Publications (peer reviewed)
- Non-extensive
Statistics Solution to the Cosmological Lithium Problem,
S.Q. Hou, J.J. He, A. Parikh, D. Kahl, C.A. Bertulani, T.
Kajino, G.J. Mathews and G. Zhao, Astrop. J 834, 165
(2017). (5 pages). This paper is cited as a Research
Highlight by the American Astronomical Society.
- Internal
and external radiative widths in the combined R-matrix
and potential model formalism, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov,
Shubhchintak, C. A. Bertulani, T. V. Nhan Hao, Phys. Rev.
C95, 024616 (2017).
- Production
of exotic charmonium in ultra-peripheral heavy ion
collisions, C.A. Bertulani, V. P. Goncalves, B.D.
Moreira, F. S. Navarra, Eur. Phys. J. 137, 06019
- Relativistic
effects in Coulomb scattering of heavy ions,
Ravinder Kumar, C.A. Bertulani and G. Robinson,
- Deformation
dependence of the isovector giant dipole resonance: The
neodymium isotopic chain revisited, L.M. Donaldson,
C.A. Bertulani, J. Carter, V.O. Nesterenko, P. von
Neumann-Cosel et al., to be published.
- Electric
dipole polarizability of $^{48}$Ca and implications for
the neutron skin, J. Birkhan, M. Miorelli, S. Bacca,
S. Bassauer, C.A. Bertulani, et al., to be published.
- Test
of the Brink-Axel Hypothesis for the Pygmy Dipole
Resonance, D. Martin, P. von Neumann-Cosel, A.
Tamii, N. Aoi, S. Bassauer, C. A. Bertulani, et al., to be
published. ArXiv:1611.01789.
- Production
of exotic charmonium in gamma-gamma interactions at
hadronic colliders, B. D. Moreira, C. A. Bertulani,
V. P. Goncalves, F. S. Navarra, Phys. Rev. D 94, 094024
- Radiative
nucleon capture with quasi-separable potentials,
Shubhchintak, C. A. Bertulani, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, A. T.
Kruppa, J. Phys. G 43, 125203 (2016). (11 pages)
- Four
neutrons together momentarily, C.A. Bertulani and V.
Zelevinsky, Nature 17884 (2016). (2 pages)
- Frontiers
in Nuclear Astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani and T.
Kajino, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 89, 56 (2016). (45 pages)
- Dynamical
Coupling of Pygmy and Giant Resonances in Relativistic
Coulomb Excitation, N.S. Brady, T. Aumann, C.A.
Bertulani, and J.O. Thomas, Phys. Lett. B 757, 553 (2016).
(5 pages)
- The
electron screening puzzle and nuclear clustering, C.
Spitaleri, C.A. Bertulani, L. Fortunato, A. Vitturi,
Phys. Lett. B 755, 275 (2016). (4 pages).
- Book:
Rewriting Nuclear Physics textbooks: 30 years with
radioactive ion beam physics, Eur. Phys. J. Plus,
Eds. N. Alamanos, C. Bertulani, A. Bracco, A. Bonaccorso.
D. Brink, G. Casini (2016). ISSN: 2190-5444 (online)
- Primordial
alpha + d --> 6Li + gamma reaction and second lithium
puzzle, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, Shubhchintak, and C.A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 93,045805 (2016). (13 pages)
- Experimental
Study of knockout reaction mechanism using 14O at 60
MeV/nucleon, Y. L. Sun et al., Phys. Rev. C 93,
044607 (2016). (8 pages)
- Exclusive
quasi-free proton scattering reactions in inverse and
complete kinematics: A novel technique for probing
neutron-proton asymmetric nuclei, V. Panin, et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 753, 204 (2016). (7 pages)
- Systematic
investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of
unstable B and C isotopes, R. Thies, et al.,
Phys. Rev. C 93, 054601 (2016). (9 pages)
- Coulomb
and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne,
J. Marganiec et al., Phys. Lett. B 759, 200 (2016). (6
- Cosmological
and Particle Physics Constraints on a New Non-Abelian
SU(3) Gauge Model for Ordinary/Dark Matter Interaction,
O. Oliveira, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein,
W. de Paula, T. Frederico, Braz. J. Phys. 46, 721
(2016). (9 pages)
- Indirect
methods in nuclear astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani,
Shubchintak A. Mukhamedzhanov, A. S. Kadyrov, A. Kruppa,
and D. Y. Pang, J. Phys. Conf. S. 703, 012007 (2016). (9
- Primordial
nucleosynthesis revisited via Trojan Horse Results,
R.G. Pizzone, R. Sparta, C.A. Bertulani, C. Spitaleri, M.
La Cognata, L. Lamia, A. Mukhamedzhanov and A. Tumino,
Eur. Phys. J. 117, 09010 (2016). (6 pages).
- Experimental
study of the 15O(2p,gamma)17Ne cross section by Coulomb
Dissociation for the rp-process, J Marganiec et al.,
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 665, 012046 (2016).
(7 pages)
- Trojan
Horse measurement of the 18F(p,alpha)15O astrophysical
S(E)-factor, R.G. Pizzone et al., Eur. J. Phys. A
52, 24 (2016). (9 pages)
- Coulomb
dissociation of 20,21N, Marko Roeder et al., Phys.
Rev. C 93, 065807 (2016). (11 pages).
- Nuclear
astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR, R.
Reifarth et al., J. Phys. Conf. Series 665, 012044 (2016).
(12 pages).
- The
Cosmological Lithium Puzzle Revisited, C.A.
Bertulani, A. Mukhamedzhanov, and
Shubhchintak, AIP Conf. Proc. 1753, 040001 (2016);
doi: 10.1063/1.4955357 (9 pages)
- Parton
distribution functions probed in ultraperipheral
collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider,
J. Thomas, C.A. Bertulani, N. Brady, D. B. Clark, E.
Godat, and F. Olness. ArXiv:1603.01919.
- Evidence
of sub-nucleonic degrees of freedom in JPsi
photoproduction in ultraperipheral collisions at the
CERN Large Hadron Collider, E. Andrade-II and I.
Gonzalez and A. Deppman and C. A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C
92, 064903 (2015). (6 pages)
- Electron
capture rates in stars studied with heavy ion charge
exchange reactions, C.A. Bertulani, to be published.
- Lithium
Measurement of the Neutron-Capture Rate of 17C for the
R-process Nucleosynthesis, M. Heine et al., to be
- The neutron
within the deuteron as a surrogate for neutron-induced
reactions, C. A. Bertulani, L. F. Canto, M. S.
Hussein, Shubhchintak, Viet Nhan Hao Tran,
- First-order
neutron-deuteron scattering in a three-dimensional
approach, K. Topolnicki , J. Golak, R. Skibinski, H.
Witała, C. A. Bertulani, Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 132
(2015). (14 pages)
- Current
Status of Nuclear Physics Research, C.A. Bertulani
and M.S. Hussein, Braz. J. Phys. 45, 730 (2015). (26
- Relativistic
Coulomb excitation within Time Dependent Superfluid
Local Density Approximation, I. Stetcu, C.
Bertulani, A. Bulgac, P. Magierski, and K.J. Roche,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 012701 (2015). (5 pages) Supplemental
Material. (18 pages)
- Tunneling
of atoms, nuclei and molecules, C.A. Bertulani,
Few-Body Sys. 56, 727 (2015). (10 pages)
- Odd-even
mass staggering with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov
theory, W. J. Chen, C. A. Bertulani, F. R. Xu and Y.
N. Zhang, Phys. Rev. C91, 047303 (2015). (4 pages)
- Low-energy
electric dipole response in 120Sn, A.M. Krumbholz,
P. von Neumann-Cosel, T. Hashimoto, A. Tamii, T. Adachi,
C.A. Bertulani, H. Fujita, Y. Fujita, E. Ganioglu, K.
