Profile photo of Dr. Josh Thompson (he/him)

Dr. Josh Thompson (he/him)

Professor Early Childhood Education

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Office Location: EdSouth 204

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 903-886-5537


Professional Vita


“The notion of ‘stages’ of development has limited utility; a more helpful concept may be to think of waves of development that allow for considerable overlap without rigid boundaries.” NAEYC 2020, 10

“The concept of stages does not accurately reflect the way development takes place … These waves consist of spurts of development interwoven with periods of little apparent growth.” NAEYC 2022, 36

Our project is to explore a shift in language describing typical child development, from ages and stages to waves of development, and then discovering the term “Developmental Cascades” within the discipline of Developmental Psychology. A preliminary search of our typical education journals showed zero references of developmental cascades.

We have convened a collaboration (Co-Lab) of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Educational Policymakers, Developmental Psychologists, and Montessorians exploring the shift from Ages & Stages to Developmental Cascades in describing child and human development over time and across domains.

 Three texts we are reading deeply to immerse in the culture of developmental psychologists examining Developmental Cascades:

Masten, A.S., & Cicchetti, D. (2010). Developmental cascades. Development and Psychopathology, 22(3), 491–495.

Oakes, L.M., & Rakison, D.H. (2020). Developmental cascades : building the infant mind. Oxford.

Tamis-LeMonda, C.S., & Lockman, J.J. (Eds.). (2023). Developmental Cascades. Academic Press.

photo of a computer zoom screen with 7 people 4 people conference 2 people conference
December 1 April 18 World Forum in Vancouver April 24 Texas Rising Star in Arlington

===== Recent Presentations

Walker, K, Stankovic-Ramirez, Z, Heinrich, M., Uribe Montserrat, D., McLellan-Bujnak, D., Rose, R., Murcia, C., Mercado-Sierra, M., & Thompson, J. (2024). Shifting Lenses: A Conceptual Framework for Teachers' Image of the Child. NAECTE Summer Conference - Virtual.

Shifting Lenses: A Conceptual Framework for Teachers' Image of the Child

Daniela Uribe Montserrat

Zlata Stankovic-Ramirez

Daniel McLellan-Bujnak

Josh Thompson

.PPTX Session 2: Breakout Room 15: 2nd Presentation
.PDF Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 11.45 CDST


Walker, K, Stankovic-Ramirez, Z, Rose, R., & Thompson, J. (2024). DAP, Developmental Cascades, and Observation Tools. NAEYC PLI, New Orleans, LA, US.

event logo

June 2-5, 2024

New Orleans, LA, US


Walker, K, Stankovic-Ramirez, Z, Rose, R., & Thompson, J. (2024). DAP, Developmental Cascades, and Observation Tools. NAEYC PLI, New Orleans, LA, US.



Vignette Handouts (from NAEYC 2022, Appendix A: DAP.)

Pilot Study - A Survey of Teachers' Image of the Child

Longer Survey - DAP Changes - How does ECCE Adapt?


Uribe Montserrat, D., & Thompson, J. (2024). Developmental Cascades y Cascadas del Desarrollo. Texas Rising Star Early Educator Conference, Arlington, Houston, and Dallas, TX, US.

July 18-19, 2024 in Houston, Texas, US

April 24-26, 2024 in Arlington, Texas, US



Handout PDF



Catalina Murcia

Casa de Paz Montessori

Dallas, TX, US

Daniela Uribe Montserrat

Tecnológical de Monterrey

Monterrey, NL, MX

Danielle Bujnak

Portland State University

Los Angeles, CA, US 

 headshot of Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Cedar Hill, TX, US

Karen Walker

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Leonard, TX, US

Mary Harper

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, TX, US

Melissa Heinrich

The University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX, US 

Rachael Rose

Frisco, TX, US

Zlata Stanković-Ramirez

The University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX, US 


Developmental Cascades Provocations - A Pilot Survey

Pilot Study - A Survey of Teachers' Image of the Child

Longer Survey - DAP Changes - How does ECCE Adapt?


Developmental Cascades Presentations

Walker, K, Stankovic-Ramirez, Z, Heinrich, M., Uribe Montserrat, D., McLellan-Bujnak, D., Rose, R., Murcia, C., Mercado-Sierra, M., & Thompson, J. (2024). Shifting Lenses: A Conceptual Framework for Teachers' Image of the Child. NAECTE Summer Conference - Virtual.

Walker, K, Stankovic-Ramirez, Z, Rose, R., & Thompson, J. (2024). DAP, Developmental Cascades, and Observation Tools. NAEYC PLI, New Orleans, LA, US. PPTX     PDF     Vignette Handouts (from NAEYC 2022, Appendix A: DAP.)    

Uribe Montserrat, D., & Thompson, J. (2024). Developmental Cascades y Cascadas del Desarrollo. Texas Rising Star Early Educator Conference, Arlington, Houston, and Dallas, TX, US.,PPTX    PDF     Handout PDF    ho.docx

Stanković-Ramirez & Thompson. (2023). How Does Change Occur? Shifting From Ages & Stages to Cascading Waves and Cycles of Development. NAECTE. Nashville, TX, USA. .PDF     .PPTX

Stanković-Ramirez & Thompson. (2023). Cascades in Development. Texas Agri-Life Extension. Virtual. .PPTX



Presentation Proposal Submitted for SECA, March 2025, Houston, TX, US, submitted by Josh and Zlata

Presentation Proposal ACCEPTED for NAEYC Annual, November 2024, Anaheim, CA, US, submitted by Josh and Zlata

Presentation Proposal ACCEPTED for Texas Early Childhood Care and Education Summit, March 22, 2024, College Station, TX, US Zlata, Melissa, Josh, Karen 

Presentation Proposal ACCEPTED for Texas Play and Development Conference, March 23, 2024, Bryan, Texas Zlata, Melissa, Karen

Invited Keynote Address for Texas Play and Development Conference, March 23, 2024, Bryan, Texas Josh

Presentation Proposal ACCEPTED for World Forum on Early Care and Education, April 16-19, 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Breakout Panel Session, Submitted by Dr. Karen Walker on behalf of Daniela Uribe Montserat.

Presentation Proposal ACCEPTED for 2024 Texas Rising Star Early Educator Conference, April 24-26 in Arlington, July 17-19 in Houston, and October 28-30 in Dallas. Daniela provided leadership in submitting this proposal:



<DRAFT> Construct our research question for this project - what do we want to know?

* In what ways does a shift in a teacher's image of the child affect their effectiveness?

* How do family members, caregivers, early childhood teachers think about developmental cascades as an explanation of their child's experience?

* What are some obstacles and hindrances for information about children from flowing more freely across disciplines, particularly into Early Childhood Teacher Education?


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