive committee of the Texas Section of
the American Physical Society (2009 - 2011)
Chair & Director of the Physics Graduate
Program - Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (1997 - 1999)
National and international committees for the advancement of
science (Japan, Canada, UK, South Africa, Germany, Italy,
Popularization of science (articles in Physics Today, and
other popular journals)
NSF Nuclear Physics Panels (2008, 2009)
NSF Physics and Astronomy Panel (2010)
Referee for scientific journals (Physical Review, Elsevier,
Nuclear Physics, Phys. Lett. B, J. Phys. G, PTP,.....)
PhD and MS students and Postdocs (incomplete)
PhD Students:
- Dr. Anna C. Vasconcellos-Gomes (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, graduation: 1990)
- Dr. Armando N.F. Aleixo (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, 1990)
- Dr. Diego Dolci (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1999)
- Dr. Daniel T. de Paula (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, 2000)
- Evandro Segundo, PhD student in coll. with Prof. Deppman
(University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2014, -15)
- Yiping Xu, PhD student in coll. with Dr. D.-Y. Pang (Peking
University, China, 2016, 2017)
MS students:
- Daniel Alencar, Luciano Santos, Martin Makler and others
(UFRJ-Brazil, 1988-2000)
- Junting Huang (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2007 - 2009)
- Karthik Ushkala (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2009 - 2010)
- Mark Ellermann (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2009 - 2010)
- Biao Wang (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2009 - 2010)
- Taylor Bailey (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2009 - 2011)
- John Fuqua (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2011 - 2013)
- Lucretius A. Coleman (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2012 - 2013)
- Jared Lalmansingh (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2013 - 2015)
- James Thomas (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2014 - 2016)
- Nathan Brady (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2015 - 2016)
- Venkata Challa (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2015 - 2017)
- Dr. Michele Checcinatto and others (Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, 1996-1997)
- Dr. Arturo Samana (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2007 - 2009)
- Dr. Wenhui Long (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2009 - 2010)
- Dr. Hongliang Liu (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2010 - )
- Dr. Adelola Adeluyi (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2010)
- Dr. Mesut Karakoc (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2011 - 2012)
- Dr. Paolo Avogadro (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2012 - 2014)
- Dr. Kacper Topolnicki (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2015)
- Dr. Shubhchintak (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2015 - )
- Dr. Hao Viet Nahn Tran (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2016 - )
- Dr. Suqing Hou (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2016 - 2017)
- Dr. Ravinder Kumar (Texas A&M-Commerce, 2016 - 2017)
- advised 30+ undergrad students in scientific research