Hatanaka, C. Iwamoto, T. Kawabata, N.T. Khai, A. Krugmann,
D. Martin, H. Matsubara, R. Neveling, H. Okamura, H.J.
Ong, I. Poltoratska, V.Yu. Ponomarev, A. Richter, H.
Sakaguchi, Y. Shimbara, Y. Shimizu, J. Simonis, F.D. Smit,
G. Susoy, J.H. Thies, T. Suzuki, M. Yosoi, J. Zenihiro,
Phys. Lett. B 744, 7 (2015).
- Dipole
Polarizability of 120Sn and Nuclear Energy Density
Functionals, T. Hashimoto, A. M. Krumbholz, P.-G.
Reinhard, A. Tamii, P. von Neumann-Cosel, T. Adachi, N.
Aoi, C. A. Bertulani, H. Fujita, Y. Fujita, E. Ganioglu,
K. Hatanaka, E. Ideguchi, N. T. Khai, A. Krugmann,
C. Iwamoto, T. Kawabata, K. Miki, H. Matsubara, R.
Neveling, H. Okamura, H. J. Ong, I. Poltoratska, V. Yu.
Ponomarev, A. Richter, H. Sakaguchi, Y. Shimbara, Y.
Shimizu, F. D. Smit, J. Simonis, G. Susoy, J. H. Thies, T.
Suzuki, M. Yosoi, and J. Zenihir, Phys. Rev. C 92, 031305
(R) (2015). (4 pages)
- Trojan
Horse particle invariance in fusion reactions,
R.G. Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, C. Bertulani, A.
Mukhamedzhanov, L. Blokhintsev, M.La Cognata, L. Lamia, R.
Spartá, and A. Tumino, Eur. Phys. J. 86, 00034
(2015). (4 pages)
- And
there was light, C.A. Bertulani, AIP 1645, 121
(2015) . (11 pages)
- Surface-integral
formalism of deuteron stripping, A. M.
Mukhamedzhanov, D. Y. Pang, C. A. Bertulani, and A. S.
Kadyrov, Phys. Rev. C 90, 034604 (2014). (22 pages)
- Neutron
occupancy of the 0d5=2 orbital and the N = 16 shell
closure in 24O, K. Tshoo, Y. Satou, C.A. Bertulani,
H. Bhang, S. Choi, T. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y.
Kawada, Y. Nakayama, K.N. Tanaka, N. Tanaka, Y. Togano, N.
Kobayashi, N. Aoi, M. Ishihara, T. Motobayashi, H. Otsu,
H. Sakurai, S. Takeuchi, K. Yoneda, F. Delaunay, J.
Gibelin, F.M. Marqués, N.A. Orr, T. Honda, T. Kobayashi,
T. Sumikama, Y. Miyashita, K. Yoshinaga, M. Matsushita, S.
Shimoura, D. Sohler, J.W. Hwang, T. Zheng, Z.H. Li, Z.X.
Cao, Phys. Lett. B 739, 19 (2014). (4 pages)
- Stellar
oscillations induced by the passage of a fast stellar
object, C.A. Bertulani, M. Naizer, and W.
Newton, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23, 1450084 (2014). (9
- Indirect
techniques in nuclear astrophysics, by Robert
Tribble, Carlos Bertulani, Marco La Cognata, Akram
Mukhamedzhanov, and Claudio Spitaleri, Rep. Prog. Phys. 77
(2014) 106901. (50 pages)
- Astronuclear
physics with short-lived isotopes, C.A. Bertulani,
PoS (X LASNPA) 007 (2014). (10 pages)
- 13,14B(n,
gamma) via Coulomb Dissociation for Nucleosynthesis
towards the r-Process, S.G. Altstadt et al., Nucl.
Data Sheets 120, 197 (2014). (4 pages)
- Big
Bang nucleosynthesis revisited via Trojan Horse Method
measurements, R.G. Pizzone, R. Sparta, C.
Bertulani, C. Spitaleri, M. La Cognata, J. Lalmansingh, L.
Lamia, A. Mukhamedzhanov, A. Tumino, Astrophys. J. 786,
112 (2014). (9 pages)
- Study
of the 15O(2p,gamma)17Ne cross section by Coulomb
dissociation of 17Ne for the rp process of
nucleosynthesis, J. Marganiec, et. al., Act. Phys.
Pol. B 45, 229 (2014). (6 pages)
- Exclusive
measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne,
F. Wamers, et. al., Eur. PHys. J. 66, 03094 (2014).
(4 pages)
- Trojan
Horse Particle Invariance: An Extensive Study, R. G.
Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, M. L. Sergi, L. Lamia, A. Tumino,
C. A. Bertulani, L. Blokhintsev, V. Burjan, V. Kroha, M.
La Cognata, J. Mrazek, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, R. Spartá,
Few Body Systems 0177, 7963 (2014). (4 pages)
- Computer
code for double beta decay QRPA based calculations,
C.A. Barbero, F. Krmpotic, A. Mariano, A.R. Samana, V. dos
Santos Ferreira and C.A. Bertulani, AIP 1625, 169
(2014). (6 pages)
- Trojan
Horse Particle Invariance for 2H(d,p)3H reaction: A
Detailed Study, R. G. Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, C. A.
Bertulani, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, L.
Blokhintsev, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, A.
Rinollo, R. Spartá, A. Tumino, Eur. Phys. J.
66, 07021 (2014). (4 pages)
- Trojan
Horse particle invariance:the impact on nuclear
astrophysics, R. G. Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, C. A.
Bertulani, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, L.
Blokhintsev, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, A.
Rinollo, R. Spartá, A. Tumino, Origin of Matter and
Evolution of Galaxies, AIP 1594, 210 (2014).
(5 pages)
- Statistical
Theory of Breakup Reactions, Carlos A. Bertulani,
Pierre Descouvemont and Mahir S. Hussein, Eur. Phys.
J. 69, 00020 (2014). (13 pages)
- Determining
the 7Li(n,gamma) cross section via Coulomb dissociation
of 8Li, R. Izsak, A . Horvath, A . Kiss, Z. Seres,
A. Galonsky, C. A. Bertulani, Zs. Fulop, T. Baumann, D.
Bazin, K. Ieki, C. Bordeanu,, N. Carlin, M. Csanad, F.
Deak, P. DeYoung, N. Frank, T. Fukuchi, A. Gade, D.
Galaviz, C. R. Hoffman, W. A. Peters, H. Schelin, M.
Thoennessen, and G. I. Veres, Phys. Rev. C 88, 065808
(2013). (8 pages)
- Quasi-free
reactions with unstable nuclei, T. Aumann, C.A.
Bertulani and J. Ryckebusch, Phys. Rev. C 88, 064610
(2013). (15 pages)
- Book Chapter: Nuclear Reactions, C.A.
Bertulani, "Wiley Enciclopedia of Nuclear Physics and its
Applications", Ed. Reinhard Stock, 729 pages, Wiley - VCH,
Germany, p. 45 (2013). (49 pages)
- Role
of pairing in the description of Giant Monopole
Resonances, Paolo Avogadro and Carlos A. Bertulani,
Phys. Rev C 88, 044319 (2013). (14 pages)
- Recent
Results for the Effects of Distortion in the
Inter-Cluster Motion in Light Nuclei and Application to
Nuclear Astrophysics, R. G. Pizzone, L. Lamia, A. M.
Mukhamedzhanov, L. D. Blokhintsev, C. A. Bertulani, B. F.
Irgaziev, M. La Cognata, C. Spitaleri, Few-Body
Syst. 54, 1577 (2013). (5 pages)
- Microscopic
in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections with improved
Pauli blocking effects, B. Chen, F. Sammarruca and
C.A. Bertulani, Phs. Rev. C 87, 054616 (2013). (7 pages)
- Big
, C.A. Bertulani, J. Fuqua and M.S. Hussein,
Astrophys. J. 767, 67 (2013). (11 pages)
- Direct
Reactions for Nuclear Astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani,
Proc. of Science, Bormio (2013).(21 pages).
