Jason Lee Davis, PhD
Technology Management Grad Programs  |  Department of Engineering & Technology  |  Texas A&M University-Commerce
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Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)
2021 Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
Nov. 4, 2021

Presentation & Paper

Development of a Graduate Technology Project to Teach Advanced Skills
Through the Design of a Regional Vaccination Hub
- Jason Lee Davis

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021  |  2:00pm breakout session  |  Management track.


In response to evolving knowledge and skills utilized in the field of Technology Management, a graduate Technology Management program at a US regional university recently updated their program’s core curriculum resulting in the addition of a new course in Project Management Tools and Techniques.  The purpose of this course, introduced in the Spring 2021 semester, is to provide greater emphasis on the concepts of pricing, estimating, cost control, risk management, and quality management.  The instructor sought to create course activities that would facilitate student engagement and learning in these areas and relate the course activities to real-world situations.  To achieve this, a novel case scenario was created to serve as a framework for students to assume the role of project manager and develop realistic plans for the implementation of a regional-scale, mass vaccination hub facility that could be rapidly brought on-line for utilization by official emergency management organizations in the event of another health crisis of a nature comparable to the recent Coronavirus pandemic.  Students were presented a real-world, practical challenge requiring them to conduct relevant research and apply skills aligning with course and selected program student learning outcomes.  Project deliverables included mile-stone reports for key stages in the planning of the facility including identifying site design specifications, site selection, and facility structures and a final project video presentation directed to the sponsors identified in the project scenario.  Students viewed and provided evaluations for project video presentations created by their peers.  The project was based on a theoretical concept conceived by the instructor as one with the potential to serve as a baseline model that could be replicated for expedient implementation in any region.  Student solutions to the challenges posed in the project would serve as a general proof of concept for the model of this theoretical facility. 

Materials and resources associated with the named presentation and paper...

Presentation Slides (pdf)

Full Paper Preprint (pdf)

Project Assignment (pdf)

Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) (external link)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (external link)

Course Resources for TMGT 515 - Project Management Tools & Techniques - Spring 2021

Course Homepage

Syllabus (pdf)


Calendar (pdf)

Grading Rubrics (pdf)


Title:        Project Management:  A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 10th ed.

Author:    Harold Kerzner, PhD

Format availability:         1120 pages                 List $US

   Hardcover:        ISBN-13:   978-0-470-27870-3     $varies (Out of Production)
Wiley E-Text:    ISBN-13:   978-1-118-23001-5      $74.50
   E-book:             ISBN-13:   978-0-470-50383-6      $79.99

Publisher:                 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Publication date:      March, 2009

Technology Management Graduate Programs
Department of Engineering & Technology
College of Science & Engineering
A&M Commerce

rev. 10/24/24