Nikolay Sirakov

Teaching Subjects


A useful Document to Show you: What is Good and what is Bad collaboration

CSCI516-Comp Architecture. Assembly Lang,               

Lectures in SS124


Program Assignment 2

Qualifying Exam, Thursday August 23, 2012, 1:30PM|The passing threshold is 70%.
The student with SID: 50100052 passed the qualifying exam with 70% of the grade.

MATH 317- Numerical Analysis, Lectures in Bin 302

1) There are multiple assignments to be coded in MatLab. You will need to know how to work with this software, which is installed on the computers in the Math Skills Center. The methods to be coded are given in the book.

Some guides for working with MatLab; MatLab Editor

MATH 597/CSCI546- Numerical Analysis, Lectures in Bin 301

1) There are multiple assignments to be coded in MatLab. You will need to know how to work with this software, which is installed on the computers in the Math Skills Center. The methods to be coded are given in the book.

To learn how to work with MatLab please use the links above for Math317.




A useful Document to Show you: What is Good and what is Bad collaboration

CSCI516-Comp Architecture. Assembly Lang,                Syllabus

Lectures in Jour 129

No student passed the CSCI516 entry exam. The passing threshold was 70%.

MATH 331 - Discrete Mathematics-Bin106

Review Problems Final Spring 2012

Problems to Prepare for the Mid Term



Jobs in Image Processing: type Image Processing

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