- Nuclear
Astrophysics from View Point of Few-Body Problems,
A. Tumino, C. Spitaleri, C. Bertulani and A. M.
Mukhamedzhanov, Few Body Systems 54, 869 (2013). (7
- Coulomb
distortion and medium corrections in nucleon-removal
reactions, Mesut Karakoc, A. Banu, C.A. Bertulani,
L. Trache, Phys. Rev. C 87 024607 (2013). (11 pages)
- Updated
evidences of the Trojan Horse particle invariance for
2H(d,p)3H reaction, R.G. Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, C.A.
Bertulani, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, L. Blokhintsev, M. La
Cognata, L. Lamia, A. Rinollo, R. Spartá, A. Tumino, Phys.
Rev. C 87, 025805 (2013). (5 pages)
- Medium
effects in direct reactions, M. Karakoc and C.A.
Bertulani, J. Phys. 420, 012074 (2013). (10 pages)
- Dark/Visible
Parallel Universes and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis,
C.A. Bertulani, T. Frederico, J. Fuqua, M.S. Hussein, O.
Oliveira, W. de Paula, AIP, Vol. 1498, 134 (2013). (9
- Beyond
the Neutron Drip-Line: The Unbound Oxygen Isotopes 25O
and 26O, C. Caesar et al., Phys. Rev. C 88, 034313
(2013). (8 pages)
- Nuclear
Astrophysics: what direct reactions can do for it?,
Acta Phys. Pol. 44, 531 (2013). (11 pages)
- Nuclear
at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, Adeola Adeluyi,
C. A. Bertulani, and M. J. Murray, Phys. Rev. C 86, 047901
(2012). (4 pages)
- Pygmy
dipole resonance in 208Pb, I. Poltoratska et al.,
Phys. Rev. C 85, 041304 (2012) (RC). (5 pages)
- Constraining
Gluon Shadowing Using Photoproduction in Ultraperipheral
pA and AA Collisions, Adeola Adeluyi and Carlos A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 85, 044904 (2012). (13 pages)
- Global
investigation of odd-even mass differences and radii
with isospin dependent pairing interactions,
C.A. Bertulani, Hongliang Liu and H. Sagawa, Phys. Rev. C
85, 014321 (2012). (8 pages)
- Extending
the Kawai-Kerman-McVoy Statistical Theory of Nuclear
Reactions to Intermediate Structure via Doorways, G.
Arbanas, C.A. Bertulani, D.J. Dean, A.K. Kerman, and K.J.
Roche, Eur. Phys. J. 21, 07002 (2012). (7
- Tunneling,
Diffusion and Dissociation of Feshbach Molecules in
Optical Lattices, Taylor Bailey, Carlos A. Bertulani
and Eddy Timmermans, Phys. Rev. A 85, 033627 (2012).
(6 pages)
- Complete
Electric Dipole Response in 208Pb, A. Tamii et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 062502 (2011). (5 pages)
- Fusion
11, C.A. Bertulani, Eur. Phys. J. 17, 15001
(2011). (8 pages)
- Gluon
distributions in nuclei probed at the CERN Large Hadron
Collider, Adeola Adeluyi and Carlos A. Bertulani,
Phys. Rev. C 84, 024916 (2011). (9 pages)
- Electric
dipole response in 120Sn, Anna Maria Heilmann et
al., J. Phys. 312, 092029 (2011). (6 pages)
- Neutrino
and antineutrino cross sections in 12C, A. R.
Samana, F. Krmpotic, N. Paar, and C. A. Bertulani, J.
Phys.312 (2011) 072009. (6 pages)
- On
the occurrence of extreme K-isomers in neutron-rich Hf
nuclei, H.L. Liu, F.R. Xu, P.M. Walker, and C.A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C, 83, 067303 (2011). (4
- The
nucleus-nucleus interaction between boosted nuclei,
Wen-Hui Long and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 83, 024907
(2011). (6 pages)
- Status
of breakup reaction theory, K. Ogata et al, J. Phys.
312 082008 (2011). (10 pages)
- Distortion
Effects on Trojan Horse Applications, R.G. Pizzone
et al, Few Body Systems 50, 319 (2011). (3 pages)
- Solar
fusion cross sections II: the pp chain and CNO cycles,
E.G. Adelberger et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 195 (2011).
(51 pages)
- Trojan
horse particle invariance studied with the 6Li(d, alpha
)4He and 7Li(p, alpha )4He reactions, R. G.
Pizzone et al, Phys. Rev. 83, 045801 (2011). (8 pages)
- The
electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the
International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
(FAIR), A.N. Antonov et al., Nuc. Inst. Meth. Phys.
Res. A 637, 60 (2011). (18 pages)
- Effects
of order deformation on superheavy high-K isomers,
H.L. Liu, F.R. Xu, P.M. Walker, C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev.
C 83, 011303 (2011) (RC). (4 pages)
- Electron
screening and its effects on Big-Bang nucleosynthesis,
Biao Wang, C.A. Bertulani and A.B. Balantekin, Phys. Rev.
C 83, 018801 (2011). (4 pages)
- Neutrino
and antineutrino charge-exchange reactions on 12C,
A.R. Samana, F. Krmpotic, N. Paar and C.A. Bertulani,
Phys. Rev. C 83, 024303 (2011). (19 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics with radioactive beams, C.A. Bertulani
and A. Gade, Physics Reports 485, 195 (2010). (65 pages)
- Pauli
blocking and medium effects in nucleon knockout
reactions, C.A. Bertulani and C. De Conti, Phys.
Rev. C 81, 064603 (2010). (8 pages)
- Production
, C.A. Bertulani and M. Ellermann, Phys. Rev. C 81,
044910 (2010). (6 pages)
- Dynamical
relativistic effects in breakup processes of halo nuclei,
K. Ogata and C.A. Bertulani, Prog. Theor. Phys. 123, 701
(2010). (18 pages)
- Nuclear
halo structure and pseudospin symmetry, WenHui Long,
Peter Ring, Jie Meng, Nguyen Van Giai, and Carlos A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C81, 031302 (2010) (RC). (5 pages)
a numerical code for projected (Q)uasi-particle (RA)ndom
(P)hase approximation, A. Samana, F. Krmpotic and C.A. Bertulani, Comp.
Phys. Comm. 181, 1123 (2010). (13 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics in rare isotope facilities, C.A.
Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A 834, 643 (2010). (4 pages)
- Radiative
capture of protons and neutrons at astrophysical
energies with single-particle models, Junting Huang,
C.A. Bertulani and V. Guimaraes, Atomic Data and Nuclear
Data Tables 96, 824 (2010). (24 pages)
- Nuclear
reactions (book chapter), C.A. Bertulani, Wiley
Encyclopedia of Physics, ISBN-13:
978-3-527-40691-3-Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2009. arXiv:0908.3275
(45 pages)
- Odd-even
mass difference and isospin dependent pairing
interaction, C.A. Bertulani, Hongfeng Lu, H. Sagawa,
Phys. Rev. C 80, 027303 (2009). (4 pages)
- Probing
two-photon decay widths of mesons at energies available
at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev.
C 79, 047901 (2009). (4 pages)
- Effects
of distortion on the intercluster motion in 2H, 3He, 3H,
6Li and 9Be on Trojan horse applications, R. G.
Pizzone, C. Spitaleri, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, L. D.
Blokhintsev, C. A. Bertulani, B. F. Irgaziev, M. La
Cognata, L. Lamia, and S. Romano, Phys. Rev. C 80, 025807
(2009). (10 pages)
- Non-inertial
effects in fusion reactions of astrophysical interest,
C.A. Bertulani, Jun-Ting Huang and Plamen Krastev, Mod.
Phys. Lett. A 24, 1109 (2009). (12 pages)
- Odd-even
mass differences from self-consistent mean field theory,
G.F. Bertsch, C.A. Bertulani, W. Nazarewicz, N. Schunck
and M.V. Stoitsov, Phys. Rev. C 79, 0343306 (2009). (12
- Dissociation
of relativistic projectiles with the
continuum-discretized coupled-channels method, K. Ogata and C.A.
Bertulani, Prog. Theor. Phys. (Letter) 121 (2009), 1399.
(8 pages)
- The
9Be(8Li,9Be)8Li elastic-transfer reaction, O.
Camargo et al., Phys. Rev. C 78, 034605 (2008). (8 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics from direct reactions, C.A. Bertulani,
Rev. Mex. Phys. 53, 11 (2008). (8 pages)
- Detection
of supernovae neutrinos with neutrino-iron scattering,
A.R. Samana and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C78, 024312
(2008). (5 pages)
- Blurred
femtoscopy in two-proton decay, C.A. Bertulani, M.S.
Hussein and G. Verde, Phys. Lett. B 666, 86 (2008). (5
- Geometry
of halo nuclei, C.A. Bertulani and M.S. Hussein,
Phys. Rev. C76, 051602 (2008) (RC). (4 pages)
- Tunneling
of a composite particle: Effects of intrinsic structure,
C.A. Bertulani, V.V. Flambaum and V.G. Zelevinsky, Journal
of Physics G 34 (2007) 2289. (7 pages)
- Electro-disintegration
following beta-decay, C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev.
C75, 057602 (2007). (3 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics with unstable nuclei, C.A. Bertulani,
Nucl. Phys. A 790, 467 (2007). (5 pages)
- Pygmy
resonances probed with electron scattering, C.A.
Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A 788, 366 (2007). (6 pages)
- Coulomb
excitation of unstable nuclei at intermediate energies,
C.A. Bertulani, G. Cardella, M. De Napoli, G. Raciti, and
E. Rapisarda, Phys. Lett. B. 650 (2007) 233. (6 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B
S-factor from ab initio wave functions, P. Navrátil,
C.A. Bertulani, and E. Caurier, Nucl. Phys. A787 (2007)
539. (8 pages)
- Excitation
of soft dipole modes in electron scattering, C.A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 75, 024606 (2007). (9 pages)
- Probing
nuclear skins and halos with elastic electron scattering,
C.A. Bertulani, J.
Phys. G 34 (2007) 315. (9 pages)
- Direct
reactions in/for astrophysics, PoS (online at:, 2007. (11 pages)
- Short-range
correlations in two-nucleon knockout reactions, C.A.Bertulani, Nucl. Phys.
A 767, 155 (2006). (16 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B
S-factor from ab-initio wave functions, P. Navrátil,
C.A. Bertulani, and E. Caurier, Phys. Lett. B 634 (2006)
191. (4 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B
S-factor from ab-initio No-Core Shell Model (NSCM) wave
functions, P. Navratil, C.A. Bertulani, and E.
Caurier, Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 065801. (20 pages)
a Glauber model computer code for knockout reactions,
C.A. Bertulani and A. Gade, Comp. Phys. Comm. 175 (2006)
372. (9 pages)
- Nuclear
Physics from Scratch, W.E. Ormand, P. Navratil, C.
Foressen and C.A. Bertulani, Acta Phys. Hung. (Heavy Ion
Phys.) 25 (2006) 187. (8 pages)
- Can
the neutron capture cross sections be measured with
Coulomb dissociation?, Á. Horvath, C.A. Bertulani,
et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 27, Supp. 1 (2006) 217. (4
- Electron
scattering on halo nuclei, C.A. Bertulani, Phys.
Lett. B 624 (2005) 203. (7 pages)
- Knockout
from 46Ar: l=3 removal and deviations from the regional
theory, A. Gade, D.A. Bazin, C.A. Bertulani, B.A.
Brown, C.M.Campbell, D.C. Dinca et al., Phys. Rev. C 71,
051301(RC) (2005). (5 pages)
- New
32Cl(p,gamma)33Ar reaction rate for astrophysical
rp-process calculations, H. Schatz, C.A. Bertulani,
A.B. Brown, R. R. C. Clement, A.A. Sakharuk, and B.
Sherrill, Phys. Rev. C 72, 065804 (2005). (7 pages)
- Physics
of ultraperipheral relativistic nuclear collisions,
C.A. Bertulani, S. Klein and J. Nystrand, Ann. Rev. Nuc.
Part. Sci. 55 (2005) 271 . (41 pages)
- Relativistic
continuum-continuum coupling in reactions with halo
nuclei, C.A.Bertulani,
94, 072701 (2005). (4 pages)
- Momentum
distributions in stripping reactions of radioactive
projectiles at intermediate energies, C.A. Bertulani and P.G.
Hansen, Phys. Rev. C70, 034609 (2004). (13 pages)
- Electronic
stopping in astrophysical fusion reactions, C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Lett.
B 585 (2004) 35. (7 pages)
- Proton-tetraneutron
elastic scattering, B. Sherrill and C.A. Bertulani,
Phys. Rev. C 69, 027601 (2004). (2 pages)
- The
stopping of low energy ions in reactions of
astrophysical interest, C.A. Bertulani, Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 154,
325 (2004). (8 pages)
- Proton
vs. neutron halo breakup, A. Bonaccorso, D. Brink
and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 69, 024615 (2004). (7
- Nuclear
astrophysics in rare isotope facilities, C.A.
Bertulani, Acta Phys. Hung. (Heavy Ion Phys.) 21, 307
(2004). (8 pages)
A potential model tool for radiative capture reactions,
C.A. Bertulani,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 156 (2003) 123. (19 pages)
- Intermediate
Coulomb excitation as a probe of nuclear structure at
radioactive beam facilities, C.A. Bertulani, A.
Stuchbery, T. Mertzimekis and A. Davies, Phys. Rev. C 68,
044609 (2003). (10 pages)
- Two-phonon
giant resonances in 136Xe, 208Pb, and 238U, K.
Boretzky, A. Grünschloß, S. Ilievski, P. Adrich, T.
Aumann, C. A. Bertulani, J. Cub, W. Dostal, B. Eberlein,
Th. W. Elze, H. Emling, M. Fallot, J. Holeczek, R.
Holzmann, C. Kozhuharov, J. V. Kratz, R. Kulessa, Y.
Leifels, A. Leistenschneider, E. Lubkiewicz, S. Mordechai,
T. Ohtsuki, P. Reiter, H. Simon, K. Stelzer, J. Stroth, K.
Sümmerer, A. Surowiec, E. Wajda, and W. Walus, Phys. Rev.
C 68, 024317 (2003). (17 pages)
- Entangled
, C.A Bertulani,
J. Phys. G29 (2003) 769. ( 7 pages)
- Tetraneutron
as a dineutron-dineutron molecule, C.A. Bertulani
and V.G. Zelevinsky, J. Phys. G 29 (2003) 2431. (7 pages)
- Breakup
of the weakly bound 17F nucleus, C.A. Bertulani and
P. Danielewicz, Nucl. Phys. A717 (2003) 199. (15 pages)
- Photon
exchange in nucleus-nucleus collisions: Topic Review,
C.A. Bertulani, Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. A18 (2003) 685. (51
A computer program for nuclear scattering at
intermediate and high energies, C.A. Bertulani, C.M.
Campbell, and T. Glasmacher, Comput. Phys. Commun. 152
(2003) 317. (24 pages)
- Coupling
of giant resonances to soft E1 and E2 modes in boron-8,
C.A. Bertulani, Phys.
Lett. B 3 (2002) 205. (5 pages)
- Effective
field theory for halo nuclei, C.A. Bertulani, H.-W.
Hammer and U. van Kolck, Nucl. Phys. A 712 (2002) 37. (22
- One-
and two-photon physics with relativistic heavy ions,
C.A. Bertulani, Acta Phys. Hung. (Heavy Ion Phys.) 15
(2002) 359. (8 pages)
- Peripheral
heavy ion collisions as a probe of the nuclear gluon
distribution, V.P.
C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 65, 054905 (2002). (8
- Multipole
expansion in relativistic Coulomb excitation, H.
Esbensen and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 65 (2002)
024605. (7 pages)
- Two-
and three-photon fusion in relativistic heavy ion
collisions, C.A. Bertulani and F. Navarra, Nucl.
Phys. A703 (2002) 861. (15 pages)
- Description
of double giant dipole resonance within the phonon
damping mode, C.A. Bertulani, P.F. Bortignon, V.Yu.
Ponomarev, V.V. Voronov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001)
269201. (1 page)
- Peripheral
Collisions of Relativistic Heavy Ions, C.A.
Bertulani, Acta Phys. Hung. (Heavy Ion Phys.) 14 (2001)
51. (6 pages)
- Density
dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections,
C.A. Bertulani, J.
Phys. G 27 (2001) L67. (5 pages)
- The
electromagnetic interaction of relativistic heavy ions,
C.A. Bertulani, Phys.
Rev. A 63 (2001) 062706. (4 pages)
- Pair
production with capture in peripheral collisions with
heavy ions, C.A.
Bertulani and D. Dolci, Nucl. Phys. A 683 (2001) 635.
(14 pages)
- The
stopping of swift protons in matter and its implication
for nuclear astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani and D.T. de Paula, Phys. Rev. C
62, 045802 (2000). (5 pages)
- Influence
of damping on the excitation of the double giant
resonance, G. Baur, C.A. Bertulani and D. Dolci,
Eur. Phys. J. A7 (2000) 55. (4 pages)
- Charge
exchange in relativistic heavy ion collisions, C.A.
Bertulani and D. Dolci, Nucl. Phys. A 674 (2000) 527. (12
- Impact
parameter dependence of giant resonance excitations in
relativistic heavy ion collisions, A. Grünschloss et
al., LAND collaboration, and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev.
C60, 051601 (1999). (4 pages)
- Measurement
of the Coulomb dissociation of 8B at 254
MeV/nucleon and the 8B solar neutrino flux, N.
Iwasa, F. Boué, G. Surówka, K. Sümmerer, T. Baumann, B.
Blank, S. Czajkowski, A. Förster, M. Gai, H. Geissel, E.
Grosse, M. Hellström, P. Koczon, B. Kohlmeyer, R. Kulessa,
F. Laue, C. Marchand, T. Motobayashi, H. Oeschler, A.
Ozawa, M. S. Pravikoff, E. Schwab, W. Schwab, P. Senger,
J. Speer, C. Sturm, A. Surowiec, T. Teranishi, F. Uhlig,
A. Wagner, W. Walus, and C. A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. Lett.
83 (1999) 2910. (4 pages)
- Microscopic
studies of the double giant resonance, C.A.
Bertulani and V. Ponomarev, Phys. Reports 321 (1999) 139.
(113 pages)
- Bremsstrahlung
radiation by a tunneling particle, C.A. Bertulani,
D. T. de Paula, and V.G. Zelevinsky, Phys. Rev. C 60,
031602 (1999). (4 pages)
- Isospin
structure of one- and two-phonon GDR excitations,
A.F.R. de Toledo Piza, M.S. Hussein, B. V. Carlson, C.A.
Bertulani, L.F. Canto and S. Cruz-Barrios, Phys. Rev. C 59
(1999) 3093. (6 pages)
- The
astrophysical reaction 8Li (n, gamma ) 9Li from
measurements by reverse kinematics, C.A. Bertulani, J. Phys. G
25 (1999) 1959. (5 pages)
A computer program for relativistic multiple Coulomb and
nuclear Excitation, C.A. Bertulani, Computer Physics Communications 116
(1999) 345. (8 pages)
- Double
giant resonances in deformed nuclei, V.Yu.
Ponomarev, C.A. Bertulani, and A.V. Sushkov, Phys. Rev. C
58 (1998) 2750. (4 pages)
- Transitions
between complex configurations in the excitation of the
double giant resonance, V.Yu. Ponomarev and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C
57 (1998) 3476. (4 pages)
- A
study of the Coulomb dissociation of 8B and the 7Be(p,
gamma )8B reaction, C.A. Bertulani and M. Gai, Nucl. Phys. A636 (1998)
227. (13 pages)
- Multiphonon
giant resonances, "Topic Review", C.A. Bertulani, J.
Phys. G 24 (1998) 1. (15 pages)
- Theoretical
calculation of antihydrogen production and accuracy of
the equivalent photon approximation, C.A. Bertulani and G. Baur,
Phys. Rev. D58: 034005, 1998. (9 pages)
- Energy
dependence of effective interactions in the breakup of
halo nuclei, C.A. Bertulani, P. Lotti and H. Sagawa,
Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 217. (6 pages)
- Gravity
effects on nuclear reactions at low energies, M.S.
Hussein, R. Lichtenthäler F., M.P. Pato and C.A.
Bertulani, Braz. Jour. Phys. 27 (1997) 464. (11 pages)
- Two-phonon
background for the double giant resonance, V.Yu.
Ponomarev and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997)
3853. (4 pages)
- Small
effects in astrophysical fusion reactions, A. B.
Balantekin, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, Nucl. Phys. A
627 (1997)324. (10 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics in storage rings, C.A. Bertulani, Nucl.
Phys. A 626 (1997) 187-198. (12 pages)
- Fermi
and Gamow-Teller strength in charge exchange with
radioactive beams, C. A. Bertulani and P. Lotti, Phys. Lett. B 402
(1997) 237. (6 pages)
- Elastic
and inelastic scattering of exotic nuclei, A.A.
Korsheninnikov, E.A. Kuzmin, E.Yu. Nikolskii, C.A.
Bertulani, O.V. Bochkarev, S. Fukuda, T. Kobayashi, S.
Momota, B.G. Novatskii, A.A. Ogloblin, A. Ozawa, V.
Pribora, I. Tanihata and K. Yoshida, Nucl. Phys. A 616
(1997) 189c. (12 pages)
- A
Quantum-mechanical equivalent-photon spectrum for
heavy-ion physics: comment, G. Baur and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C
56 (1997) 581. (2 pages)
- Scattering
11Li, A.A.
Korsheninnikov, E.Yu. Nikolskii, C.A. Bertulani, et al,
Nucl. Phys. A617 (1997) 45. (12 pages)
- First
study of heavy-ion mirror charge-exchange: errata,
M. Steiner, S. M. Austin, D. Bazin, W. Benenson, C. A.
Bertulani, J. A. Brown, M. Fauerbach, M. Hellström, E.
Kashy, J. H. Kelley, R. A. Kryger, T. Kubo, N. A. Orr, R.
Pfaff, B. M. Sherrill, M. Thoennessen, S. J. Yennello, B.
M. Young, P. D. Zecher, D. J. Morrissey, and C. F.
Powell,, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 3042. (1 page)
- Electromagnetic
excitation of unstable nuclei, C. A. Bertulani,
Braz. J. Phys. 26 (1996) 618-627. (10 pages)
- Excitation
of the two-phonon giant dipole resonance in 238U studied
via inclusive measurements of neutron-removal cross
sections, T.
Aumann, K. Suemmerer, C.A. Bertulani, J.V. Kratz, Nucl.
Phys. A599 (1996) 321. (6 pages)
- Multipole
excitations in light neutron-rich nuclei, H. Sagawa
and C.A. Bertulani, Prog. Theo. Phys. Supp. 124 (1996)
143. (11 pages)
- 7Be(p,
gamma)8B revisited, C.A. Bertulani, Z. Phys. A356
(1996) 293. (5 pages)
- Quenching
of 1+ excitations in the double giant resonance,
C.A. Bertulani, V. Ponomarev, and V. Voronov, Phys. Lett.
B388 (1996) 457. (5 pages)
- First
study of heavy-ion mirror charge-exchange, M.
Steiner, S. M. Austin, D. Bazin, W. Benenson, C. A.
Bertulani, J. A. Brown, M. Fauerbach, M. Hellström, E.
Kashy, J. H. Kelley, R. A. Kryger, T. Kubo, N. A. Orr, R.
Pfaff, B. M. Sherrill, M. Thoennessen, S. J. Yennello, B.
M. Young, P. D. Zecher, D. J. Morrissey, and C. F.
Powell,, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 26. (4 pages)
- Theory
of multiphonon excitation in heavy-ion collisions,
C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto, M.S. Hussein and A.F.R. de
Toledo Piza, Phys. Rev. C 53 (1996) 334. (13 pages)
- A
coupled-channels study of Coulomb excitation of 11Be
projectiles, C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto and M.S.
Hussein, Phys. Lett. B353 (1995) 413. (4 pages)
- Momentum
distributions of 9Li fragments from the break-up of 11Li
and the neutron halo, N.A. Orr, N. Anantaraman, S.A.
Austin, C.A. Bertulani, K. Hanold, J.H. Kelley, D.J.
Morrissey, B.M. Sherrill, G.A. Souliotis, M.Thoenenssen,
J.S. Winfield, J.A. Winger and B.M. Young, Phys. Rev. C 51
(1995) 3116. (11 pages)
- Probing
the ground-state and transition densities of halo nuclei,
C.A. Bertulani and H. Sagawa, Nucl. Phys. A588 (1995) 667.
(26 pages)
- Fusion
of Halo Nuclei, M.S. Hussein, C.A. Bertulani, L.F.
Canto, R. Donangelo, M.P. Pato and A.F.R. de Toledo Piza,
Nucl. Phys. A 588 (1995) 85c. (5 pages)
- Solar Neutrinos (in Portuguese), C.A.
Bertulani, Ciência Hoje 18 (1995) 52. (6 pages)
- Comment:
On the E2 contribution to the 8B --> p + 7Be Coulomb
dissociation cross section, M. Gai and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C
52 (1995) 1706. (3 pages)
- Neutron
removal in peripheral heavy ion collisions, T.
Aumann, C.A. Bertulani and K. Suemmerer, Phys. Rev. C 51
(1995) 416. (4 pages)
- The
photodissociation of 8B and the solar neutrino problem,
C.A. Bertulani, Nucl.
Phys. A 587 (1995) 318. (21 pages)
- Higher-order
dynamical effects in Coulomb dissociation, H.
Esbensen, G.F. Bertsch and C.A. Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A
581 (1995) 107. (12 pages)
- Neutron
halo effects in proton elastic scattering, L.V.
Chulkov, C.A. Bertulani and A.A. Korsheninnikov, Nucl.
Phys. A 587 (1995) 291. (10 pages)
- Coulomb
reacceleration as a clock for nuclear reactions - A
two-dimensional model, C.A. Bertulani and G.F. Bertsch, Phys. Rev. C 49
(1994) 2834. (4 pages)
- Mott
scattering as a probe of long range QCD effects,
C.A. Bertulani, A.B. Balantekin, and E. Ditzel, Phys. Rev.
C 50 (1994) 1104. (6 pages)
- Relativistic
heavy ion physics without nuclear contact, C.A.
Bertulani and G. Baur, Physics Today, March 1994, p. 22.
This article was
cover of Physics Today. Cover caption.
(6 pages)
- The
astrophysical reactions 12C(alpha, gamma) 16O and 7Be(p,
gamma)8B and Coulomb dissociation experiments, C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev.
C 49 (1994) 2688. (7 pages)
- Excitation
of multiphonon resonances in relativistic heavy ion
collisions, C.A.
Bertulani and V. Zelevinsky, Nucl. Phys. A568 (1994)
931. (22 pages)
- Relativistic
Coulomb excitation by a deformed projectile, C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Lett.
B 319 (1993) 421. (4 pages)
- Multiphonon
resonances in heavy ion scattering, C.A. Bertulani
and V. Zelevinsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (1993) 967. (4
- Electromagnetic
excitation of 11Li, D. Sackett, K. Ieki, A.
Galonsky, C.A. Bertulani, H. Esbensen, J.J. Kruse, W.G.
Lynch, D.J. Morrissey, N.A. Orr, H. Schulz, B.M. Sherrill,
A. Sustich, J.A. Winger, F. Deak, A. Horvath, A. Kiss, Z.
Seres, J.J. Kolata, R.A. Warner and D.L. Humphrey, Phys.
Rev. C 48 (1993) 118. (18 pages)
- Momentum
fluctuations in reactions with neutron rich nuclei,
C.A. Bertulani and K.W. McVoy, Phys. Rev. C 48 (1993)
2534. (3 pages)
- Molecular
bonding effects in the fusion of halo nuclei, C.A.
Bertulani and A.B. Balantekin, Phys. Lett. B 314 (1993)
275. (4 pages)
- Heavy
Ion Excitation of Giant Resonances: A Bridge from the
Elastic Scattering to the Inelastic Data, A.N.F.
Aleixo, C.A. Bertulani and M.S. Hussein, Mod. Phys. Lett.
A8 (1993) 997. (12 pages)
- Coulomb
reacceleration as a clock for nuclear reactions,
G.F. Bertsch and C.A. Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A 556 (1993)
136. (11 pages)
- Differential
cross sections of soft multipole states, C.A.
Bertulani and H. Sagawa, Phys. Lett. B 300 (1993) 205. (5
- Coulomb
dissociation of 11Li, K. Ieki, D. Sackett, A.
Galonsky, C.A. Bertulani, J.J.Kruse, W.G. Lynch, D.J.
Morrissey, N.A. Orr, H. Schulz, B.M. Sherrill, A. Sustich,
J.A. Winger, F. Deak, A. Horvath, A. Kiss, Z. Seres, J.J.
Kolata, R.A. Warner and D.L. Humphrey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70
(1993) 730. (4 pages)
- Excitation
and gamma-decay of giant resonances in high-energy
collisions, C.A.
Bertulani and A.M. Nathan, Nucl. Phys. A 554 (1993) 158.
(15 pages)
- The
structure and reactions of neutron-rich nuclei, C.A.
Bertulani, L.F. Canto and M.S. Hussein, Physics Reports
226 (1993) 281. (96 pages)
- Charge-exchange
reactions in righ-energy heavy ion collisions, C.A. Bertulani, Nucl. Phys.
A 554 (1993) 493. (16 pages)
- Momentum
distributions of 9Li fragments following the break-up of
11Li, N.A. Orr, N. Anantaraman, S.A. Austin, C.A.
Bertulani, K. Hanold, J.H. Kelley, D.J. Morrissey, B.M.
Sherrill, G.A. Souliotis, M. Thoennessen, J.S. Winfield
and J.A. Winger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 2050. (4
- Multipole
response of 11Li, C.A. Bertulani and A. Sustich,
Phys. Rev. C46 (1992) 2340. (4 pages)
- Momentum
distributions in radioactive beam interactions, C.A.
Bertulani and K.W. McVoy, Phys. Rev. C 46 (1992) 2638. (4
- Closed
form theory of the elastic breakup reactions and
applications to heavy-ions, C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto and
M.S.Hussein, Phys. Rev. C45 (1992) 2995. (5 pages)
- Nucleon-nucleon
correlation effects in the elastic scattering of
-particles from 11Li at 26 MeV/nucleon, A.N.F. Aleixo,
C.A.Bertulani and M.S.Hussein, Phys. Rev. C45 (1992)
2403. (6 pages)
- Semiclassical
calculation of Coulomb break-up of weakly-bound nuclei,
C.A. Bertulani and L.F.
Canto, Nucl. Phys. A 539 (1992) 163. (14 pages)
- Direct
vs. statistical breakup in the 16,18O + 27Al, 28Si
reactions at E/A 4 MeV, N. Added, R.M.dos Anjos, N.
Carlin, L.Fante Jr., M.C.S.Figueira, R. Matheus,
E.M.Szanto, A.Szanto de Toledo, M.S.Hussein, C.A.Bertulani
and L.F.Canto, Nucl. Phys. A 540 (1992) 328. (13 pages)
- Higher-order
electromagnetic processes in the dissociation of fast
particles, G. Baur, C.A. Bertulani and D.M. Kalassa,
Nucl. Phys. A 550 (1992) 527. (13 pages)
- Low
energy behavior of 11Li dissociation cross sections,
M.S. Hussein, M.P.Pato and C.A.Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 44
(1991) R2219. (3 pages)
- RPA-cluster
model for the strength function of 11Li, N. Teruya,
C.A. Bertulani, S. Krewald, H. Dias and M. S. Hussein,
Phys. Rev. C 43 (1991) 2049. (3 pages)
- The
elastic scattering of protons from 11Li and the neutron
halo, A.N.F. Aleixo, C.A. Bertulani and M. S.
Hussein, Phys. Rev. C 43 (1991) 2722. (6 pages)
- Heavy
ion excitation of giant resonances at intermediate
energies, A.N.F. Aleixo and C. A. Bertulani, Nucl.
Phys. A 528 (1991) 436. (11 pages)
- Two-neutron
removal cross sections of 11Li projectiles, C. A.
Bertulani, G. Baur and M. S. Hussein, Nucl. Phys. 526
(1991) 751. (11 pages)
- Direct
breakup of weakly-bound projectiles and its relation to
astrophysical reactions, C.A.Bertulani and M.S.Hussein, Nucl. Phys. 524
(1991) 306. (15 pages)
- Microscopic
multiple scattering theory of the heavy ion total
reaction cross section and applications to stable and
exotic nuclei, M.S.
Hussein, R.A. Rego and C.A. Bertulani, Physics Reports
201 (1991) 279. (56 pages)
- Relativistic
Coulomb excitation of giant resonances in the
hydrodynamical model, A.C. Vasconcellos-Gomes and C.A. Bertulani, Nucl.
Phys. A 517 (1990) 639. (20 pages)
- Elastic
Coulomb scattering of heavy ions at intermediate
energies, C.E. Aguiar, A.N.F. Aleixo and C.A.
Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 42 (1990) 2180. (7 pages)
- Reactions with Exotic Nuclei (in
Portuguese), C.A.Bertulani, Ciência Hoje 11 (1990) 60. (6
- Color
Van der Waals force acting in heavy ion scattering at
low energies, M.S. Hussein, C.L. Lima, M.P. Pato and
C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 839. (4 pages)
- Direct
versus sequential fragmentation of neutron rich nuclei,
C.A. Bertulani and M.S. Hussein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64
(1990) 1099. (4 pages)
- Electromagnetic
physics at relativistic heavy ion colliders: for worse
and for better, G.
Baur and C.A.Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A 505 (1989) 835.
- Coulomb
excitation in intermediate energy collisions, A.N.F.
Aleixo and C.A. Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A 505 (1989) 448.
(14 pages)
- Short
Range Correlations and Nucleon Emission in Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collisions, C.A. Bertulani, L.F. Canto, R.
Donangelo and J.O. Rasmussen, Mod. Phys. Lett. A4 (1989)
1315. (8 pages)
- Matéria Supercomprimida e
Superaquecida, C.A. Bertulani, Ciência Hoje 8 (1988) 48
[in Portuguese] . (8 pages)
- Pair
production with atomic shell capture in relativistic
heavy ion collisions, C.A.Bertulani and G. Baur,
Braz. J. Phys. 18 (1988) 559. (15 pages)
- Electromagnetic
production of lepton pairs in relativistic heavy ion
collisions, C.A. Bertulani and G. Baur, Braz. J.
Phys. 18 (1988) 525. (16 pages)
- Electromagnetic
excitation of one- and multiphonon giant resonance
states with relativistic heavy ions, G. Baur and C.A.
Bertulani, Nucl. Phys. A482 (1988) 313c. (16 pages)
- Electromagnetic
processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions, C.A.
Bertulani and G. Baur, Phys. Reports 163 (1988) 299. (110
- Coincidence
cross-sections for the dissociation of light ions in
high-energy collisions, C.A. Bertulani and G. Baur, Nucl. Phys. A 480
(1988) 615. (14 pages)
- Gamma-gamma
physics with relativistic heavy ions, G. Baur and
C.A. Bertulani, Z. Phys. A 330 (1988) 77. (5 pages)
- Electromagnetic
production of heavy leptons in relativistic heavy ion
collisions, G.
Baur and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C 35 (1987) 836. (2
- Multistep
fragmentation of heavy ions in peripheral collisions at
relativistic energies, G. Baur and C.A. Bertulani, Phys. Rev. C34
(1986) 1654. (9 pages)
- Multiple
electromagnetic excitations of giant dipole phonons in
relativistic heavy ion collisions, G. Baur and C.A. Bertulani,
Phys. Lett. B174 (1986) 23. (4 pages)
- Coulomb
dissociation as a source of information on radioactive
capture processes of astrophysical interest, G. Baur, C.A. Bertulani and
H. Rebel, Nucl. Phys. A458 (1986) 188. (17 pages)
- Electromagnetic
processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions, C.A.
Bertulani and G. Baur, Nucl. Phys. A 458 (1986) 725. (20
- Heavy
Ion Reaction Cross-sections, C.A. Bertulani, Braz.
J. Phys. 16 (1986) 380. (12 pages)
- Quantal
and semiclassical methods in relativistic
electromagnetic excitation, C.A. Bertulani and G. Baur, Phys. Rev. C
33 (1986) 910. (5 pages)
- Relativistic
Coulomb collisions, C.A. Bertulani and G. Baur,
Nucl. Phys. A 442 (1985) 739. (14 pages)
Publications in
Proceedings & Archives (incomplete)
- QRPA-based
calculations for neutrino scattering and electroweak
excitations of nuclei, A.R. Samana, F. Krmpotic,
A.E. Mariano, C.A. Barbero, and C.A. Bertulani, NuFact15:
XVII International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and
Future Neutrino Facilities, Aug. 10-15, 2015, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
- Nuclear
FAIR, arXiv:1310.1632 [astro-ph.IM].
- A
Democratic Gauge Model for Dark/Visible Matter Symmetry,
O. Oliveira, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, W. de Paula
and T. Frederico. arXiv:1108.2723.
- Nuclear
structure and neutrino-nucleus interaction, A. R.
Samana, F. Krmpotic, N. Paar, and C. A. Bertulani, XXXIV
edition of the BrazilianWorkshop on Nuclear Physics, 5-10
June 2011, Foz de Iguacu, Parana state, Brazil. (12 pages)
- Nuclear
physics in the cosmos, C.A.
Bertulani, XXXIV edition of the BrazilianWorkshop on
Nuclear Physics, 5-10 June 2011, Foz de Iguacu, Parana
state, Brazil. (20 pages)
- Medium
Effects in Reactions with Rare Isotopes, C.A.
Bertulani and M. Karakoc, International Conference on
"Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V", Eilat, Israel, April
3-8, 2011. (4 pages)
- Extending
the Kawai-Kerman-McVoy Statistical Theory of Nuclear
Reactions to Intermediate Structure via Doorways, G.
Arbanas, C. A. Bertulani, D. J. Dean, A. K. Kerman, and K.
J. Roche, Third International Workshop on Compound Nuclear
Reactions and Related Topics, September 19 -
23, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. (7 pages)
- Radiative
capture reactions from potential models, C.A.
Bertulani and V. Guimaraes, Lecture presented at the
Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2010, June 20 - July
3, 2010, Sinaia, Romania. (7 pages)
- Light
radioactive nuclei capture reactions with
phenomenological potential models, V. Guimaraes and
C.A. Bertulani, Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society,
September 2009, to be published in the proceedings of the
American Institute of Physics, arXiv:0912.0221
(9 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics studies with ultra-peripheral heavy-ion
collisions, C.A. Bertulani, Lecture notes of the 5th
European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear
Astrophysics, Sep. 20- 27, 2009, Santa Tecla, Sicily,
Italy. To be published in the proceedings of the American
Institute of Physics, arXiv:0912.3307
(12 pages)
- Theory
and applications of Coulomb excitation, 8th CNS-EFES
Summer School, Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), the
University of Tokyo, and RIKEN Wako Campus, August 26 -
September 1, 2009, arXiv:0908.4307
(69 pages)
- Nuclear
Astrophysics with Indirect Methods, 10th
International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,
Beijing, China, August 16-21, 2009. (4 pages).
- Nuclear
Astrophysics from Direct Reactions, XXXI Symposium
on Nuclear Physics (Oaxtepec), Cocoyoc, Mexico, January
7-10, 2008. (6 pages)
- Statistical
Properties of Kawai-Kerman-McVoy T-matrix, G.
Arbanas, C.A. Bertulani, D. Dean and A. Kerman, Int.
Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics,
Yosemite National Park, Fish Camp, California, USA, 22 –
26 October 2007. (4 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B S-factor from
ab-initio wave functions, P. Navrátil, C.A. Bertulani, and
E. Caurier, IX International Conference on
“Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions”, Rio de Janeiro, August
28-September 1, 2007, Brazil. (6 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B S-factor from
ab-initio wave functions, P. Navratil, C.A. Bertulani and
E. Caurier, International Few Body Conference, Santos,
August, 2006, Brazil. (6 pages)
- 7Be(p,gamma)8B
S-factor from ab-initio wave functions, P. Navratil,
C.A. Bertulani and E. Caurier, International Symposium on
Structure of Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear Forces, University
of Tokyo, March 9 – 12, 2006, Japan. (6 pages)
- Pygmy
resonances probed with electron scattering, C.A.
Bertulani, Int. Conf. on "Collective Motion in Nuclei
under Extreme Conditions" (COMEX 2), June 20 - 23, 2006,
Sankt Goar, Germany. (9 pages)
- Elastic
Electron Scattering off Exotic Nuclei, C.A.
Bertulani, 11th Int. Conference on Nuclear Reaction
Mechanisms, Varenna (Italy), Villa Monastero, June 12 -
16, 2006. (10 pages)
- Direct
reactions in/for astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani,
"Nuclei in the Cosmos IX", CERN, Switzerland, 25-30 June
2006. (11 pages)
- Special
relativity and reactions with unstable nuclear beams,
C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int. Workshop on Reaction Mechanisms
for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University, March
9-12, 2005, USA. (8 pages)
- S factors of capture
reactions important for astrophysics from ab-initio wave
functions, P. Navratil, C. Forssén, W.E. Ormand, C.
Bertulani and E. Caurier, Second joint meeting of the
Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society
and the Physical Society of Japan, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii,
USA, Sep 18-22, 2005, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, No. 6
(2005) 70. (8 pages)
- No-core Shell Model and
Reactions, Petr Navrátil, W. Erich Ormand, Etienne Caurier
and Carlos Bertulani, AIP Conf. Proc. 791, 32 (2005). (9
- The
stopping of low energy ions in reactions of
astrophysical interest, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int.
Conf. Fusion03, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, November 12-15,
2003. (8 pages)
- Radiative capture cross
sections: challenges and solutions, C.A. Bertulani, 10th
Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy,
June 9-13, 2003 . (10 pages)
- Nuclear
astrophysics in rare isotope facilities, C.A.
Bertulani, Proc. Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics,
Breckenridge, Colorado, February 8-15, 2003. (6 pages)
- Heavy ion excitation of giant
resonances, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int. Conf. on
Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental Physics, Erice,
Italy, 16-21 October 2001, World Scientific, eds. W.
Marciano and S. White. (8 pages)
- Hot Topics in
ultra-peripheral Ion Collisions, G. Baur, C. A. Bertulani,
M. Chiu, I. F. Ginzburg, K. Hencken, S. R. Klein, J.
Nystrand, K. Piotrzkowski, C. G. Roldao, D. Silvermyr, J.
H. Thomas, S. N. White, and P. Yepes, in Proceedings of
the Workshop on Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental
Physics, EMFCSC, Erice, Italy, October 16-21, 2001,
available as e-print hep-ex/0201034. (7 pages)
- One-
and two-photon physics with relativistic heavy ions, Proc.
Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Park City, Utah, March
10-17, 2001 . (10 pages)
- Peripheral
collisions of relativistic heavy ions, C.A.
Bertulani, Proc. Symp. on Fundamental Issues in Elementary
Matter, In Honor and Memory of Michael Danos, Ed. by
Walter Greiner, 25-29 September 2000, Bad Honnef, Germany,
EP Systema Publisher, Debrecen, Hungary, 2001. (10 pages)
- Astrophysical S-factors for
the Sun and for massive stars, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int.
Conf. "Nuclear Structure and Related Topics", Eds. S.N.
Ershov, R.V. Jolos, and V.V. Voronov, Dubna, 1997, p.
223-230. (8 pages)
- Astrophysical
reaction rates studied by Coulomb dissociation with
radioactive beams, K. Suemmerer, F. Schuemann, I.
Boettcher, D. Cortina, A. Foerster, R. H. France, A.
Wagner, W. Walus, Y. Yanagisawa, C. A. Bertulani, et al.,
proposal for GSI experiment, 1998. (8 pages)
- Coherent
Bremsstrahlung in the Early Stage of Relativistic Heavy
ion Collisions, C.A. Bertulani, L. Mornas and U.
Ornik, "Int. Work. on Models of Hadrons", São Paulo, 1995.
arXiv:hep-ph/9412303. (6 pages)
- 7Be(p, gamma)8B revisited,
C.A. Bertulani, Int. Workshop on the Extremes of Nuclear
Structure, Hirschegg, Austria, 1996, eds. H. Feldmeier, J.
Knoll and W. Norenberg. (8 pages)
- Coulomb Excitation of
Unstable Nuclei, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. of the Int. Conf.
on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, France, 1995,
Ed. By M. De Saint Simon and O. Sorlin, Editions
Frontieres. (10 pages)
- Fusion, Inelastic Scattering,
and Momentum Distributions, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. of the
Third Int. Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams, 24-27
May 1993, East Lansing, Editions Frontieres, Eds. D.J.
Morrissey, 1994. (8 pages)
- Heavy Ion Excitation of Giant
Resonances, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int. Workshop on Nuclear
Dynamics, Jackson Hole, USA, January 1992, Edited by W.
Bauer and B. Beck (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992). (8
- Elastic and Inelastic
Scattering of Unstable Nuclei, C.A. Bertulani, Proc. Int.
Symp. on Structure and Reactions of Unstable Nuclei,
Niigata, Japan, 1991, edited by K. Ikeda and T. Suzuki
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1992). (8 pages)
- Electromagnetic Processes in
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, C.A.Bertulani, Proc.
Int. Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Calcutta,
India, January, 1989, World Scientific, ed. by S.
Mukherjee. (10 pages)
- Breakup Reactions and Nuclear
Astrophysics, C.A. Bertulani, XI Reunion de Trabajo en
Fisica Nuclear, Buenos Aires, 23- 26 august 1988, eds.
M.C. Cambiaggio and G. Marti, p. 275. (12 pages)
- Peripheral Collisions with
Relativistic Heavy Ions, Proc. Int. Nuclear Physics Conf.,
Harrogate, UK, 1986, Publ. Institute of Physics, Bristol,
1986. (4 pages).
- Electromagnetic Excitation
Processes in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, G.Baur and
C.A.Bertulani, Proceedings of the Int. School of Heavy Ion
Physics, Erice, Italy, October 1986, Plenum Press, ed. by
R.A. Broglia and G. F. Bertsch, p. 331. (6 pages)
- Coulomb Break-up as a Source
of Information on Radiative Capture Processes of
Astrophysical Interest, G.Baur, C.A.Bertulani and H.
Rebel, Int. Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic
Interactions in Nuclei, Heidelberg, West Germany, 1986,
Springer Verlag, ed. by V. Klapdor. (4 pages)
- Relativistic Coulomb
Excitation, Int. Workshop on the Physics of Relativistic
Heavy Ions, Hirschegg, Austria, 1986, eds. J. Knoll, W.
Noerenberg, H. Feldmeier. (8 pages)
Copyright © 2013 Carlos Bertulani